"Why are you still at work so late?"

Logically speaking, even if Yang Nai has something to do at this time, he should deal with it at home. It's almost 12 o'clock, so there shouldn't be any trouble, right?

When thinking of troubles, two words appeared in Chen Feng's mind - 'Four Palaces'.

"Is the Sigong family here to make trouble?"

"Is this enough?" Taking a sip of the coffee on the table, Yang Nai looked at the thick stack of documents in front of him, and replied embarrassedly: "It's been too long since I've been fumbling around, and a lot of things that need to be handled by me have accumulated. , so... ahaha..."

Yang Nai's embarrassed laughter came from the other end of the phone. Chen Feng, who thought he had to go to Tokyo, was stunned after hearing this, but he didn't know what to say, so he just gave an order.

"Pay attention to rest, don't work overtime for too long."


Holding the phone, Chen Feng shook his head while looking at the clean phone desktop.

The engine started up again, and it disappeared on the long road without going forward.

According to the address given by Yang Nai, Chen Feng easily found the place where Sayuri lives. After all, this is also a famous villa area. Buying a house here not only needs to check the buyer's deposit, but even check the buyer's identity , while screening the quality of the owners, it also maintains the grade of the entire villa area on a standard line.

However, Chen Feng was stopped by security personnel at the entrance. Even though Chen Feng revealed that he was a friend of Sayuri Sawamura, the security personnel did not let him pass easily. After all, Chen Feng had never registered here before, and in the end Important point...

The person he was carrying was Mrs. Spencer's wife!

Without doing anything, the security personnel notified their superiors, and after calling Mr. Spencer's mobile phone to confirm it, but they didn't know what they said, and the security personnel got the owner's permission very quickly.

Let go.

Sometimes Chen Feng would pay attention to avoiding orders in rich areas even if he was taking takeout orders, because these places are too big, and he was not familiar with the roads, so he could only follow a relatively vague road under the initial instructions of the security guards. direction.

Chen Feng didn't dare to drive too fast. After all, Sayuri was sitting behind him and was still in a deep sleep. He focused on Sayuri along the way, for fear that she would fall halfway.

Fortunately, such a bad thing didn't happen, Sayuri hugged her tightly all the way, even at the most dangerous turns, she didn't have any intention of letting go, on the contrary, her grip became tighter and tighter.

After searching for a long time, Chen Feng finally found a villa with the word 'Sawamura' written on the door plate, and the door number was the same as the number Yang Nai told him.

The door is unlocked by fingerprints, but this is not a problem for Chen Feng, he directly opened the door with Sayuri's finger, and entered the house he had never been to without any hindrance.

At this time, Ying Lili in the bedroom on the second floor was staring at her mobile phone with half of her face propped up.

She is now considering whether to call her mother.

Chapter Sixteen: A Man Unwilling to Be Played by Fate

In the past, this kind of late return rarely happened. Dad was busy with work and couldn't go home for a long time. As long as the mother at home was not on a business trip, she would basically return home very early.

Housework, meals... It seems that everything is the burden of the mother alone. Although most of the time there will be service personnel from the community to complete these, but as long as the mother is at home, there are no other people's affairs.

Wearing a green coat, Ying Lili is not an idiot. Although she didn't know why Sayuri made a sudden trip to Tokyo, when Sayuri returned home, the smile on her face became far-fetched. She concealed her own difficulties, but Ying Lili, who was born as a daughter, soon found out that something was wrong.

It wasn't that there were no accidents at home before, but even after encountering these difficulties, Sayuri never became so sad.

Something must have happened!

Sayuri went out in the evening, logically speaking, she should have come back by now, but there is no news for a long time...

Sometimes idiots will find problems at critical moments, let alone Ying Lili who is not stupid.

Just as she was about to dial her mother's phone, she vaguely heard the sound of the door opening downstairs.

Is it back?

Putting down the work she was about to hand in the manuscript the day after tomorrow, Ying Lili walked downstairs slowly, but...

A pair of eyes are shooting from the center of the hall, and they meet each other.


A surprised expression appeared on her face, and Ying Lili did not put down her index finger pointing at the hall for a long time.


It doesn't feel good to be stared at with strange eyes, at least for Chen Feng, especially when the eyes were extremely hostile at first.

After explaining the whole thing, Chen Feng omitted the reason why Sayuri got so drunk.

"Then Miss Sayuri will be handed over to you, and I will go back too."

Putting back on his coat, Chen Feng got up from the sofa and said, "Don't let the vomit get stuck in the trachea, check her condition regularly, if there are ingredients in the kitchen, make some hangover soup, it's not difficult to make, and there is Pay attention to whether you have a cold, if you have a cold..."

Because Ying Lili felt unreliable to Chen Feng, so he explained to Ying Lili a lot of things about how to take care of drunk people.

"Okay...Okay, I know!!"

After listening to Chen Feng's explanation, Ying Lili let her guard down a little and didn't really take out her phone to call the police.

Of course, if Chen Feng really wanted to, she wouldn't have the chance to call the police.

"is that OK?"

"Cough cough..."

Ying Lili, who was still stomping her feet, suddenly blushed in embarrassment, and she whispered, "Then...that student Chen Feng, can you...can you help a little?"


"Didn't you say you knew?"

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