
Taking off the apron, Megumi Kato nodded obediently.

Kato's mother smiled and said:

"It seems that your father and Xiao Chen have a good chat, and the voices outside have not stopped."

"After all, Dad and Mr. Weird are quite similar in some ways, so it's not surprising."

Kato Megumi opened the kitchen door and walked towards the living room.

Kato Megumi's family situation is quite good. His father is a police officer, his mother is a company executive, and the whole family is quite big.

After two laps, Ms. Kato was approaching the living room, but she stopped and frowned her pretty brows.

"Hey—what's that sound?"

Voices such as '嗲', 'drink' and 'come again' kept coming from her ears.

Somewhat curious about what Chen Feng and her father were doing, Ms. Kato poked her head out cautiously, and she froze for a moment.

In the spacious living room, is Dad playing kickboxing with Mr. Weird?

Seeing her father sweating profusely, being subdued by Chen Feng in less than two seconds every time he made a move, Miss Kato smiled when she thought of her father's serious look on weekdays.

Accompanied by Ms. Kato's laughter, Kato's father, who was shirtless, and Chen Feng, who was indifferent in the living room, stopped immediately and looked in the direction of the sound.

This scene seemed to be frozen. Before Kato's father raised his fist, Chen Feng's two fingers landed on Kato's father's neck artery.

It was half a small head protruding from the wall like a peep, and the whole picture looked a little cute.

"Ah, it was discovered." Ms. Kato came out, wondering, "Dad, what are you doing with Mr. Weird?"

"Being beaten..." Kato's father panted slightly, glanced at Chen Feng, the two exchanged glances, and said embarrassedly: "Because Mr. Chen has some experience in gymnastics, he decided to exchange experience here without authorization." .”

"Mr. Chen?" Ms. Kato pondered for a while after hearing this address, and reminded: "But don't get hurt."

"No way."

At the dinner table, Kato's father poured himself and Chen Feng a glass, stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, I respect you for this glass!"

Kato's mother looked at a loss, she didn't know what happened just now, but she knew very well that her husband would take out the wine that he had kept for more than ten years, there was nothing wrong with it!

Listening to Chen Feng chatting with her father, although she couldn't understand the professional terms they spoke, she also knew that the relationship between the two seemed to be pretty good.

It's great.

She sat on the seat, with a faint smile on her face, quietly watching her father being overwhelmed and drunk by Chen Feng, until finally he started talking nonsense...

Chapter 4 The Ability of the Unmoved Mind Zen

"You don't know, those damned drug traffickers really deserve to be cut to death!!"

The clothes on his body had been thrown away for a long time, and Kato's father's stubble-covered face was flushed, and he didn't know whether he had drunk too much alcohol or was angered by what he said.

"Drug dealer?"

Chen Feng lit a cigarette and narrowed his eyes. He remembered seeing news on TV this morning about the recent strict inspections in Chiba and nearby areas in Tokyo. It seemed that a large amount of drugs had been seized.

"That's right, Mr. Chen, you don't know that the three police officers we undercovered in that drug smuggling organization completely lost contact with the headquarters a week ago!" Kato's father pulled the corner of his mouth, and he looked very lonely. "A few days later, as we expected, the bodies of three undercover police officers were found in a small town with scars all over their bodies. It looked like they had been tortured for several days. Finally they His fingers and toes were also cut off..."

Having said that, Kato's father wept a little.

"Two of them were my classmates back then..."

When a big man talked about this incident, he became not steely at all, and his weak side was fully displayed.

Maybe it was because of the sadness, Kato's father burst into tears, and even Kato's mother, who wanted to interrupt this topic, didn't find a chance.

"Cheaters...all liars, I still haven't paid back the 1500 yen I took from me..."

He kept talking about this matter, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that what Kato's father cared about was not the money for the two bottles of water, but the lives of the two people.

"Dying on the job is considered a due diligence." Chen Feng suddenly said coldly, "If you want to protect others, you need to be prepared to sacrifice, presumably...they have long thought that there will be a possible."

His tone began to slow down.

"They are worthy of respect, but this is not the reason for others to stop. If you lose your fighting spirit just because of this, let alone revenge, it is difficult to protect yourself."

"I understand, of course I understand."

Drunk people will always recall their past when their brains are not clear. If they are facing sad things recently, it is not unthinkable to fall into sadness.

"Following forward, step forward brazenly. Presumably this is what you think too?"

Thinking that Kato's father was so obsessed with his own martial arts, he himself worked extremely hard.Obviously already in a high position, why don't you want to be unrestrained in the world like those wine bags and rice bags, greedy for enjoyment?

Chen Feng glanced over Kato's mother and Kato Megumi from the corner of his eyes.

In addition to his family, he probably also wanted to avenge his friends who had died in the execution of the mission.

The goal is the motivation. Sometimes it may be difficult to protect others, but if protecting yourself is the best protection for others, then doing so is not a bad thing.

The drunken Kato father told a lot of things that should have been kept secret. Fortunately, Chen Feng was not interested in these things, nor was he interested in publicizing them. Instead, he listened carefully to the past of this middle-aged man.

The national defense personnel are not just soldiers, but also the police who do hard work and many troublesome things.

Strengthen the frontier outside and stabilize the internal affairs inside.

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