Yang Nai explained frankly that she had brought so many bodyguards to patrol the yard all night, she really didn't believe that someone could sneak in here.

Ruijier trotted to the door, and with difficulty brought over the meatball that Chen Feng bought today, and looked at Chen Feng expectantly with a pair of big eyes.


"Should I wear it now?"

As soon as she heard this, Yang Nai immediately felt relieved, and she echoed:

"Of course, didn't Mrs. Sayuri give you a knife? Let's open it and have a look."

Yang Nai was also curious about what Xiao Baige's cherished knife looked like, so he looked at the box standing beside Chen Feng, and kept urging, "Open it, open it."

"Okay, okay, don't shake me."

Undoing the bag tied to the box little by little, Chen Feng lifted the lid of the wooden box neatly.

Inside the box, two seemingly brand-new Taidao and Wakizashi lay quietly inside. Chen Feng visually observed from the scabbard that the blade of this Taidao was about 80 cm long, and the handle was wrapped with a purple handle. , if the waki is poor, the length will be much shorter, about less than 50 centimeters in length, and the handle rolls on the top are the same color, and the two are a set.

Grabbing the scabbard of the Taidao with callused palms, Chen Feng picked up the entire knife.

Quite a bit of weight...

Turning it in his hand, Chen Feng nodded secretly.


The knife was pulled out at a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly with the naked eye. Reflecting the light in the room, the whole knife reflected a penetrating brilliance.

Although Chen Feng has never used katana swords before, he has his own unique understanding of daggers. He only needs to observe and master a knife for a while to judge whether it is good or not.


Yang Nai let out a voice of admiration, "This knife is so powerful!"

"Ah Feng, give it a try, give it a try."

Rachel lifted the meatball in the handle and said.

"Okay, I'll change it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng went back to the room and changed the set of body pills on his body, because there are quite a lot of parts made of metal, and it feels very solid to wear.

Well, it's a pity that it can't prevent bullets.

A few minutes later, Chen Feng walked out of the room with steady steps, he didn't care about Yang Nao's dumbfounded expression, and he didn't care about Rui Jier whose eyes were about to fly out of stars, Chen Feng put Taidao and Wakizawa Shimo tied it on his belt.

Chen Feng's actual age is not more than ten years old. He has gone through countless wars, and executed countless enemies in his hands. With his temperament and this set of body pills, he looks like a real The samurai stood in front of the two of them like a tough poplar tree.

This temperament is simply divine!

Sayuri also took the camera and stood outside the door of Chen Feng's room, tapping lightly.

Yang Nai and Ruijier in the house were still in a sluggish state, and Chen Feng had put on all the things on his body at this time, and he strode towards the door and opened the door.


Sayuri's jaw dropped in shock at the door. She thought that Chen Feng might be very suitable for wearing such an armor, but she never thought that such retro armor was tailor-made for him!

"Miss Sayuri, what do you think?"

Under the evil ghost mask, Chen Feng's calm voice slowly came out, which also made Sayuri realize her gaffe, and hastily wiped the Jinjinyuye from the corner of her mouth.


The fan was pulled away in an instant, blocking most of Sayuri's face, which is usually a sign of her nervousness.

Only the sound behind the fan was heard.

"It's suitable. Lord Feng is so amazing when he wears it, I can't help it... I'm a little moved." She blinked, "It's like a real warrior standing in front of me!"

It turned out to be the 'factor' of the heart-beating warrior, which frightened me...

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth could not help but curl up slightly.

"Thank you for your compliment. Originally, I was worried that there would be too much drama, but it seems that I was worried for nothing."

Sayuri's eyes narrowed into a smile, she looked behind herself, although the sky was still covered with dark clouds, but the rain did not fall.

"Would Mr. Feng want to shoot indoors or outside?"

"Let's go outside, after all, the room will look too crowded."

"no problem!"

"Outside the house, I want to take a picture and wait for me!"

Yang Nai heard the conversation between Chen Feng and Sayuri, excitedly rushed into the bedroom and took out a camera. Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's face under the mask twitched imperceptibly.

Why do these people have cameras...

"I want to shoot Ah Feng too."

Rachel also got a camera from nowhere and hung it around her neck, expressing her thoughts with a blank expression.

A few minutes later, everyone selected the location. The location is in the garden in front of the accommodation area. This garden is the largest among all the gardens, and the nearby buildings are also built in antiques, so it will look more harmonious when photographed.

Just like you can't shoot a costume drama in an Internet cafe, the environment is also a major factor that affects the beauty and logic of the photos.

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