"Miss Sayuri, we're here."

"Ah...ah?!" Said Baihe woke up startled, she looked around in a daze, and finally apologized to Chen Feng with a blushing face as if she had realized what she had done.

Yang Nao in front of the car also smiled and said:

"Mrs. Sayuri still needs to pay attention to rest."

"I... accidentally cough cough."

Sayuri tidied up her clothes and hair in the car, she couldn't do things like going out to meet people with a disheveled look.

The other three were waiting for her outside the car, and they tied up the ponytails on the back of their heads. Sayuri secretly glanced at Chen Feng outside the car, who seemed to be answering something on his mobile phone, feeling confused...


Sayuri took a nap, her spirits improved a lot, she got out of the car and said.

"Then go in, there are already many people going in."

Yang Nai pointed to the entrance of the exhibition hall and said, then took Chen Feng's arm and walked forward.

These so-called exhibition halls are actually an opportunity for some related enthusiasts to discover similar things, and by the way, they can also expand some people to make them interested in these things.

In the museum, Chen Feng stood in front of a pair of high-hanging armor made of hemp rope, leather and bamboo that was almost rotten and clean. Under the exhibition cabinet was a 3D model that restored the original appearance of the armor in front of him. His mind suddenly cleared up.

His design has indeed encountered a bottleneck recently. When designing, his head is always blank, and he doesn't know what he wants to draw.

But now, Chen Feng seems to know what he should draw.

A beautiful girl wearing armor from the Warring States period and holding a gun in her hand?Just change the material of these armors... It doesn't seem to be worth seeing!


Subconsciously he snapped his fingers.

"Is Lord Feng also interested in the history of the Warring States Period?"

Sayuri walked up to Chen Feng and asked.

Chen Feng shook his head, and replied truthfully: "I didn't know much about it before, but now I'm quite interested."

After hearing this, Sayuri laughed happily, and introduced the armor in front of Chen Feng like a missionary.

"This is the armor of the famous general Sanada Yukimura at the end of the Warring States period. Sanada Yukimura is one of the three tragic heroes of the Warring States period, and is also known as the last hero of the Warring States period..."

Chen Feng just listened quietly to Sayuri giving him popular science about Sanada Yukimura's deeds, from the Battle of Sekigahara to the Battle of Osaka and finally to the annihilation of the Sanada Army. There is no doubt that this is a tragic soldier. man.

From the story, Chen Feng also felt quite empathetic, the crucial opportunity to reverse the defeat... just lost.

"In the end, General Sanada Yukimura still failed to reverse the defeat, and was beheaded by Nishio Nizaemon."

Saying this, Sayuri shook her head regretfully, "Probably, this is a trick of fate. A war that could obviously be won was ruined by accident."

Chapter Seventeen Warring States Sayuri

Sayuri seems to be a fan of the Warring States Period. Along the way, Sayuri is popularizing some deeds of famous generals in the Warring States Period for Chen Feng, which makes Chen Feng more inspired for his new design.

Like a pyramid schemer...

However, the boss of this exhibition hall is also very powerful. Chen Feng himself did not expect that one person could collect so many weapons and equipment from various channels, even if these swords, helmets, etc. The Warring States Period is only about 500 years away from now, or is it not all rotten?

You must know that most of the armor of Japanese samurai in the past was made of bamboo boards and leather. Most of these cultural relics have been restored, and some calligraphy and paintings have even been made into specimens, otherwise they would not be possible. Appearing in front of the world, after all, a long time has corroded them to the point of losing their original toughness, and they may turn into a piece of fly ash with a slight touch.

When a designer's inspiration comes suddenly, he will never care about the surrounding environment.

Chen Feng was like this. He took out the notebook that Sayuri was familiar with, and sketched a sketch on the palm-sized notebook.

Different from the traditional Japanese painting style, Chen Feng's painting has its own personality even if it is just a sketch.Sayuri, who had been observing Chen Feng's movements, stepped on her feet, and saw clearly the half-drawn sketch in Chen Feng's notebook, and was a little surprised.

She used to be well-known in the manga industry in a certain adult field. She is very familiar with painting. To evaluate the level of a painting, one can observe it from the suggested sketches. Come out, even if this sketch is sketched with a water-based pen, it still can't stop Sayuri's piercing eyes.

She is clear that Chen Feng's secret identity is the "Mr. Fenglin" who has become popular this year. After all, An Yilun's disturbance last time was too big, and she can't decide whether to know it or not.

She herself was the one who fooled Chen Feng onto the road of figure making. Who would have thought that she just made an excuse to mention it casually, but Chen Feng actually did it by herself in the end, and in just a few months. Achieved amazing fame in a short period of time.

Sayuri originally thought that Chen Feng was only in charge of hand-made, and the domestic human design industry is very developed, so she assumed that Chen Feng bought the design drawings from someone, but now she saw the sketches in Chen Feng's notebook She understood that Chen Feng's design and production... were all done by him alone!

In the beginning, when she didn’t know Chen Feng’s identity, Sayuri went to eat melons, and saw photos of some lucky buyers showing off the figures. The figures at that time were slightly different from the ones now.

Sayuri's eyes flickered a few times, and she guessed in her heart:

"Maybe it's because I just entered the industry, so I'm not familiar with it."

But even a newcomer who has just entered the industry can do this is already scary, right? !Leaving aside the comics industry, which bigwig in the design circle and figure circle didn't start to make achievements after at least a few years?

Sayuri vaguely remembered the magical noon when she met Chen Feng. At that time, Chen Feng was very anxious because of the loss of his figure, so he said some strange words to her, but it was these words that were different from ordinary people that made Sayuri feel sorry for Chen Feng. Very impressed.

At that time, Chen Feng was still a little worried that he would not be able to make the figure, and Sayuri told him little by little what to do with the figure.Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for him to become popular in the whole circle, and those nerds who were eager to buy his figure probably queued up from Chiba to Tokyo!

"The introduction is over, I didn't expect there are so many collections here."

Sayuri took a sip of water to moisten her throat, her purple eyes seemed to be shining brightly, then she turned around and asked, "How is Feng Jun feeling?"

"History has always been a fascinating drug, I like it very much." Chen Feng nodded nonchalantly, "Miss Sayuri is very interested in the history of the Warring States Period?"

"I'm very interested!" Said Sayuri excitedly, but then saw the nearby spectators cast their gazes over. She blushed, covered her mouth with her fists and coughed twice to cover up her embarrassment, and lowered her voice a lot. "It may make people laugh, but I have always liked Warring States since I was in middle school."

"What's so embarrassing about it? If you like it, you like it. In fact, there's no need to hide it. It's even more guilty, and it makes other people who don't understand it more convinced that their misunderstanding is correct."

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