"Knowing it doesn't mean you will!" Ying Lili's straight waist and upright state lasted for a few seconds, and her whole body pulled her hips down instantly, and she muttered softly: "Mom didn't know how to get drunk before..."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Feng suddenly felt that the child seemed a little pitiful...

He really wanted to go back and have a good rest, but seeing Ying Lili's completely unreliable appearance, he even spilled a lot of tea when he made him just now, and his flustered appearance made him start to worry about Sayuri. Something went wrong under this guy's care.

"Understood, it turned out to be trash."

"It's not trash, you bastard!"

Ying Lili looked at Chen Feng's look of disgust and shouted angrily, but then she thought that she had never taken care of a drunk person before, and Chen Feng seemed to be very professional just now...

In fact, she herself was worried about taking care of herself.

"I know it's a bit too much..." Ying Lili said disappointedly: "But I'm more worried about my mother... and I can help too! At worst, I will treat you to eat when the manuscript fee is sent!"


At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly understood how much pressure Xiao Baihe had to bear in raising this child, and he was a chat ghost.

Sighing in his heart, Chen Feng took off his coat. The temperature in the room is relatively high even with the air conditioner. He asked:

"Any olives?"


"Go wash and get me some meat. Where's the kitchen?"

In the kitchen, Ying Lili watched Chen Feng skillfully and smoothly cut the meat on the sticky board into slices with a meat cleaver he took out from nowhere, looking in disbelief in his clothes.

God, there are men who can cook?

Probably feeling that Ying Lili was in the way here, Chen Feng said directly:

"Go and take care of Miss Sayuri, watch her a bit, I'll bring it over when I'm done."

"oh oh."

She nodded dully, turned around and ran upstairs.

Half an hour later, Chen Feng came up with a bowl of strong tea and a bowl of olive broth. Sayuri seemed to be much more awake than before, at least she could wake up, but she was still in a daze.

Ying Lili was standing by the bed watching Chen Feng brutally pouring what was in his hand to Sayuri, she hesitated to speak.

Chen Feng glanced at Ying Lili, as if he knew what the other party wanted to say.

"I lowered the temperature, it's not hot."

"Well...thank you..." Ying Lili was silent for a while and then said: "It's too late at this time, it's better...it's better..."

A small white face flushed, inviting a opposite sex of the same age to live at home, which was completely unheard of before!

"It's better to stay!"

Gathering up her courage, Ying Lili finally spoke out the words in her throat.

However, Chen Feng pouted.

"Nonsense, why don't you take care of her? Unreliable Miss Yinglili."

"Cough cough..."

Chen Feng almost choked Ying Lili to death with a word, but the other party helped him again, and the resentment in his heart that he wanted to hate others could only be suppressed.

In desperation, she puffed up her face and stared at Chen Feng.


"Don't stare, if you stare again, I'll buckle the eyeballs out for you." Chen Feng cleaned up the tableware, and carefully looked around at Ying Lili's attire. This action caused many goosebumps to appear on Ying Lili's back.

"You...what do you want to do?"

"I'm not interested in you, crawl." Chen Feng said disdainfully: "I'll go wash the dishes, do you have sulfuric acid paper at home?"

For a moment, Ying Lili didn't know whether to be happy or sad when she heard Chen Feng's words.

"Yes, but yes... What do you want this thing for?"

"Work, if you have any, prepare a few for me and put them in the room, as well as pencils."

After Chen Feng went downstairs for a few minutes, Ying Lili whispered:

"What's so fierce... Hmph, really, if it's not for your usefulness, I'll kick you out directly!"

She yelled fiercely, but Ying Lili obediently went to prepare what Chen Feng wanted. From the bottom of her heart, she was very grateful to Chen Feng for his help, otherwise she would still be looking up how to take care of others on the Internet.

There are many vacant guest rooms in Sawamura's house, and they are often cleaned inside. Ying Lili even only needs to bring the spare quilt to use.

Seeing that Ying Lili seemed to be very busy, Chen Feng sat on the chair in the guest room and turned the pencil in his hand and asked:

"You seem to be staying up a lot."

"I want you to take care of it!"

After chatting with Ying Lili for a while, Chen Feng also discovered that this girl's personality is different from others, a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

"You go and do your work." Chen Feng took the drawing paper and began to work on the design of the next stage of the "Warring States Armed Girl" series of figurines, saying, "I will check Miss Sayuri's status regularly."

Before leaving the room, Ying Lili specifically warned: "Don't do that... weird things to mom, or I'll make you feel better!"

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