This is the basis for a country to maintain peace.

The dim crescent moon hangs high, and Chiba, which has dispelled the dark clouds, is close to the sea. The faint sea breeze is blowing, coupled with the thriving scene of the whole city, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a beautiful picture.

When she came downstairs, Ms. Kato was only wearing a set of simple pink home clothes and a fluffy coat.

"Papa is causing trouble for Mr. Weird."

Miss Kato said, and then smiled, "But it's really rare to see Dad get so drunk."

Chen Feng turned his back to Kato Megumi, looked up at the sky, and said calmly:

"When it is difficult to get in touch with real friends, and the pressure of work is huge and I don't want my family to worry about it, I always have to worry about it in my heart. It can be regarded as... a tragedy of work."

It was the first time that Megumi Kato saw Chen Feng's mood so low, and even his voice became much quieter.

Dad should have talked a lot with Mr. Weird, right?

This is Kato Megumi's thoughts.

"Generally speaking, your father is very powerful. I have basically never seen such... a person who works hard."

When they were working as mercenaries in certain war-torn areas, one of their favorite things was to find a person with considerable power in the local government but who couldn't resist temptation and threats, so that the other party could become their pawn.

Kato's father was not at all the same as those wine bags and rice bags. He had never seen many people who exuded righteousness all over his body.

Turning around, Chen Feng saw Kato Megumi's coat was open, but his lips were a little purple due to the low temperature at night.

Helping her button the jacket, Chen Feng patted her on the head.

"You don't need to send it off, little girl, it's colder outside, you'd better go back."

"Mr. Weird's style is very similar to your father's." Miss Kato suddenly smiled and said, "It's no wonder I can chat with my father like this. Be careful on the road."

Waving her small hand in front of her, Megumi Kato watched Chen Feng drive away, and after a while, she came back to her senses.

Staring at her smoothed and fastened coat, she smiled naturally and gently.

Little feet thumped up the stairs, and the doorway became silent again.

After simply blowing the wind, Chen Feng's alcohol was almost sober. It is difficult for alcohol to remain in his body. I don't know if it is a physical problem. A little bit of alcohol was detected in the blood.

Sure enough, people cannot be compared with each other.

The mobile phone beside him vibrated, and Chen Feng saw a text message appearing on it.

[Megumi Kato: Mr. Weird, drive slower after drinking. 】

The screen gradually dimmed due to no one operating it for a long time...

Driving steadily in the traffic flow, Chen Feng suddenly heard a faint voice behind him.

"I haven't seen you for a while, and Chen's popularity with women has improved a lot."

Shocked, Chen Feng almost grabbed the door and jumped out of the car.

"Still the same, don't know a joke at all, and I hate people who don't know a joke."

The voice was slightly familiar, and when Chen Feng saw the girl sitting in the back seat clearly, he was stunned.

"Miss Lianhua?"

Lianhua, the messenger of Wanhua Mirror, Chen Feng, a girl in kimono with a pair of emerald green eyes, naturally cannot forget her.

In Wanhua mirror, she was betrayed by Wanhua mirror, and finally became a girl on her own side.

But... isn't she already dead?

"Don't be nervous, I am not someone else, I am me."


Accompanied by harsh and loud brakes, Chen Feng's car stopped on the side of the road in the suburbs.

On the side of the road, Chen Feng stared at Lianhua who didn't look like a troubled person in front of him, and Chen Feng looked at her vigilantly.

"Didn't you... have disappeared at that time?"

"Yes." Lianhua nodded, because there was a slight height difference between the two, Lianhua raised her head and looked at Chen Feng, "So I am a reincarnated soul who came to claim my life."

"You ask for your life." Chen Feng felt that the girl in front of him was joking with him again, so he replied directly, but soon he became serious again, "So what's going on? Don't make it clear Otherwise, I can only treat you as an enemy."

After he came to this world, he seemed to encounter some strange things frequently. First, it was the murder of Wanhuajing, and then the attack of the armored warrior. He almost encountered all kinds of strange events.

Finding that Chen Feng didn't trust her more and more, Lianhua immediately raised her hands, and the expression on her face relaxed slightly.

"Obviously it was you, Chen, who made me lose my job. Do you still want to do something to me now?"

"lose job?"

"But fortunately, I found a new job now, and it doesn't feel troublesome, and if I don't accept it, I will really lose it, so I accepted it sincerely."

And sincerely... You are obviously afraid of death, right?

When speaking, Lianhua's expression was as calm as a mirror.

"But I didn't expect you, Chen, to have such a thing... It's amazing."

"What do you want to say?"

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