
Yang Nai noticed something that he didn't know, and asked with vigilant eyes.

"It's just a former collection, it can be regarded as a gift from friends." Sayuri smiled lightly, "After all, I don't have any friends around me, historically."

Sayuri added a comment suffix and took the lead into the hotel.

As soon as he entered the hotel lobby, an old man sitting on the sofa in the lobby looked over instantly and said in surprise:

"Miss, you are here."

"Long time no see, Uncle Okamoto, how is your health?"

"Thank you for your kindness, Miss. This old man is in good health and has no serious diseases, but..."

The old man was silent for a while, "Master said he wanted to see you..."

"Father... It's okay, I will come over again when I have time, and it's not convenient to come here with a few friends now."

The seemingly innocuous words sighed silently after the old man heard them.

Sure enough, Missy still doesn't want to see the master... But when something like this happens, the master must be very sad, but according to the master's strong character, it would be better if the two of them didn't meet each other.

But seeing the sad look of the master, he, who has served the Sawamura family all his life, also feels heartbroken.

"Miss, here is what you want."

The old man picked up the rectangular sandalwood box leaning against the sofa, and handed it to Sayuri with a solemn face.

"Thank you for making you wait for so long. Originally, I told the proprietress to let her keep it temporarily."

"Do not."

The old man said solemnly: "Miss, I can only rest assured that your things must be handed over to you in person, and you used to value this knife very much, so I will not allow any mistakes."

"You are still so rigid..."

Sayuri smiled wryly, obviously as a housekeeper, she couldn't leave her home for too long, and this old man who had watched her grow up actually waited here for a whole afternoon to deliver something to her.

Bowing slightly towards Sayuri, the old man saw Haruno behind Sayuri again, he thought for a while, and asked:

"Are you Miss Yukinoshita?"

"Yes, it was a pleasure meeting you."

The two shook hands, as a greeting. After all, the Yukinoshita family and the Sawamura family still had a lot of business dealings, so after the power transfer of the Yukinoshita family last year, the housekeeper deliberately remembered it. Take a look at Yang Nai.

"Then I won't bother you." He turned his head and looked at Sayuri, "Miss, if you need anything else, please ask."

"Okay, I will."

Watching the old man leave the hotel, Sayuri's expression became complicated.

Shaking her head vigorously, shaking out all the things in her mind, Sayuri handed the wooden box to Chen Feng.

"Come on, Mr. Feng, you must cherish it well. This is the first time I have had someone customize a samurai sword."

"Miss Sayuri, didn't you say it's worthless?"

"It's really worthless. It's just because it's the first custom-made knife, so there is a little emotion in it, but since the person who gave it to you is Feng Jun, then I can rest assured."


Chen Feng was a little hesitant. He had to say that this knife was a bit heavy for him, so that he was not sure whether the things he would give back would be able to offset it.

"Come on, take it, I'm really looking forward to Feng Jun wearing a full set of meatballs, can you allow me to take a few photos?"

The other party gave him this kind of thing, just to take a few photos, Chen Feng would not refuse.

So he readily agreed.

"no problem."

Sayuri seemed to really want to take a picture of Chen Feng wearing the body ball. She didn't go to Chen Feng's room, but said hello and wanted to go back to her room to get a camera to take pictures.

It seems very ceremonial...

"Ah...it's raining, it's too bad."

Yang Nai flew onto the large sofa like a child and kept rolling, her small face bulged slightly, and Chen Feng, who was passing by with a glass of water beside him, couldn't help poking her face, but unexpectedly, Yang Nai Jump up and hug her.

"What are you doing, the water almost spilled."

"Woooooo, because I'm in a bad mood, I need to stick with Xiaofeng."

"DD beheaded."

Breaking away from Yang Nai's bear hug with disgust on his face, Chen Feng turned on the TV, took a sip of water and asked:

"I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in the prison here in Tokyo. Could it be that the insiders imitated the crime?"

"Is Ah Feng talking about the prison?"

Ruijier took out her mobile phone, tapped it twice with her small hand, pointed the screen at Chen Feng, "Ninety percent of the police in Tokyo have already been dispatched, because I saw a lot of policemen when I went out today, so I will report to the Internet a little. A friend of mine asked."

"Hey... such a big matter must be under martial law, otherwise where should the government put its face?"

"Anyway, the target of the other party is the serious criminal in the prison. It has nothing to do with us. There is still no problem in terms of safety."

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