After all, Yihua brushed past Chen Feng like a gust of wind, and patted Chen Feng's shoulder with his small hand. When Chen Feng turned his head to look, Yihua had already rushed outside the door. The sound of flowers echoed in the hotel corridor.

"Just close the door."

Chapter 15 The Knight and the Princess

Human civilization has become the brightest star in the dark night, and the dark brown night sky is one of the masterpieces of human civilization.

The exquisite and bright lights converge into a dreamy river in the city, which indicates that human beings will have a better tomorrow.

There are not only people who relax and go out in the wonderful streets, there are many kinds of people here, happy, happy, sad, hesitant...

People in the same world do not have the same mood at the same time.

Facing the sea breeze in spring, a slender shadow swayed on the shore, struggling to take her own steps was the only thing she could do.

The blushing cheeks couldn't hide the haggardness in the middle, the loose and beautiful kimono fluttered in the cold wind, and the moon in the sky reflected the oriental face.

Who wouldn't want to have a heart as hard as a diamond?To be strong at any time.

Who doesn't want to throw away all the troubles and enjoy their life?Appreciate everything in the world under the wonderful years.

The illusory dreamland is like a piece of clear and transparent glass, which is like a treasure in the world when it is complete, and can only attract sighs and sorrow when it is broken.

The dirty laughter seemed to be still echoing in her ears, the girl on the beach lowered her head, and her wobbly body stopped immediately.

The little hands stiffened by the cold were holding onto the railing on the shore, and the calm sea reflected the cold and bright moon in the sky.


Her snow-white and delicate neck was completely exposed to the night wind. Her body temperature was already so low that she didn't seem to feel it. She just looked at the sea quietly drunk.

The uninhabited area seems to allow spectators to integrate with nature. At this moment, she seems to have forgotten her troubles, put aside the melancholy that haunted her, and her heart is calm and relaxed.

It is close to the port and far away from the main city. On such a clear night, this place may become her holy land, an area that belongs exclusively to her.

She went to drink alone. In the bar where she had met, the only thing that made her feel regretful was that she didn't see the person she wanted to see.

Sitting in a familiar position is a couple, chatting happily and happily, dancing and dancing can win the favor of a beautiful woman.

It's a pity that it has become someone else's position.

Unknowingly, the moon in the sky has changed its position, and the black hair on Sayuri's cheeks was pushed behind her ears.

[It's time to go home. ]

I can't live without myself in the already empty home. If I go back too early, my state will definitely worry the child, right?

Twisting her already stiff feet, Sayuri's legs and feet staggered slightly, and her head, which was still feeling fine, instantly became a lot blurred.

Under the stimulation of Night Breeze, the effect time of alcohol was prolonged a lot.

Covering his forehead, the discomfort in his stomach suddenly came, what should happen to people who drink too much finally happened.

Probably because she could feel the muscles in her stomach twitching, Sayuri tried very hard to stand up, but failed in the end.

She rushed back to Chiba from Tokyo without having lunch or dinner, and her body's energy was almost exhausted. Needless to say, she walked back, and now even standing seemed to be a problem.

So sad……

After struggling on the spot for a long time, Sayuri felt that everything on the road began to appear double. The lights on the road in the suburbs were sparsely lit, but there were no taxis.

That's right, how could there be taxis in this kind of place...

There was a wry smile on Sayuri's pale face, as if she was laughing at her whimsy.

Need help?

Reluctantly taking out the phone from her bag, she was silent, looking at the familiar names on it, but she couldn't press her fingers, because these names made her feel that the world was actually very strange.

Her eyes, which were almost narrowed into slits, stayed on a name, and she hesitated for a long time. She didn't know if doing so would cause trouble for others. If she guessed correctly, he should still be working, right?Even if you're not working, you should be at home with your family...

At this moment, the bitterness in her heart became stronger.

Another car drove across the main road, and the headlights of the headlights dazzled Sayuri who looked up subconsciously.

But within a few seconds, the car seemed to turn around again, and the faint sound of the engine made Sayuri a little nervous for some reason.

She could still hear the sound of someone walking towards her, so she became even more nervous.

Is it someone with bad intentions?

However, in the next second, a familiar voice came to her ears, causing her tense body to suddenly relax.

"Miss Sayuri?! Why are you here?"

The person half squatting in front of Sayuri was none other than Chen Feng who was wearing work clothes and even carrying several takeaways in his hand. He looked at Sayuri who was squatting on the ground with his head buried in his chest in surprise, and asked: road.

Originally, these were his last few orders, and the food delivery location was not far away from a marine transportation company, and he was still ordering food at such a late hour, presumably it should be the staff on the night shift in the company.

Riding a bicycle all the way, Chen Feng found a figure squatting on the shore in a very far place. It seemed that some person who was in a bad mood came out to vent his feelings, but when the distance got closer, the more he looked at this person, the more The sight was familiar, until Chen Feng completely passed the position of this person, the shadow of Sayuri appeared in Chen Feng's mind instantly.

So he turned back to check the situation.

Sure enough, what I felt just now was not wrong, the person squatting here is indeed an acquaintance.


Being very close to Sayuri, he smelled the strong smell of alcohol, and sighed silently in his heart.

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