"Because I couldn't find the materials for the transformation, I hadn't even heard of that thing."

Probably because he felt that Chen Feng would get mad if he teased him any more, Lianhua said in an extremely fast language: "There was no such thing in my era, even if I sneaked into the dreams of many people, I didn't find them. There are such things in the memory."

Lianhua looked weak, and it could be seen that she was really troubled by what she hadn't found after searching for a long time.

"In the end it asked me to come to you, and you can get it."

"what is that?"

"0.1 micrograms of californium don't need to be purified, just have it. Well, that's what it told me."

"Why the hell don't you die?! Are you doing nuclear research here?"

"Nuclear research? What's that?"

Lianhua asked blankly, she didn't know what the term that came out of Chen Feng's mouth was, but it was true, after all, she was a messenger.


Chen Feng, who has worked in the medical industry for decades, would not know about this kind of thing. This thing is generally used to make nuclear weapons and treat radioactive metal elements for patients with cancer, and more importantly, this thing is not natural. No, the existing californium element is manufactured artificially.

Theoretically, the fastest manufacturing method is to use high-flux neutron beams to irradiate suitable target elements, and finally obtain them through neutron capture and decay.

Let alone whether he has equipment, even if he does have equipment, then he has no environment to do this stuff!

For a moment, Chen Feng suddenly wanted to beat up the system and let him get this kind of world-class scarce element, it would be better to kill him directly.

[System, give me an explanation, otherwise I will quit this matter. 】

【ding dong】

[Issuing User ID: System (Takeaway Type)]

[Order content: No matter what method is used, the host needs to obtain 0.1 micrograms of californium to transform the demon sword 'Jingwu'

Address: ■■■■

Time: unlimited

Reward: Demon Sword 'Static Fog' transformation progress +90%]

[Shall I pick you up! 】

[The host will obtain the modified item in the future. Due to the cause and effect of heaven, the system cannot directly participate. Please pay attention to the host. 】

After throwing this sentence away, the system was silent, as if it was dead.

Lianhua standing in front of Chen Feng only saw Chen Feng's face getting darker and darker, she suddenly said:

"The part-time person called me, and I went to work part-time. Chen, have a good dream."

With a sway, Lianhua disappeared in place, leaving only Chen Feng who had nowhere to vent his anger and kept taking deep breaths.

He is really angry.

-·-·-·-·-·-(Dividing line)

At twelve o'clock at noon, Chen Feng fell face down on the table as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, making a loud muffled sound.

The sudden sound was very abrupt in the classroom. The students who were closest to Chen Feng even stood up from their chairs because of the muffled sound. They leaned against the wall and shrank back to the corner in panic. There were dense beads of sweat on their foreheads. It keeps flowing down.

The panicked look was as terrifying as a group of gunmen suddenly rushing in from the school.

As for the other students, they just glanced cautiously in Chen Feng's direction, and soon they either went out to buy things, or started to lower their heads to play with their mobile phones, as if they had nothing to do with themselves.

clap clap clap...

A slender hand patted his shoulder, and a worried voice rang in his ears.

"Are you okay?"

Raising his head, Chen Feng had thick dark circles under his eyes. He looked at Xue Nai who lay down next to him and asked him, and said weakly:

"I'm hopeless."


The inexplicable words made Xue Nao even more worried, but she couldn't say it directly, so she walked back to her seat and brought a bento over.

"If you don't bring a bento, I can share some of it with you."

"Why not give it all to me?"

"Because I want to eat too."

After giving Chen Feng a blank look, Xue Nai took out the chopsticks in the crack of the bento box, took a piece of pork ribs and fed it to Chen Feng's mouth.

"Eat a piece, and then tell me what's wrong." Xue Nai said calmly: "You were in a bad state early this morning, and thought you were sick again."

"I'd rather be sick than do a bad job if I can."

As if dealing with an enemy, Chen Feng fiercely bit the fried pork ribs into his mouth, and even the bones were bitten into powder by him little by little, making a 'click' and 'click' sound.

"Anything else?"

"I brought the bento."

Chen Feng took out his own rice, and placed it neatly on the desk that he pulled over and joined together, with a sad face, "Do you think it will work if I make a californium?"

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