"Big brother, you are really my big brother! This game is full of malice from the designer, big brother, have you played it before?"


"Then...how did you know there would be monsters coming out of those potholes?"

"Couldn't it be better to be careful?" Chen Feng was a little puzzled, not to mention that there would be monsters in the potholes, he had even seen enemies who buried himself in the desert, how could such a trick be hidden from him.

"Cough cough... hello hello, my name is Ishigami Yuu, I am a sophomore in Shuzhiin High School, what is your name?"

"Chen Feng, a third-year student at Chiba Municipal Sobu High School."

"Then can I call you senior?"

"up to you."

Even when he was playing games, Chen Feng had been paying attention to Yang Nai's movements, but everything seemed normal, so he didn't mind chatting with the young man in front of him.

"I've been stuck here for more than five hours. Senior, you can clear the level without even playing it once. You are really a role model for me." Ishigami Yu closed the game contentedly, and sat next to Chen Feng. "That senior, don't you go?" Looking for other people, why would they come to watch me play games?"

"Because I have nothing to do, I'm here to run with you."

"Then we are the same kind!" Ishigami Yu's eyes lit up, he held Chen Feng's hand excitedly, and began to chatter, "If it wasn't for my father insisting that I come here, who would want to come to such a ghostly place? what……"

Ishigami Yu seemed to hate this kind of banquet occasion, he said in a low and low tone with disdain: "Anyway, there are not many of them with me, and there are not many without me, I can't understand..."

"Occasions that are necessary for some people will get boring after a long time."

"Yes, yes, if I hadn't kept comforting myself that maybe I could see Vice President Kaguya here, I wouldn't even come."

He looked a little outraged.

"Speaking of which..." Chen Feng pursed his lips and asked, "Just now there was a man named Shi Shang beside my friend. Is he from your family?"

"If there are no accidents, it should be. It's either my father or my brother." Yu Ishigami replied very straightforwardly, "The reason why I hate coming to this kind of place is because I don't like to be the object of comparison. Well, don't they just Are you talking about me?"

Yu Ishigami's hand pointed towards a place, where Chen Feng saw a handsome young man with a face very similar to Yu Ishigami talking and laughing with several girls of the same age, but their eyes were all running towards Yu Ishigami, It's not a good thing to think about it.

"I also know that my father didn't intend to let me participate in the business, and I have no interest in it myself, so I simply leave it to my brother to manage it. For me... just eat, drink, and play."

Despite what he said, Chen Feng didn't believe that anyone would be willing to be inferior to others by nature. He had always had a heart of resistance, and it was this that allowed him to achieve revenge in the end.

Na Mo's indifference is actually his own psychological hint, and there is some inferiority complex in it. Is he inferior that his talent is not as strong as his brother's?

what is this else?

"Speaking of which, what kind of work does senior do at home?" Yu Ishigami asked subconsciously, but soon realized that there was something wrong with his words, "If it's inconvenient, don't worry about it, I'm just curious, sorry..."

Like myself, there will be no one to talk to, and I will wander leisurely in the hall alone, so this senior with whom I can chat well should be in the same situation as myself, if I accidentally poke someone's scar, what should I do? what……

"My sister and I are the only ones in my family. I work part-time as a delivery man, and I draw something and do some small handicrafts by myself from time to time."

"Ham, my family is similar, but I'm the only one in the family, and I'm just making some small toys. In this way, Senior and I are quite destined."

Ishigami Yu saw that Chen Feng changed the topic with a smile, and cast a grateful look. Who would be invited to come here as a simple character?

According to Chen Feng's response, he reckoned that Chen Feng's family should have opened a food delivery company and some entertainment industries. He didn't think much about what Chen Feng said was actually the real truth...

The two chatted for a while, and Chen Feng found that this young man named Ishigami Yu was a very kind-hearted person, and Shi Shangyou also found that Chen Feng's knowledge was extremely broad, whether it was medicine, theology, astronomy, chemistry, physics, etc. A lot of Chen styles, such as science and design, can be clearly explained to Ishigami Yuting.

That's not nonsense pretending to understand. After all, Yu Ishigami still has a little knowledge in some aspects, and it is really not difficult for him to judge whether it is true or false.

Yu Ishigami was more convinced of his deduction just now with his generous conversation and that air of calm and prestige.

Senior is definitely a very powerful person!

The only problem is that no matter how much he remembers, he can't remember that there is a big family in China with the surname Chen, and he plans to check it out privately.

Taking out his mobile phone, Yu Ishigami asked:

"Senior, can I exchange contact information with you? Chiba is not far from Tokyo. We can play together if we are free during the holidays. I also have a few friends here who are very good. I will introduce you to them when the time comes."

Ishigami Yu is a person with a great sense of justice, and Chen Feng usually can't make mistakes when looking at people, and his cynical taste is about to burst out, so his friends should all have good personalities.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Feng nodded.

"Okay, I don't have much skills, if someone bullies you, just tell me..."

"No matter what, everyone treats me very well."

"I'll sink him in Tokyo Bay."

"Pfft..." Yu Ishigami spit the drink out of his mouth, and Chen Feng's gloomy words didn't seem like a joke at all, "Ex...Senior, it's not impossible, no one will bully me."

"That's better."

It is not a loss to come here, even if Yang Nai is not in trouble, he has made a good friend here, and it can be regarded as finally adding a man to his circle of friends.

Well, now there are two.

While the two were talking, out of the corner of Chen Feng's eyes, he saw several men walking towards Yang Nai's position, and Yang Nai's expression suddenly became stiffer.

"Not long ago, Secretary Fujiwara shamelessly cheated, but I found out..."

"Ishigami, I have something to do here, I'll go over and do it."

"It's okay, senior..."

After finishing speaking, Chen Feng got up and walked towards Yang Nai's direction, and Ishigami Yu saw a few familiar faces.

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