Remarks: Regardless of whether the drug dealer is dead or alive, the number of dead policemen is less than 9

Reward: System-enhanced Beretta 92f pistol (visible to no one except the host; indestructible; unlimited ammunition; silent shooting; enhanced power; any type of caliber ammunition can be replaced)]

[Time: 500 minutes]

[Note: Failure of the mission will result in the death of Yujiro Kato]

Ding Ling Dang!

The fork in Chen Feng's hand fell to the ground, and Miss Kato didn't even have time to speak when she saw Chen Feng get up and run out the door.

"Mr. Weird?"

"You eat here, I will save people."


With the loud noise, Chen Feng has already rushed out.


Miss Kato tilted her head in bewilderment, but before she even had time to get up, she heard the harsh sound of tires rubbing against the asphalt road outside the door.

he's gone.

"Guest...guest?" The voice of the waitress was a little trembling. I don't know if it was fear or other reasons, but Ms. Kato guessed it should be fear.

"Ah, please wait a moment."

Ms. Kato's cell phone rang, and the caller was her mother, with an anxious voice, "Xiaohui, your father's colleague is here, saying that they are here to protect the police family members, and tell you to come back quickly."

"I see, I'll be right back."

Ms. Kato hung up the phone unhurriedly, looked at the sluggish waitress in front of her, and showed a sweet smile.

"Could you please pack it?"

"No... no problem, customer." The waitress looked at the sliding door that had been torn away, and smiled far-fetchedly, "What happened to... that customer just now?"

"Well, Mr. Weird has something very urgent. How much is Damen's compensation?"

Chen Feng rushed out of the door directly, which frightened many people here, and he needed compensation if he broke someone else's things. Naturally, Ms. Kato didn't need to say more about this kind of truth that children understand.

"No need for customers, the glass in our store is bulletproof thickened glass, it should be the problem of the gate."

At this time, a middle-aged lady in professional attire came over, bowed to Kei Kato and said, "I'm really sorry for causing you trouble, please leave your consumption password, the next time you and your friends come to Japan All consumption in the restaurant is free, I am very sorry!"

Ten minutes later, Kato Megumi was already outside the restaurant door. She put away her wallet, patted her chest with lingering fear, looked at the half-missed door behind her, and murmured:

"Is the quality of the bulletproof glass ... a problem?"

Picking up a shard of glass, Ms. Kato inspected it carefully before her eyes.

"But it's obviously very thick."


There are many cargo ships moored by the port, but there is no sign of workers busy here. This is completely opposite to the scene of brightly lit workers operating machines up and down to pick up containers in the past.

In the darkness, nearly a hundred pairs of eyes projected from the corners outside these warehouses. They came from the police anti-narcotics team, and they have surrounded these warehouses at this moment.

On a building hundreds of meters away, the place is already empty. The police evacuated the residents in this area in a very short time. Even on the road outside, there are only few vehicles passing by. It can be seen that no matter how many times these vehicles are driven, they are still just those few vehicles.

Traffic control has also been carried out.

A police officer with a gun was hiding on a big tree, using the lush branches to cover his figure, he picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Elephants, elephants, please pay attention, sparrows are inspecting the goods."

"Here is Black Elephant. We have determined the specific location of the delivery through the observation port and are ready to carry out an assault."

A sniper on a tall building reported in a low voice, but at the same time his report was over, a police officer's screams suddenly came from the intercom.


"Who is it? Who is calling!"

"(A burst of noise) This is Purple Elephant! This is Purple Elephant! Purple Elephant No. 3 died, sacrificed, drug dealers are on guard, the information is wrong!!"

For a while, some police officers who hadn't had time to react were attacked by a large number of drug dealers pouring out of the warehouse. The pistols in their hands became weak against automatic weapons, and news of reports of injuries continued to spread to the side of the warehouse. In the ears of Kato's father.

The policemen ambushing beside him began to exchange fire with the drug dealers, and bullets passed by one after another, making a sharp sound of breaking wind.

"Call the headquarters, support is needed, please provide support quickly!!"

As soon as the words fell, a bullet directly shattered the communicator in Kato's father's hand. The impact of the bullet made his arm numb, and thick blood flowed down his palm.

"Free fire, free fire!!"

The fighting in the warehouse suddenly became fierce.

"The Kato Police Department...they...they have grenades."


Kato's father, who poked his head out a little, saw the drug dealer hiding behind a container flick off the pick of a fragmentation grenade. However, before he could issue the order to 'all down', he saw the drug dealer's His head suddenly exploded into a ball of blood, and the grenade in his hand also fell, blowing up the friendly soldiers beside him. They fell to the ground one by one. .

On another building, a black gun barrel was emitting faint heat, and Chen Feng, the user of this gun, also heaved a sigh of relief.

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