She would rather believe that all of that had really existed, but the reality told her that all of this was logically unreasonable.

When the two conflict with each other, Xue Nai tends to be the first one, she believes that all of these have existed.

At least... it existed in another time and space.

The bell is ringing after school, but this does not mean that all students have their own free time. Except for a very small number of members of the "Homecoming Department", most students should consider how to carry out today's club activities.

Club activities are the driving wheels for cultivating a student's hobbies. It can help different students find their favorite things to do in a short period of time.

Some are ball games, some are mental activities, some are cultural studies, some are science practice...

Even if they are far apart, it still means that the students are given a direction in which to work hard in this area, which can be regarded as a specialization in the art field.

There are very few people who have extremely high talents in all fields. There will not be any school here that will train all students to become geniuses that shock the world. Unless you have been proven to have such abilities, you should go along Follow the path you are most interested in and let you go all the way.

Chen Feng didn't deliver food immediately after school, but put on a mask and waited for someone at a certain intersection, and he didn't leave until he handed over the bag in his hand to someone.

It was his last item, and it was also the last item of the 'Warring States Armed Girls' series that he founded that could be sold to those who were interested in buying it.

Since the production of his "Warring States Armed Girl" was completed, some of the defective products that he didn't like were looking for buyers on the Internet in the form of auction.

Chen Feng never thought that all his figures and models would be sold at extremely high prices. The moment he saw the auction numbers above, he thought that someone was messing with it, but he didn't expect that someone actually came I paid him the money, and it's the kind that pays the money before picking up the goods...

A total of 15 figurines were sold, with an average price of nearly 2000 million yen each. This result made Chen Feng feel that the dead house is really rich.

Everyone who came to trade knew the rules and did not try to discover Chen Feng's true identity. At most, everyone hoped that Chen Feng could sign them.

As compensation for the exorbitant price, Chen Feng satisfied their wishes for signatures one by one.

Sending off the foreign customer who came to pick up the goods in a luxury car, Chen Feng opened his Twitter while walking, there are many fans who got the goods and inspected them, and they are constantly showing the goods they got. The 'results' attracted more people to watch.

Chen Feng usually doesn't deliberately tweet or anything, he only occasionally finds something interesting to share, but there are too many replies under these comments...

Especially after he produced and sold the series of "Warring States Armed Girls", his Twitter followers once again skyrocketed, and some people from other continents expressed their envy.

But the one just now... looks like a western face!

Even the customers who paid such a high price to auction off his handicraft still wrote all kinds of long speeches to express their love, calling this transaction "blood earning".

In fact, Chen Feng never thought that this thing could be sold for tens of millions. He was still surprised when it was one or two million last time, but this time it directly increased by 10 times.

He is very happy, because the difficult conditions of his family can finally be improved.

However, Chen Feng didn't intend to just make things like figurines. Although Chen Feng could make use of his current influence and enthusiasm to keep making money, as a person bound by strict principles, he actually valued quality more.

If you use simple and ordinary figurines to collect money, let alone whether it will damage your reputation, Chen Feng will not be happy to spend the money he gets, because he will have a feeling of 'this money was cheated'.

So he edited a message saying 'this figure has been delivered', regardless of the following group of fans who didn't buy the figure and kept urging him to make a novice figure, he directly closed Twitter.

Now that he has a little more money on hand, and he has almost bought the things he should buy, Chen Feng also plans to start saving money, otherwise when will he achieve the small goal he set for himself?

After simply delivering food for a few hours, at the time agreed with Yihua, Chen Feng began to teach her acting skills as usual.

Different from the youthfulness a few weeks ago, Yihua has perfectly hidden or disguised her small movements at this time. It is also easy to improvise a set of perfect and logical stories, and the real-time control of emotions has also reached Chen Feng's heart. Pass line.

Completely reborn.

In the hotel, after several rounds of testing, Chen Feng touched his chin, and Nakano Kazuka looked at him nervously, waiting for the result he gave.

"Very well, now you don't need to go to the crew to act, it shouldn't be a big problem for you to be a spy."


Yihua, who was already very nervous about the evaluation Chen Feng gave her, jumped up happily after hearing this sentence, her red face was extremely excited, all of which showed that her efforts during this period were not In vain.

Pulling Yihua off his body, Chen Feng said flatly:

"What I can teach you has been taught almost, what you need now is to practice on the ground."

"Yeah, I've passed the last few auditions." Sitting at the end of the bed, Yihua nodded happily, "It's just an ordinary little trick."

"Accumulate slowly from the bottom, and you will succeed in the future."

"I understand the truth." Yihua swayed her white thighs and said, "I just have a headache now, when will I tell everyone..."

"It's up to you. If you think it's appropriate, then say it, even if it's an example."


Chen Feng, who had put on his coat, couldn't bear to see Yihua's awkward appearance, and couldn't help asking:

"What do you want to say?"

"Well, am I considered a graduate now?"

"If you are talking about this teaching, you have indeed passed, and you want me to draw a graduation certificate for you?"

Yihua drooped her brows and said resentfully:

"I just feel a little reluctant."

"Aren't he dead? You can't bear a stick."

A 'well' protruded from Chen Feng's forehead. People who didn't know it thought that this guy was paying homage to his dead self.

"No, no, no..." Yihua waved her hands with a smile, "It's because of this experience that I feel a little bit reluctant. Oh, right!"

Yihua seemed to remember something, and said, "Let's celebrate tomorrow, it's still here!"

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