After politely rejecting the kind person who suddenly offered him a cigarette, Chen Feng still decided to go to the store to buy it.

"My cigarettes are different from those in those stores, they are much more upscale."

Hearing this, Chen Feng suddenly thought of some cases where people were stunned with anesthetics and then taken away to have their organs removed.

And at this moment, an order suddenly came to his mind.

【ding dong】

[Issuing user ID: Prometheus, the loving father of man

Order content: Control the man in front of you and hand him over to the police

Address: Entrance of Sakata Supermarket, Block 121

Remarks: This is an offline member of a drug trafficking organization

Reward: Demon Sword repair progress +10%]

[Time: 150 minutes]

[Note 1: This is a random trigger task. The user who issued the order will issue at least 2 non-rejectable orders according to the player's order completion. Please pay attention to the rider]

[Note 2: Failure of this order will not give the host any punishment, including deducting host credit points]

【Note 3: The failure of the order will affect the fate of Kato Yujiro (Kato Megumi's father)】

[Note 4: The overall risk of this order is medium to high, please seriously consider the rider]

Selling drugs?

After hearing the sound of the order, Chen Feng turned his head to look at the young man who was leaning on the vending machine with squinted eyes and enjoying himself. He was smoking the cigarette in his hand one after another. The smoke drifted slowly, and Chen Feng stopped. Footsteps, walked to the youth.

"I forgot to bring money, borrow one."

"Ha, isn't that right? My high-end products taste better than those ordinary products."

The young man took out a pack of cigarettes wrapped in white cloth from his pocket, took out one and handed it to Chen Feng.

"My name is Ito Masaru."

"My name is Yamada Hisama."

Chen Feng casually made up a false name for the other party. He lit the cigarette in his hand and took a light puff.

familiar taste...

This is heroin? !

The sour smell Chen Feng felt that he should have judged correctly, after all, many mercenaries in the past liked to add some weird things to cigarettes.

Most heroin needs to be purified with vinegar, so the poison has a strong sour smell.

He took a sip, closed his eyes and leaned relaxedly beside the man, and said lightly:

"Not pure enough, next time I'll have some pure ones, where are they?"

"Yo." The young man who gave him cigarettes said in surprise: "Is it still a regular customer? But I don't seem to have seen you before."

"I just moved here from Hokkaido. I'm not familiar with the place here, so it's difficult to find someone."

When it comes to acting, Chen Feng really needs to be serious. It is really not difficult to hint a false identity to this gangster and gain trust.

After a few words, the young man signaled Chen Feng to follow him. He took Chen Feng to a small park that was not visited by people, took out a small bag of brown powder from his trouser pocket and threw it to Chen Feng, picking his eyes.

"Since I'm a regular customer, then I won't procrastinate. You can check it out. This product is much purer than the one just now. Do you want it?"

"Let's have a look first before we talk." Chen Feng opened the small bag, and it was indeed filled with the poisonous cocaine.

"What were you doing just now? Are you afraid of being caught like this?"

"Ham, brother, now most people like me recruit newcomers like this, but I was assigned to the street, like those bars and KTVs have our people, they recruit newcomers are worse than me Life is much easier."

Recruiting new recruits sounds like this, but in fact, it is to make ordinary people addicted to drugs by defrauding trust or threatening violence, and then spend all their property on drugs.

Are you already so blatant?

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth twitched, and he shook his head.

"Then you're out of luck."

"That's not it. People like us who get paid according to the commission just look at how the customers are. How about it? Come for two packs?"

This gangster has already regarded Chen Feng as an old addict. After all, when Chen Feng was a mercenary, he was indeed a person who relied on addictive substances to relieve stress every day. Now he no longer has the urge to be addicted, but if he really If you want to pretend, no one will see it.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, took out a pen and a piece of paper from his pocket and threw them to the young man.

"Leave a contact information."

"Good to say."

Just as the young man bowed his head to write, Chen Feng quickly stepped forward and grabbed the young man's shoulders with both hands, kicked his knee and knocked directly on the young man's chest. In just a moment, Chen Feng knocked four or five times.



The gangster looked in disbelief, but when he raised his head, Chen Feng punched him again.

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