After being hit by a huge force, the young man passed out in an instant.

Five minutes later, a group of police cordoned off here, and one of them was Chen Feng's old acquaintance, who was Kato Megumi's father Kato Yujiro mentioned in the series of orders.

After knocking the gangster unconscious, Chen Feng did not call the police, but called Kato's father's private phone, telling him that he had been recruited by drug dealers, and that he had already knocked him unconscious, so that he could Come and take credit.

After a while, the police arrived here and arrested the fainting young man who had fainted and drooled all over the floor.

Kato Yujiro came late, held Chen Feng's hand enthusiastically, and said excitedly:

"Mr. Chen, you are really helpful!"

The surrounding policemen saw that their immediate superiors were so enthusiastic about the caller, and they all kept their heads in silence.

"It's nothing." Chen Feng shook his head, and handed over a pack of brown powder, "He should still have a lot of narcotics on him, just cheated a pack of heroin from him, this purity, tsk tsk..."

"Let me see."

Kato's father frowned, twisted a little powder into his mouth, and spit out the poisonous cocoons in a short while.

"It should be the product of the drug trafficking group we investigated recently. Ordinary small workshops can't do this."

"I think you are moving faster. These people have all gone to the street to recruit new recruits. Oh, yes, those cigarettes are used by them to recruit new recruits, and they have poisonous cocoa in them."

"Damn it!"

Kato's father cursed angrily: "These drug traffickers should all be executed, otherwise the policemen who died in the fight against drugs will die in peace!"

His comrade-in-arms died in an anti-drug mission, and Chen Feng could understand why Kato's father was so angry.

But while the two were chatting, Kato's father received a call. He and the person on the phone just chatted briefly and then hung up with a dark face.

"In another block, our people also caught a few dogs pulling newcomers, and they went so far as to force a girl to smoke their poisonous cigarettes."

"By the way, I still have a clue here. The drug cartel has staff in nearby bars and KTVs. You should check it out according to the situation."

"it is good."

Another police officer came up with a notebook, and suddenly heard his own officer say something.

"Xiaohui's mother talks about you every day. Remember to come to play at home when you have time. My daughter also asks Mr. Chen to take care of you. I will ask Xiaohui to treat you to dinner another day."

Hearing this sentence, the police officer who was about to come to take notes halfway turned around instantly, as if nothing happened.

"Zichuan, aren't you going to take notes?"

A policeman who was inspecting the scene asked doubtfully.

"Shh, there's no need to take notes, just go to the police station and write whatever you want."

"Huh? Why?"

"That young man seems to be the son-in-law of the Kato police department. I just heard that the police department asked that young man to go to his home to cultivate a relationship with his daughter?"

The police officer who took the notes said quietly.

The police inspecting the scene looked shocked.

Without the knowledge of Chen Feng and Kato's father, strange rumors began to circulate in the police station.

And the gangster who was sent to the hospital was also looked at by the doctor speechlessly, and the policeman next to him asked:

"Doctor, how is the suspect's condition?"

"Mr. Police, with all due respect, was this patient beaten up by dozens of people?"

"Ah? No."

The doctor explained speechlessly:

"He had five broken ribs, multiple cracks in the manubrium, a comminuted fracture of the scapula and a severe dislocation of the mandible on the head."

"Ah... ah?"

The accompanying policemen looked at each other in blank dismay. If they remembered correctly, this young man should have been knocked out by the young man who had talked to their chief before, right?

so cruel?

"But it's not life-threatening, it's more like a deliberate effort..."

Immediately afterwards, the doctor explained the wonders of all the places to the police, who broke out in a cold sweat after hearing the explanation.

Is it really such a coincidence that all the broken bones just stagger the deadly organs?


ps: I have to say, I hate drug dealers.Dad used to have a classmate who graduated from the police academy, and later became an anti-drug policeman, but died in a drug smuggling investigation in 11 years.That uncle is very kind to me. Every time I come to see my father for a drink, he will bring me my favorite cakes. Sometimes he will come to celebrate my birthday when he has nothing to do. The little piggy bank he gave me on my birthday in 07 I've been stuffed with pennies and kept on top of my bookshelf, and sometimes thinking about it is really... hard.



"Take out the Transformer from the Ark"

Yi Xin is a time traveler who wants to go home.

In order to fulfill this simple wish, he can join the Guardian Bureau on the continent of Terra and become the red Amazon incarnation of the cannibal, the guide of the underworld.

"All kinds of martial arts, this is a big sniper who shoots straight to the point, what can I say?"

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