Ying Lili pointed to the building, "Then went in and said that the children in the family were going to sign a contract or something."


"It's a little girl, and then very young?"

"How do you know?!" Ying Lili looked at Kasumigaoka Shiwa in horror, and then her expression became contemptuous, and she complained: "You must have evolved into some strange female hooligan Lolicon, right? ?”

"I hope you will destroy the notebooks at home before you talk to me like this, otherwise I may mistakenly think that I am looked down upon by perverts."


"Isn't it? Brains, intestines, blood vessels..."

"Stop stop I don't listen I don't listen!!"

Ying Lili hugged her head and shouted loudly, as if doing so would make her unable to hear Kasumigaoka Shiwa's voice.

However, in the eyes of the passers-by around, she was as pitiful as if she had been abandoned by the person she loved, and they all cast pitiful glances.

"Let's go!"

Feeling a little shy under the gaze of passers-by, Ying Lili blushed into an apple, and disappeared into the sea of ​​people with Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was sighing...

In a certain milk tea shop, Yinglili and Kasumigaoka Shiyu were sitting by the window facing each other, and Yinglili was sweating a lot from the palms clutching the corners of their clothes.

Crossing her legs, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu was holding milk tea, her wine-red eyes stared at Ying Lili in front of her, she didn't choose to speak first, because she knew very well that what Ying Lili was going to say should be very important, and it was not logically speaking. He would tell her, but the other party still found her, which is an expression of trust and helplessness.

Ying Lili was adjusting her mentality, and she didn't take a deep breath until she was fully prepared.

"I saw my dad some time ago."

"Huh?!" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu's eyes widened, "Is it something surprising for you to see your father?"

Ying Lili's family is a typical aristocratic family. Although her father and mother are from two countries, the family situation is not simple. Her father alone is a diplomat. The family behind it is not Kasumigaoka Shiwa, an ordinary person who can The field involved, but it is definitely not easy!

But that's what he said, but Shi Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also knew that things were definitely not that simple.

Sure enough, the meaning of Ying Lili's next sentence shocked her.

"I went shopping with my classmates not long ago, and then I saw my father at the Royal Hotel. At that time, my father was accompanied by a woman... And just the day before, my mother said that my father had returned to China for a business trip."

"Pfft...you mean...is Mr. Spencer cheating?"

"Doubt, I don't really want to believe such a thing, I also want to believe that Dad just stayed in the hotel for one night with his companions who were going on a business trip because of work-related delays... But it's very uncomfortable. Reasonable, not reasonable at all!" Ying Lili said disappointedly: "It seems that since the year before last, Dad seldom goes home, and even when he does, he has to go out at night. In my impression, he basically never spends the night at home. I also asked my father before, but my father's answer is that he is busy at work and has a lot of documents to deal with."

"so what?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu took a sip of milk tea and nodded: "Diplomats do have a lot of work."

"Well...but I saw it with my own eyes. I saw that woman hugging Dad. They...they kissed!"

Ying Lili's small face was flushed red, as if the image in her mind was lingering like a general eating in a private room in the toilet, and her whole body was tortured even more.

"Ah this..."

If you just stayed in a hotel for one night because of work, this kind of thing seems strange but not incomprehensible, but such an intimate behavior between a man and a woman cannot be called a simple colleague relationship.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa's expression also became serious.

"Have you ever whispered to your mother?"

"It's useless... Mom didn't say anything, and I was afraid that she would be sad, so I didn't even tell her about it."

Patting the lonely Eriri on the shoulder, Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't know how to reply to her. After all, she had never encountered such a thing. Although it was just an ordinary family, her parents were very harmonious and never happened. such a situation.

"Well, it's too uncomfortable for you to hold back for so long."

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu suddenly felt a little regretful about Yinglili's poisonous tongue in the past two days, and she still sympathized with her friend.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu vaguely felt something.

"Wait a minute, you said that your father suddenly became very busy several years ago? It must have been a problem at that time." She deduced calmly, "If it really took that long, your mother should not It’s not right to feel it.”

Women seem to be very talented in terms of emotions. If their lover is in an abnormal state for a long time, they should be discovered very early in theory.


ps: There is another update tonight

Chapter 8 Are you still crushing on me?

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's eyes gradually moved to Yinglili's face...

Is it because of Yinglili?

It doesn't seem to be a problem, after all, if the family divorces, it will cause a certain psychological shadow on the children in the family, which will affect the normal life for a period of time. The feeling of confusion is definitely no less than the tragedy of my own Calvin!

For a while, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who is usually outspoken, didn't know whether he should tell Ying Lili what he said. The two had known each other for two or three years, and they were quite familiar with each other.

Don't look at this young lady who is personable, elegant, and generous all day long, but she is actually very fragile inside. Even if she pretends to be safe on the surface, she can't hold it anymore.

"Hey, what do you think I should do..." Ying Lili lay powerlessly on the table, "If mom knows about this, she will definitely feel very uncomfortable."

It seems that she didn't realize that her mother might have discovered her husband's derailment long ago, but it can't be ruled out that Ying Lili's mother's sensitivity is relatively low, but this is always a very small probability event. The direction of the conclusion can be set without thinking.


A husband who hasn't had a sleepover in years...is totally unreasonable and not normal at all!

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