"So I didn't hide it a long time ago, otherwise I wouldn't buy some collections from the Warring States period at home for collection."

After a pause, Sayuri pointed to Chen Feng's arms with her finger in her kimono sleeve, and asked, "Is Feng Jun planning to design and produce figures with the theme of the Warring States Period?"

For people he knew, he would not be able to hide these things that should have been hidden, but he nodded readily and said:

"That's right, I'm now thinking about how to combine ancient cold weapons with modern hot weapons. This point should still require design and research when I go back."

"Do you need to consider practicality and rationality?" Sayuri asked.

"Yes, this point must not be compromised, and it is also my principle. It just so happens that I have participated in some martial arts before... probably like this."

The more he talked, the more excited Chen Feng almost said that he had participated in the research and development and design of some weapons before, but no one would believe him if he said it.From the perspective of others, how could he be qualified to do those highly technical jobs at his age?

Instead of saying it out to make others question it, it is better not to say it directly, so as to save the trouble of explaining.

Sayuri just smiled faintly as if she didn't hear Chen Feng's sudden disconnection.

"If you need...no, I happen to have something here."

She suddenly said something inexplicable.

I saw Sayuri took out her mobile phone and edited a text message. Chen Feng didn't have the habit of peeking at other people's privacy, so naturally he didn't bother to see what Sayuri was sending.

"It's done." Sayuri quickly received a reply, she clenched her fists and said, "It should be fine when I go back tonight, and then I can give it to Lord Feng directly."


Hearing that Sayuri was going to give him something, he immediately looked at the other person. He didn't like to owe favors to others. If it was something that was too expensive, he would never accept it. Even if he accepted it, he must give back something of similar value. just work.

Only those who don't give up their principles easily are people who can live a dignified life. If he gave up his principles like he did in his previous life, he will look like a ghost...he doesn't want to go back to that look .

As if seeing what Chen Feng was thinking, Sayuri smiled slightly and said:

"It's not something expensive. It's just a collection I used to do as a hobby. It's just in my house. I've asked the housekeeper to bring it for me."


"Of course, you can get it for a little money. I haven't thanked you enough yet..."

"Stop! I don't want to hear that."

Chen Feng decisively stopped Sayuri from continuing to speak, and made a 'stop' gesture, with some lingering fear on his face, "Now I am most afraid of others telling me whether to thank me or not."

"It seems that Feng Jun also has some unknown experiences of his own. If this is the case, then I won't talk about it, but I have to accept things carefully."

"Okay, I'll give you a gift in return when I find something."

"Return the gift..." Sayuri rolled her eyes twice, and she said, "Then, can Lord Feng give me a figure you made with the theme of the Warring States Period?"

It may take a lot of time to make a qualified product, but it doesn't mean that Chen Feng can't make it. Anyway, he was planning to make a batch of such figures, and it would be nice to give back a figure worth collecting when the time comes.

"Okay, I will contact you then."

"I'm looking forward to it."

She raised her head slightly, as if counting the stars that did not exist on the ceiling, "One... two... always shine so brightly."

Turning her head, Sayuri looked at Chen Feng and smiled sweetly like a breeze.

"Feng Jun's future is very bright, come on!"


At some point, Yang Nai had brought Rajil to the commodity area, and the two of them were discussing something quietly while looking at the armor hung in the shop.

Ruijier seemed to feel something, and when she turned her head, she saw Chen Feng, and she waved.

"Ah Feng."

Rubbing the girl's smooth blond hair, Chen Feng asked, "Why did you come here without saying a word?"

Rachel opened her eyes and glanced at Yang Nao as if asking for approval. She didn't say until Yang Nao nodded:

"Because I want to see Ah Feng's appearance as a samurai, it must be very handsome..."

Stars appeared in a pair of big eyes. Since she was forced out of her true consciousness by Chen Feng last time, Rachel treated Chen Feng like a little girl.

In a sense...he has indeed become her god, and he clearly told her that there are no gods in the world.


Hearing this word, Sayuri immediately became excited, and flicked the fan out of nowhere, and the fan covered half of her cheeks.

"The concubine is also very interested."

The corner of Yang Nai's mouth twitched, and he smiled and said in an instant:

"Mrs. Sayuri, is it really okay if you don't go back and take care of Miss Yinglili?"

"Hehehe, don't worry about this, that child can't stay in the greenhouse all his life, let alone a child who is 18 years old, it is still feasible to take care of himself." Said Baihe replied: "What's more, since it is coming out If you relax, you shouldn't worry about things at home, are you right Xiaoyangna~"

Although Yang Nai has received all kinds of training since she was very young, she may not be the first among her peers in terms of the art of speaking, but there is absolutely no problem at the top, but... who is Sayuri?In a sense, Yang Nai still had to salute respectfully, and the wind and waves that the other party went through were beyond Yang Nai's imagination.

So Yang Nai was directly blocked by Sayuri's few words.

"But it's okay. Before I came here, I planned to buy some souvenirs and put them back. Isn't that a coincidence? I like all these things."

"Then you are welcome."

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