Blonde, blue eyes, standard western features but an oriental face.

Yinglili was sitting on a chair outside the lobby door of the building with a cup of sundae at this time, eating. I don't know if she was eating too much or something. Yinglili made a strange whimpering sound from her mouth, her eyes were tightly closed up.


"Miss Yinglili?"


Hearing someone calling her, Ying Lili, who lost her composure, immediately stood up from the chair. There was still a faint chill in her neck, but she tried her best to hold back the discomfort and began to manage her expressions.

Sometimes being a lady is also a very tiring thing.

When Ying Lili saw the person in front of her crookedly, she grinned.

" is it you?"

That's right, the person calling Ying Lili was Chen Feng who brought Ruijier to sign the contract.

At this moment, he was standing in front of Ying Lili, holding Rachel's hand.

"Chen... Chen Feng, good morning." Ying Lili's little face was a little red, because the meeting between the two reminded her of her own gaffe when they met in the mall last time, but compared with the last time, This time, Chen Feng didn't wear a mask, and...

Who is that child with him?It feels so cute...

"Aren't you wearing a mask?"

"Uh..." When Chen Feng heard this sentence, he felt chills on his back and shook his head, "The acne on my face is gone, so there is no need to wear it. By the way, does Miss Yinglili not have class in the morning? How did you come here?"

"Ah, I'm here to accompany...Accompany a friend to do some business, and I want to talk about something by the way."

She was already extremely disappointed in An Yilun, she just wanted to pay off her debt quickly and run away, but she didn't expect that An Yilun would commit murder on the street, and what was even more ridiculous was that she was given Anti-killed.

Since An Yilun disappeared, the relationship between Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu and her has warmed up extremely quickly, and the two are now very good friends.

Except for being poisoned by that fat woman from time to time, everything else is pretty good.

"By the way, who is this kid?"

Ying Lili squatted down and looked at the expressionless Rachel and asked.

"My sister Rachel Gardner."

"Hey? You have a younger sister? It really doesn't look like you at all."

Standing up from the ground, Ying Lili looked at the building of the Undead Chuan Library and asked:

"You're here to contribute light novels, aren't you?"

"It's not me, it's this kid." Chen Feng rubbed Ruiji'er's head and said with a smile, "He came here to sign the contract."

"Wow! It's very good." Ying Lili was a little surprised, because the signed work has passed the review and reached the publication standard, which is already very good for such a child, "I hope to read it when the time comes Good work."

Ying Lili, who wanted to touch Ruijier, stretched out her hand to feel empty, and stood there in embarrassment.

Rui Jier, who hid behind Chen Feng, raised her head and said, "Ah Feng, it's about time, it's not good to be late."

"Miss Yingli, let's go first."

"it's okay no problem."

Looking at Chen Feng's back, the beautiful smile on Ying Lili's face also disappeared, and she fell into deep thought.

After a long time, she murmured:

"That kid is so cute..."

Chapter 7 Anecdotes of the Sawamura Family

As the elevator went down, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu came out from the inside with her head bowed and playing with her mobile phone. The two people who passed by her didn't see this face clearly, but entered the elevator, and finally disappeared slowly in the lobby on the first floor.

"Let's go."

Kasumigaoka Shiwa said softly as she walked past Eiriri who had a dull expression for some reason.

However, Ying Lili still didn't make any movement, as if the whole person had already ascended in soul, Kasumigaoka Shiwa looked at the girl beside him strangely, stretched out her palm and kept shaking it in front of her.

"Ah...ah?! When did you come? Don't scare me..."

Ying Lili was taken aback by the sudden appearance of a hand blocking her view, and she didn't complain until she saw the other person clearly.

"Because single-celled organisms don't know how to think. After all, they are just one cell and can only act according to instinct. Therefore, I can only use actions to make single-celled organisms move."

"You curse again!"

"If you don't agree with me, go to the property management?!"

The two enemies started the bickering time that must come every day again, probably because they felt that Ying Lili couldn't speak up to him, so Kasumigaoka Shiwa snorted disdainfully.

"So what were you looking at?"

She rarely sees Ying Lili in such a situation, and Ying Lili doesn't seem to be in a good mood recently, as if something happened to her family.The reason why the two of them came together this morning was precisely because she wanted to have a good chat with Ying Lili.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu doesn't have many friends in school, and there are only a handful of people who can talk to her. It is precisely because of the rarity of 'friends' that she cherishes them very much.

Although the relationship between the two people was in a state of ambiguity before, but when the high wall blocking the middle disappeared, they could be considered to be honest with each other.

"Oh, I met someone I know."

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