On the other side, the Sigong family has become a mess. The three young masters of the family, including the eldest son of the heir, have all been assassinated, and it happened at the banquet organized by the Sigong family. All the famous families witnessed the whole process, which made them lose face.

"Check, check hard!"

This is what the Patriarch said, and it is what Ai Hayasaka is doing now.

The heir of the Shinomiya family was assassinated and now his life and death are unknown. The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department attached great importance to this case and dispatched more than a dozen top experts to start investigating the scene. However, the results of the investigation were not satisfactory. turn up.

More than a hundred policemen may have to work overtime all night recently.

Even though the monitoring was under surveillance, it was still damaged by unknown personnel, and more than half of the camera data in the cloud disappeared.When everyone came to the monitoring room, the special metal door with a thickness of tens of centimeters was quietly opened, and all the staff inside were knocked unconscious.

The members of the Shinomiya family and the police learned from these sober workers that most of them passed out without hearing a sound, and there was no trace of any struggle at the scene. The strength gap of the invaders is too large.

"I... I actually heard a little voice at the end."

A staff member said: "I heard that voice seemed to be a woman, a little hoarse, as if trying to lower her voice, saying something like 'the task at point B is completed' and so on, I didn't hear it clearly later."

"Can you take responsibility for the truth of your words?"

A man with the rank of police officer asked in a deep voice, "All of this needs to be held legally responsible."

"Well, I can!"

"You guys wait for him to ask carefully."

It is said to ask carefully, but in fact it means to let the people under him check whether the person's words are true or false.

Everyone is still investigating the clues that can be obtained now. About half an hour later, the police sent news that the staff member passed the polygraph test, and more professional personnel conducted the review. The probability of truth is [-]% Fifteen or more.

"Finally, there is a little clue."

Ai Hayasaka, who had been standing silently by the side, thought about it, and decided to speak out what was in her heart, because she felt that what happened tonight was too weird.

"Officer, I suspect this may be the perpetrator's inducement."

"That's right, the other party is a very professional person. Even this piece of information must remain skeptical, because everything here is too clean. This is the first time I have seen such a difficult case since I have been in the industry for more than [-] years. "The police inspector rubbed his dark circles and said: "According to my guess, the other party should be a professionally trained killer. It is not difficult for them to disguise their voices, but this alone is enough." The scope of investigation has been reduced a lot.”

"It's horribly professional."

"Well, I'll ask someone to check the trajectories of everyone present, maybe they can find some useful information."

Since the last time the prison murdered a samurai, the Tokyo police were once again overwhelmed with major cases.

Only Hayasaka Ai kept frowning, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the same time, news came from the Shinomiya family that Shinomiya Huang Guang and others were out of danger. The cause of the poisoning was the same as Ai Hayasaka judged, digoxin poisoning, but the dose did not reach the lethal dose, only about 8mg .

[There is a problem... very problematic! 】

Hayasaka Ai in the monitoring room pursed her lips. If she was a professional, she would never make such a fatal mistake. This only shows that the other party didn't really want to kill Si Gong Huang Guang, Yun Ying and Ling Kong San at all. people.

Could it be that you are warning something?

The Sigong family can grow so big, and the enemies will naturally not be less. The development of a family must have sucked the blood of other forces, and the money earned by just engaging in their normal activities with peace of mind is comfortable, but It is absolutely difficult to accumulate such a high number, and sometimes some dirty methods are also a necessary process.

Blood and filth flow from every pore of them!


Three days had passed since the accident at the banquet, but these three days did not allow the police to find anything out of the scene. Even if the Sigong family used their own private power to investigate, they still found nothing.

There was not a single item at the scene that could be used as a clue for the investigation, and many items that made the police feel suspicious were completely irrelevant, as if the murderer deliberately threw a mess here to interfere with the police's sight. The entire investigation came to a standstill.

Three days has been a long time, and the Sigong family has no choice but to catch a few scapegoats and announce it to the public.

Sometimes superficial work still needs to be done, otherwise where will the face of the largest family in Tokyo be put?

In fact, the Shinomiya family did not doubt the Yukinoshita family, but as top powerhouses, they did not believe that a small Yukinoshita family would dare to do anything to their family members.

Although the Shinomiya family indeed had a plan to annex the Yukinoshita family, they haven't done anything yet!Even if the Yukinoshita family's revenge is really useful, it's just a struggle at the end of the day.

How can there be a saying that you will throw a big move as soon as you come up?

After a period of recuperation, the three unlucky members of the Sigong family have recovered their health, but since the Sigong family was targeted by unknown terrorists, it is naturally impossible for immediate personnel like them to go out at will. Stay in the manor under the police and your own personal armed protection.

The richer people are, the more they cherish their lives. Even if this principle cannot be applied to 100% of people, it can definitely be applied to 99% of people.

The Shinomiya family here is immersed in a tense atmosphere, while the instigator on the other side is still living an ordinary life.

In the classroom of the third grade of Zongwu High School, Chen Feng lay down on the table with a look of lovelessness, feeling dizzy when he looked at the writing on the blackboard by Teacher Guwen on the blackboard.

"Is this thing really learned by humans?!"

Roaring in his heart unwillingly, Chen Feng tried his best to pull himself together, desperately looking at the knowledge taught by Teacher Guwen.

If one can enjoy a subject, the learning time of that subject will become extremely rapid, but if one has no interest in it... the result will be just the opposite.

An afternoon that feels like a year begins.

Since the teacher of the home economics class fell ill, this class was taken over by the ancient Chinese teacher who happened to have a class in the afternoon.

When the bell rang for the end of class, the students in the classroom breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't just Chen Feng, who had no interest in ancient prose and had no foundation, but these students who had been educated in ancient prose since childhood felt more and more boring.


The tip of the black ballpoint pen was tapped on her notebook, and Yukino looked at the notes on her desk with satisfaction.

Well, comprehensive and detailed!

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