You can also turn into a giant of light on the vast sea outside the port area to attack the giant beasts from other worlds.

"Wing Chun, Nexus, try the power of Chinese boxing!"

can also...

"Wait, you're actually enjoying it, right?"

"No way, stop talking nonsense, hand over the magenta drive, or give me a magic belt!"

Chapter 23 What do mercenaries sell?

"Good evening, how does that strange powder smell?"

The waves crashed on the boulders on the shore, and the noisy sound was accompanied by the speeding cars. Chen Feng suddenly heard a gloomy voice behind him.

There were black lines on his forehead, Chen Feng stepped on the brake, he turned his head and looked at Lianhua who was sitting on the armchair behind him, with his hands neatly placed between his legs.

"I said, Ms. Lianhua, can you make your appearance a little less insane?"

"Hell...what do you mean?" Lianhua frowned suspiciously, but finally couldn't understand what Chen Feng meant, and shook her head, "Chen, you haven't answered my question yet."

"It's so high, it's so high that I want to drill my temples with my fingers."

With a perfunctory tone, Chen Feng said: "So, why did you suddenly come to me again?"


Lianhua didn't answer Chen Feng's question, but just looked at Chen Feng quietly, her emerald eyes were full of curiosity.

After a while, she said something that made Chen Feng almost explode on the spot.

"Chen, who can understand jokes, suddenly becomes boring."

"You woman is very annoying. If you don't understand what you have to say, if you understand it, you still have to say it. Why don't you kowtow to me?"

"If necessary, I can knock."


I just said it casually, but I didn't expect Lianhua to respond to him with a serious face, and it didn't look like he was joking.

"Because Chen is my master now, to a certain extent, Chen can order me."

"Then you knock."

"Are you owed first?"

"Then what a fart."

Chen Feng turned his head away in disdain, and drove the car to the side of the road.

The spontaneous combustion of vehicles in the suburbs can't be as dense as the urban area, but there are still a few vehicles coming back from other places or passing by at night, which can be regarded as not causing trouble to others. Chen Feng still has a sense of morality.

"Get out of the car and say."

"How much did this car cost?"

"Indeed." Chen Feng gave Lianhua a white look, "Besides, because someone scared me, I almost had to go to repair the car."

Slowly moved down from the back seat, Chen Feng lit a cigarette.

"Tell me, what can I do for you?"

"There's progress in research, but something else is needed."

"So fast?"

"No, it's because something in your soul asked me to inform you." Lianhua, who was standing side by side with Chen Feng, pointed to Chen Feng and said.


Sometimes Chen Feng really didn't know if there was something wrong with the logic of the system, so he could just inform himself directly, and why didn't he let Lianhua come over.

As if knowing what Chen Feng was thinking, Lianhua said silently:

"I'm a worker, and my boss can do whatever he asks me to do, maybe because he thinks I'm idle."

"Then have you been studying that knife recently?"

Resisting the urge to scold her, Chen Feng calmed down and asked.

However, Lianhua shook her head and stretched out a finger.

"I just studied it for a day."

"Are you fishing for him?"

"I have other part-time jobs."

"for example?"

"Sell some boys' favorite movies at the station?"

"I have to say that you've had a miserable time too..."

"Just kidding, I hate people who don't know how to joke. Part-time jobs need to be kept secret, this is an agreement." Lianhua still looked expressionless, but it was this look that made people angry.

Sure enough, the veins on Chen Feng's forehead popped out instantly.

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