Because of his professional habits, Chen Feng's standing posture is very standard. He stands perfectly like a pine, sits like a bell, walks like the wind, and lies down like a bow. This makes the whole photo-taking process extremely smooth.

In the middle, Chen Feng followed Sayuri's instructions and made some moves. Just after the moves were made, the three girls screamed excitedly. The camera in their hands kept making "click click" shutter sounds, and the flash light kept flashing. Even Chen Feng's eyes hurt a little...

It took more than half an hour to take this photo. Fortunately, Chen Feng's physical fitness is a little better than ordinary people. Otherwise, who would do such physical work!

After all, many parts of this body ball are made of alloy, which is not light in weight, and the knife that Sayuri gave him is much heavier than ordinary knives.

The raindrops fell little by little, and the three people, whose interest had not diminished at all, looked up regretfully.

Although I have taken hundreds of pictures, I still can't take enough pictures...

Sayuri hung up the camera and said with a smile:

"The filming is finished. If it rains, go back first. It is thanks to Lord Feng that I can take so many pictures."

"It's okay, I still have some physical strength."

Chen Feng's dull voice came from under the mask.

Seeing it was raining, Ruijier and Yang Nai had no choice but to nod. They couldn't take pictures in the rain to this extent. After all, they only brought a change of clothes. Even if the clothes can be changed, but in case the camera It would be a pity if it broke.

"Then let's do it first."

Chen Feng retracted the saber, heaved a sigh of relief, he was finally relieved...

But he still likes this feeling, and he also wants to take a good look at the photos they took.

The Sanming girls trotted forward, they didn't want the camera to be damaged by the rain, but Chen Feng didn't care, he just walked slowly behind.

dong dong dong-

Chen Feng's heartbeat suddenly became faster, as if the heart in his chest might jump out of it at any moment.

Sayuri, who was the first to run to the wooden board under the house, couldn't help flipping through the photos in the camera. When she raised her head, the smile on her face froze.

what is that?

Why is there a man wearing a body ball behind Fengjun?Wait... what he's holding is... a knife! ! !

"Feng Jun, back!!"

Zheng-! !

The sound of swords colliding suddenly resounded, the blades in the air were trembling, and the air in the entire hotel was trembling.

This voice... something serious happened.


ps: I have something to do tomorrow, the update will be later

Chapter 20 My lord, times have changed!No, times have not changed! (6K)

The intuition of ordinary people may often deceive themselves, but the intuition of those who can survive frequent wars will never deceive themselves!

Those whose intuition is not effective have already died on the battlefield.

But just now, Chen Feng's back was covered with goose bumps in an instant.


Chen Feng's sixth sense immediately conveyed the information to Chen Feng's central nervous system. Out of muscle memory, Chen Feng took a step to the side without hesitation, and his whole person had the vision behind him.

A gleaming Taidao slashed straight at the back of his neck, without any hesitation, Chen Feng pulled out the Taidao from his waist and raised it towards the top of his head.


The two knives collided firmly, and the opponent's strength obviously exceeded Chen Feng's expectations, but generally speaking, the Taidao swung down was able to block it.

Chen Feng's wrist was aching, and the Taidao in his hand let out a painful cry, as if the collision just now had made it a little unbearable.

When he was attacked suddenly, Chen Feng would definitely not fight the opponent unless he was in close combat. When he exerted force on his ankle, there was a muffled sound from the floor under his feet, and the whole person retreated wildly.

In an instant, Chen Fengfeng retreated nearly ten meters. At this time, he finally saw the appearance of the attacker...

A man in brown and black armor stood in its original position with a sword held high in his hand.

"who are you?"

Chen Feng asked.

"The destination of all sinners, everything is for His Majesty, and everything is for the people under his command."

Under the opponent's armor, a masculine male voice slowly said without any emotion: "You should be executed, the first class!"


The samurai wearing a large armor moved, his speed was astonishing, like a gust of wind blowing by, the next second he appeared on Chen Feng's right side, and swung down the gleaming samurai sword. The speed of the knife is much faster than last time.

Chen Feng, who was not good at using such a long weapon, managed to dodge his attack. He didn't dare to use the knife indiscriminately to receive the opponent's attack. If the knife in his hand was cut off directly, it would be a big problem.

Chen Feng, who has rich combat experience, naturally has his own ideas. In short, the knife in his hand must not be broken.

The target of the armored warrior was still Chen Feng's neck. At this moment, he seemed to realize something...

"Are you the mysterious warrior who cut down the prisoners in the prison?!"


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