Aren't those the three young masters of the Shinomiya family?

Taking a closer look, Ishigami Yu observed that the atmosphere over there was not quite right, and the Shinomiya family seemed to be looking for trouble with someone.

Nothing will happen to the seniors, right?

Ishigami Yu was quite worried.

Seeing the members of the Shinomiya family coming up aggressively, some people who were still chatting with Yang Nai shut their mouths instantly, and took a few steps back in a sensible manner, pretending to continue talking about some things with the people around them.

"Miss Yukinoshita is really popular, I'm so envious."

"Where is there." Yang Nai turned his head, looked at the handsome man standing in front of the three of them and said with a smile: "Where are you going, Master Sigong Huang Guang? You are not a celebrity shrouded in the spotlight. I can talk to you, little girl." They were all a little terrified.”

"Miss Yukinoshita really exaggerated, I'm just a commoner, how can I have any spotlight." The smile on Sigong Huang Guang's face concealed his real intentions, and the subject changed, "It's my second brother who let me I'm so big-headed, I'm already in my mid-twenties, but I can't even bring back a girlfriend, my father urged me more than once or twice."

"Miss Yukinoshita is also a capable person, I don't know who can be blessed to 'marry' you."

If it was said that the sword was hidden in the sheath before, then with the words of Sigong Huang Guang, the first heir of the Sigong family, everything became clear.

The person is not good!

Chapter 12 Drinking, it's just a simple warning

The taste has changed, properly changed!

Everyone present heard Sigong Huangguang's words completely, but who here doesn't know that the Yukinoshita family is a family that has always been ruled by women?

Yang Nai's face also became extremely ugly, but he still smiled forcedly, and replied sharply:

"I'm not as proficient as Mr. Huang Guang in the business I just took over. I can only follow my mother's advice in this area, and I won't think about it for the time being."

"Oh, it turns out that's the case. It's my fault. It's really not thoughtful enough."

Sigong Huang Guang ignored Yang Nao's accusations and scolded Huai, and waved his hand heartily.

"However... since you are not proficient, you will naturally need more help. I will make my own decision in this regard. I will take a longer time to manage it. I don't think you mind calling me Miss Yukinoshita?"

"That's natural. Your experience is much richer than that of the little girl. You should be called a senior."

"That's really an honor. Come on, Miss Yukinoshita doesn't know my third brother, right? Sigong Lingkong."

The young man who had been standing behind Sigong Huangguang before came out and said with a smile:

"It's an honor to meet you, Miss Yukinoshita."

After the two briefly shook hands, Sigong Huang Guang took the initiative to say:

"My third younger brother is very ambitious, but it's a pity that the Sigong family is not big enough to realize my third younger brother's great ambitions..."

Hearing this, Yang Nai was so angry that she scolded her mother.

You have big ambitions, no one in Tokyo knows that the third young master of your Shinomiya family is a waste who does nothing but play with women all day long. If it wasn't because of the Shinomiya family's backing, this man would have been killed many times already up.

Even if he thought so in his heart, it was impossible for Yang Nai to put this on the table, otherwise he would break the rules of the game and be cast aside.

"If you have great ambitions, you will naturally succeed, and your third brother is also very powerful."

"No, no, my third brother is very capable, but he may be playful at ordinary times. My father has put a lot of effort into making him grow up well..."

As he said that, Sigong Huang Guang sighed and said: "I have seen many similar situations, but with a family, playful people will naturally start to calm down, no, I also hope that you two can do more. Get in touch."

Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and the fangs of the Sigong family have begun to show at this moment.

Will the top family of Neon give the men of the family to other families to marry?Even if this man is nothing but a waste, as long as his surname is Si Gong, then all of this is absolutely impossible.

Otherwise, do they still want this face?

The so-called 'connection' is not simple, obviously the Shinomiya family wants to annex the Yukinoshita family directly!

But even if he knew this, would Yang Nai really dare to refuse?

Obviously she didn't dare on the bright side, she declined:

"It would be nice if we could use software to communicate with each other. After all, there are so many things going on in the company every day. It's really not easy to get out of the way."

"My younger brother will be very concerned about this, and if there are many things, my younger brother will naturally be able to help. Miss Yukinoshita doesn't need to mind so much."

Now Yang Nai is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, she only hopes that someone can help her out.

Didn't she see Chen Feng coming over just now?Where are people now?

She looked around quietly, but Yang Nai didn't find Chen Feng's figure, but according to her understanding of Chen Feng, Chen Feng probably wouldn't leave her alone.

Wait... Could it be that he is going to do something dangerous?

"Sir, would you like wine?"

A man dressed as a waiter passed by carrying a wine tray and asked softly.

Sigong Huang Guang didn't say anything to the waiter, but directly picked up the remaining three glasses of wine on the tray and distributed them to his two brothers. The waiter dutifully cleared away the remaining glasses on the table.

He looked at Yang Nao aggressively.

"Miss Yukinoshita is really thirsty after talking so much, let's have a drink together."

"Then... of course."

Yukinoshita Yoshino still had half a glass of wine in her hand, but she seemed a little absent-minded, her eyes were all on the waiter who entered the back kitchen.

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