"Fortunately... we caught up."

Just when he was about to check the scene, a red mark suddenly appeared in his field of vision, and there was a 5-second countdown above the mark.

According to the system prompt, if the enemies marked above the head and have a countdown timer are not dealt with within the specified time, the entire mission will fail.

But that's right, if he really threw that grenade, a large number of police officers would be injured or even killed.

Kato's father breathed a sigh of relief, and the rest of the police officers also began to pay attention to the actions of the drug dealers. They all thought it was the snipers prepared by the police force.

After receiving the walkie-talkie handed over by the policeman next to him, Kato's father's bleeding right hand was still shaking.

"Black Elephant, good job."

"?" The sniper police officer on the top of the tall building with his finger still on the trigger was a little confused. He suddenly said, "I didn't shoot that shot. Before I could shoot, I saw the target's head was smashed."


The entire police force arranged for a sniper. If you tell me that it wasn't you who did it, who else could do it?

When did the .45 ACP bullet smash the head?

However, before everyone could react, another voice appeared on the intercom.

"Leader, leader! The number of sparrows is wrong, totally wrong, there are many of them, and they are hiding in containers in the warehouse!"

At this moment, the hearts of all the police officers present were shocked, and the expressions on their faces became serious.

Now, something went wrong.

Chen Feng was very busy. If he hadn't loaded the 4 magazines of the SVD sniper rifle in advance, he would have worried about whether his bullets were enough.

Most of the time, a sniper plays an important role in a support position, using his own vision advantage to observe the enemy's movements, gain insight into certain dangers that other friendly forces cannot observe, and give one-shot support at critical moments.

You must keep a calm mind at all times, so that you will not be flustered and cause mission errors. Even if you are facing an extremely dangerous situation, you must carefully do what you should do now.

The sudden appearance of an unknown sniper really caused the police sniper to fluctuate in his heart. The duel between snipers is never something to joke about. A slight mistake will lead to death.

He really wanted to change his position to avoid another sniper discovering his movements, but the conditions did not allow him to do so. He had to stay here and report the location of each drug dealer to the front-line police officers to avoid them suffered a fatal blow.

And there is the most important point, that is, another mysterious sniper who does not know his location does not seem to be a drug dealer, he seems to be helping the police.

"Dashi, help me find the location of another sniper, I need to confirm the identity of the other sniper."

His eyes were fixed on the burning battlefield in front of him, and he gave an order to the observers beside him.

There is always an uncertain factor around him, and this feeling of being out of control makes him, a SAT-born sniper, as uncomfortable as he is constipated.

Chapter 28 The Force That Doesn't Exist

"no problem."

The police officer as an observer lay on the ground, opened the bag on his waist, took out a bunch of parts from it, and began to assemble the thermal imaging. In the dark night, thermal imaging is obviously the easiest prop to find local snipers, whether it is targeting The instinctive heat of the sniper's body is still the heat of the gun. As long as there is thermal imaging, everything will become extremely conspicuous, even under the cover of night.

"White Bear 3, there is an enemy hiding behind a tree about 20° to your left, be careful."

"Polar Bear No. 3 received."

The police sniper was constantly reporting the location of some hidden enemies to the front line, and pulled the trigger when the kill could be guaranteed, killing these drug dealers with fox tails on the spot.

The firing of Fenghe M1500 brought a lot of recoil. The sniper policeman pulled the trigger again, and a hot shell casing was thrown to the ground, making a 'jingling' sound caused by metal collisions.

Under the helmet, the forehead of the police sniper has long been covered with countless fine beads of sweat. He is now under tremendous pressure to fight. I didn't even dare to divert my attention to other places, but kept doing what I was supposed to do.

Chen Feng on the other side has silent and flameless bullets. These weird bullets will quietly take away the lives of some drug dealers who want to do tricks.

In his heart, as long as he moved the weapon, it proved that he would no longer have any room to keep his hands.

[Police officers 4→5 have been killed in battle, riders please pay attention. 】

In less than ten minutes of the fight, five police officers were killed on the spot. His heart did not fluctuate too much, but he began to run his brain rapidly, thinking about how to minimize the casualties of the police.

The drug dealers also gradually discovered that there were snipers outside. They had begun to deliberately prevent exposing their deadly parts to the sight of the snipers, and began to shrink their defenses, leaving only a small number of armed personnel to deal with the police outside.

Sometimes hundreds or even thousands of bullets are fired, and not necessarily one person will be shot. Under the cover of the night and the fear of death in their hearts, everyone's shooting accuracy has dropped significantly.

It's not a good idea to stay here and support with a sniper rifle. Chen Feng put away his sniper rifle in an instant, and looked at the police sniper who stayed still and continued to shoot towards the battlefield.

At this moment, he had an idea in his mind.

[System, get out my old military uniform. 】

[International mercenary organization 'snake cave' clothing generated, restored to the host's previous clothing appearance. 】

In less than 3 seconds, a set of familiar gray-green military uniforms was neatly placed in front of Chen Feng, and there was a corresponding helmet on top of the clothes.

He put on the clothes as quickly as possible, and then put on a black hood, only revealing his eyes to hide his true face.

Holding the empty magazine in his hand, Chen Feng carried the SVD behind his back, and quickly climbed over the stairwell to the bottom of the building. There were still dense gunshots in his ears, but compared to his previous experience in the war The experience of the region, this is just the level of a child's play, at most the kind of play that can wake him up from his sleep.

The observer was equipped with thermal imaging, but when he scanned the surrounding buildings, he could not see the existence of other snipers at all.

Maybe it's the angle of my position?

Such a question arose in his heart.

"I can't see it here, I need to change my position."

"and many more……"

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