Sure enough, not long after, someone knocked lightly on the door of the room. Originally, Chen Feng wanted to get up to open the door, but Yang Nai pushed him back to the sofa and opened the door by himself.

As soon as the door opened, as expected, there was Sayuri Sawamura standing outside the door.

"Eh? Xiao Yangnai, don't come here without any problems."

"The same goes for you, Mrs. Sayuri. Xiaofeng must have caused you a lot of trouble, right? If there is something rude, I will apologize to you on his behalf."

"No, Mr. Feng is very polite, not to mention you know that I don't care about it."

"But rules are rules. Mrs. Sayuri, you don't want Miss Eriri to be rude."

Saiduri looked innocently at Yang Nao's smiling face, and said with the same smile:

"No way, Yinglili's child can be compared with Fengjun in this way. If Yinglili can be as reassuring as Fengjun, I don't have to worry about her all the time."

Yang Nai choked on his words, but the smile on his face didn't disappear, but turned sideways.

"It's not good to talk at the door, so come in first."

Yang Nai didn't close the door until Sayuri had completely entered. She looked at Sayuri's back and frowned slightly.

After entering the door, Sayuri saw Chen Feng sitting on the sofa and a girl she had never seen before.

[So cute, this child... Could this be the girl Feng Jun said he was the guardian of? ]

"Feng Jun, good morning."

"Miss Sayuri, good morning."

Rachel on the side pondered for a moment and asked:

"My name is Rachel Gardner, are you the sister Sayuri that Afeng mentioned?"

"Giggle~ Hello, Ruijier, my name is Sayuri Sawamura, and I am Feng Jun's friend." Saiduri smiled pretentiously, and almost rushed over to pamper Ruijier beside Chen Feng.

"Do you want coffee?" Chen Feng asked.


"Drink it yourself."

"Cough cough..."

If it wasn't for the fact that she had known Chen Feng for more than half a year, and Sayuri knew that Chen Feng spoke like this, otherwise she would have wondered if she was hated by others.

"It's okay, I'll help you clubbing."

Yang Nai took the initiative to speak, and then turned around and walked towards the kitchen. After a while, a cup of hot coffee was placed in front of Sayuri.

"Thank you."

"Mrs. Sayuri, are you here alone? I don't seem to have seen Mr. Spencer and Miss Yinglili."

"Uh...he's on a business trip, Ying Lili is working at home, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... .

Sayuri pretended to wipe her tears, and Chen Feng's mouth twitched when she saw this.

Do these women like to fake crying?


Chen Feng took a closer look at Sayuri's face. Sayuri's makeup today was very different from the makeup she had when they met last night. Last night it was just light makeup, but today it seems to be a lot thicker.

Talking is also a little weak, could it be that I didn't sleep well last night?

This reminded him of the murderous gaze from last night.

No, it can't be her.

According to Sayuri, Chen Feng has carefully observed the other party's physical condition. Sayuri seems to have only practiced judo and other self-defense martial arts, and it seems that she only knows a little bit of basics.

Who the hell is that...

Half an hour later, everyone had already arrived in the car. Chen Feng handed over the car to Yang Nai to drive because of lack of sleep last night. He and Sayuri sat in the back row, and Rachel sat in the co-pilot.

Yang Nai didn't bring any cash with her, she needed to go to a nearby ATM to withdraw money, while the others sat quietly in the car and waited.

Chen Feng is also considering the sale of his next batch of figurines at this time. He has made a lot of figurines recently, but it is still the same as before. The probability of success is much lower than the probability of failure, so he also keeps it. There are a dozen failed products at home.

He was editing the content of the message on Twitter, when suddenly he felt his left shoulder sink, and when he turned his head to look, Sayuri had fallen asleep at some point, and she fell on his shoulder because of losing her balance.

A hint of orange...

"Sure enough, I didn't sleep well..."

Chen Feng shook his head slightly and thought, and continued to bury himself in editing the content that needed to be published.

After taking out the cash, Yang Nai returned to the car. She was just about to speak when she saw the situation behind the car, so she froze.

"She probably didn't sleep well last night, let her have a rest."

Chen Feng explained lightly: "I'm so weak even when I speak in the morning."

Yang Nai pursed his lips and nodded.

The car began to drive towards the exhibition hall at high speed.

About twenty minutes later, after Yang Nai parked the car at the predetermined location, Chen Feng also patted Sayuri on the shoulder.

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