"Protect yourself and your friends."

Chen Feng's answer was very decisive. He pursed his lips and said:

"Some time ago... I met it a little while ago. How should I say it? It's rather weird and dangerous. Even the only pistol was cut off."

"Ah?" Kato's father was taken aback, "Cut off?"

"Well, when I met a master of close combat, my head was almost cut off."

Listening to Chen Feng's words, the more Kato's father thought about it, the more he felt familiar. He seemed to have seen similar videos...


He asked cautiously:

"That...Tokyo, in the courtyard, two samurai?"


Chen Feng didn't expect that he would know that just by mentioning the other party casually, but he didn't think much about it, but admitted jokingly: "Yes, it was me, I killed him."

Anyway, I was wearing a mask at the time. Although the mask was broken a lot, it should be difficult to recognize it. After all, my face was full of blood at that time.

It was a good thought, but this time Chen Feng obviously overturned, because he met a fanatic fan of his video...

"So the samurai wearing the red body ball is you?!"

Kato's father recalled the person in the video, who seemed to be about the same height as the young man sitting next to him. In addition, they made a simple judgment based on the amplified sound of the video recorded by the residents, and judged that this person was the oldest person who would not exceed 25 males.

The amplified voice in the video gradually merged with Chen Feng's voice, and he became even more convinced that what Chen Feng said was true.

It was just that when the investigation had just started, he received an order from his superiors, saying that the case was closed immediately, that the murderer who committed crimes in the prison had been shot dead by the police.

He was one of the persons in charge of the case, and was dragged to Tokyo for a meeting to form a special team to investigate the case.

But in the end, someone was one step ahead of them and solved the perpetrator.

When he was watching the blurry video, he was completely shocked by the fighting scene in the video. His eyes turned red when he saw that kind of fighting technique.

As a policeman who has already worked, Kato's father still maintains the training in school that year, and often participates in the learning of enemy-controlling gymnastics organized by some institutions.

But this can't satisfy him at all. He is a man who seeks to become stronger, or every man has a desire for strength, but Kato's father is obviously more intense.

"Then... can you shake hands with me then?"


Chen Feng's eyes became even more strange, "Why?"

"Because... because I think it's super amazing!!! I watched your video at that time more than two thousand times, but it's still not enough, not enough at all!"

Kato's father said excitedly: "When I saw the video on the Internet, my heart almost jumped out, and a rush of blood rushed to my head. I have been pursuing all kinds of physical skills, and I have been in training at ordinary times. This It’s a habit I’ve stuck with for almost 20 years!”

Looking at the hand on his shoulder, Chen Feng's mouth twitched twice.

"You want to be beaten?"

"As long as I can watch it again, I'm willing too!" Kato's father said, "And I can see it. When I visited the Self-Defense Forces, I saw some foreign coaches teach some top players." Self-Defense Force members have similar physical techniques! Maga, is it Maga, right?! Close-fitting attacks and deadly moves, when dealing with danger with bare hands, such physical techniques are no different from the best self-defense weapon!"

The excited Kato's father seems to have forgotten that Chen Feng is just a part-time food delivery student, or that he has given up logical thinking in the frenzy. After all, you can find Chen Feng's weirdness just by stringing these things together. .

Hearing this, Chen Feng frowned.

The middle-aged man in front of him is the father of Ms. Kato. Sometimes, unless it is necessary, he is firmly against such things as murder, otherwise he would not just interrupt those who deliberately provoke him at school. , instead of cutting their necks with a knife.

"It's used to kill people. Self-defense doesn't need such means."

His Krav Maga is not a normal military Israeli Krav Maga, because he has studied and modified this killing technique in actual combat, using a lot of actual combat experience and his understanding of the human body as a doctor, Chen Feng's improved Krav Krav Some basic movements may be more similar to Krav Maga, and many places have been changed.

But even so, Kato's father still judged the source of the fighting technique he used at that time, indicating that he either used Krav Maga for his own military, or he was really interested in this aspect, so he could judge it.

"I know." Kato's father nodded heavily, the enthusiasm in his eyes subsided a lot, and his expression became extraordinarily serious, "I am a policeman, a criminal policeman, and I often encounter criminal cases, but those enemy-controlling techniques are still studied. Not deep enough."

Standing in front of Chen Feng, Kato's father took off his inner lining, revealing several thumb-length scars. He pointed to a hole in his chest very close to his heart and said:

"This is the wound I was stabbed by the dagger in the opponent's hand when I was catching smugglers when I was young. I tried my best to subdue the opponent with what I had learned, but unfortunately I was stabbed and almost died."

With his head down, Kato's father looked a little bit reluctant in his eyes. He looked towards the kitchen and said with a faint smile:

"This is a very dangerous job. I am working hard, and I am also working hard to survive various dangers. For children and wives, a complete family is the most important."

Folding his hands, Chen Feng, who was sitting quietly on the sofa, looked at Kato's father.

After a while, he said:

"Then what do you want me to do?"

"Is it okay to have a...competition?"

"But this is at your house."

"It's okay, it's okay, the more complex the environment, the easier it is to learn!"

Sighing, Chen Feng said, "That's fine."

Half an hour later, Kato Megumi and Kato's mother had already prepared most of the dishes. Kato's mother was loading the dishes, and said to Kato Megumi, who rolled up her sleeves beside her:

"Xiaohui, go and inform Xiao Chen and your father that dinner is ready."

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