Raising her white and tender hands, Xue Nai's snow-white neck was immediately exposed to the air, and she stretched comfortably.

But when she looked back, she found that Chen Feng was lying on the table with a dead face, and his eyes became extremely hollow.

Chapter 14 At least, it existed


She and Chen Feng have been classmates for most of the semester, and Xue Nai knows that the class that Chen Feng will never touch fish is the ancient Chinese class, but every time she goes to see Chen Feng secretly, Chen Feng always looks like he has a stone in his mouth and can't swallow it. expression.

She likes traditional literature very much, and sometimes she even looks for ancient Chinese books without modern Japanese translations, so ancient Chinese is not difficult for her. On the contrary, sometimes she will mercilessly point out ancient Chinese in class The teacher's mistakes can be regarded as adding a touch of popularity to the unpopular ancient Chinese teacher.

Sighing lightly, Xue Nai picked up her notebook and walked to Chen Feng's side, while Chen Feng still stared at the blackboard with a confused look on his face, his blank look was completely different from usual.

It can be regarded as seeing a scene that others can't see.

Comforting herself in this way in her heart, Xue Nai stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Chen Feng.

"Don't be in a daze, get out of class is over now."

"Oh... huh? Did you get off?"

Chen Feng regained his composure, looked at the podium where the teacher had long since disappeared, and said with a complex expression: "This thing is really tormenting."

Xue Nai moved a chair from beside her, sat on it upright, and asked puzzledly:

"You don't like this thing, why don't you give it up completely like them? What's more, you don't lack this point, do you?"

"No, absolutely not."

When it comes to his own principles, Chen Feng shook his head resolutely, "It is only challenging to do what you can't do. People who give up just because of difficulties rather than completely hopeless are cowards."

He has always hated three kinds of people the most. The first type is people who don't understand kindness, the second type is people who can't figure out their own position, and the third type is people who give up easily.

"Oh, is that so?"

Xue Nai nodded slightly: "I will lend you my notes after school, remember to return them to me tomorrow."


Yukinoshita Yukino has been in the same class as Yukinoshita Yukino since she was promoted to the third grade.

Obviously she doesn't need this kind of thing.

Ever since Xue Nai lent the notes to Chen Feng for the first time, Chen Feng discovered that something was wrong with the notes, because the ink marks from the beginning to the end of the whole note were in a brand new state, and it hadn't been written for a long time at all, and that During a period of time, Xue Nai also rarely used some foundation to cover up the fatigue on her face.

Apparently that note was the result of his overnight work, but she didn't say a word about it, as if she didn't care at all.

The two were silent for a long time, Xue Nai's fingers holding the novel trembled slightly, her head bowed motionless, but her eyes seemed to glance up.

"recently, I am busy?"

No need for Xue Nai to say that Chen Feng knew what the other party was referring to, she must be asking this question because she had asked for leave a lot these days.

"It's really busy. First, I was asked to go to Tokyo, and then I came back to deal with Ray's contract."

Xue Nao didn't know about Rachel's comics drawing, and her page-turning speed slowed down.

"What contract?"

"Ray's comics." Chen Feng replied quite gratified: "The kid said that I have been working too long and want to do something to subsidize my family. You can encourage it, but I think I can still hold on."


Xue Nai pursed her lips, and closed the book in her hand, "I appreciate this approach very much, besides what Ray said is right, Chen Feng, you work too long."

As long as someone who is able to rely on his own strength, compliance and legal self-reliance is considered a great person, regardless of the other party's age, gender, family... and other factors, she thinks this behavior is very worthy of praise.

"The knowledge in books is not for learning, and being able to survive in society is the development result that is most in line with the entire human history."

"That's why I went with her to negotiate the contract, didn't I?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, the corners of Xue Nai's mouth slightly raised.

"So try to pay attention to your body. I'm going to go to class, so I'll go first."

Putting the chair back to its original place, Yukino returned to the front seat with a back view.

Aloof, cold, and even exuding a sense of "no one should enter", Xue Nao began to feel a little warm on her body. These changes... probably all originated from that time.

Chen Feng didn't know why Xue Nai cared so much about him learning ancient prose. In fact, these were some of his usual behaviors that Xue Nai saw in his eyes.

Sometimes when Xue Nai turned her head, she would see Chen Feng building buildings with messy building blocks or bucky balls, but more often, Xue Nai saw Chen Feng holding some ancient prose exercises and books to study hard in other classes. It was as if he saw his own shadow, the shadow that would never admit defeat.

Xue Nai gave Chen Feng a note of time, and she found that Chen Feng would spend at least 3 hours a day in school studying ancient prose that she didn't like. It's been a habit for so long.

It is true that Chen Feng sometimes causes some major incidents in school, but if you analyze it carefully, Chen Feng will never take the initiative to provoke other students except for his heavy hand.

Some of the things he did may be difficult to understand from the perspective of ordinary people, but in Xue Nai's eyes, some of his reactions made her feel a little bit sorry for this man who has always kept a straight face.

The fleeting panic on the face after being interrupted while concentrating on doing things; the defensive posture when others approach suddenly; the vigilance of watching six directions and listening to all directions when walking in public; Sober...

She wondered more than once whether the original dream was real or not, but every time she tried to dig something out of Chen Feng's mouth, Chen Feng looked confused and acted as if it was really just her own. a dream.

That girl named Chen Xin, that life-and-death battle...

Everything is so real that it makes her feel as if she is actually there every time she thinks about it.

Looking at him struggling in front of the ancient text but unwilling to admit defeat, it seems to coincide with the shadow in the dream that relied on the extremely terrifying will to charge towards the enemy even if he was injured all over his body.

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