The sniper grabbed the observer's clothes and stopped him from lurking forward.

"The hostility you show like this is too strong. If you attract the attention of the other party, it will be very dangerous."

The sniper who retired from the special emergency force calmly analyzed: "If you can't see it here, then you can't see it. The other party is the same group of drug dealers as our target. He didn't shoot our people."

"..." The movement of the observing hand froze, and then asked: "Then what should we do?"

"Continue the mission."

He could feel the tension of his comrade-in-arms. This was a gamble, because they were both snipers, and the other party could easily determine the approximate location of himself and others. If the mysterious sniper had any evil intentions, the two of them There is no doubt that people must die.

A gamble of life.

Fortunately, they were right in their bet, because Chen Feng was indeed their ally, or in Chen Feng's eyes, the policemen all had a faint blue light, which was the symbol of Hawkeye's ally.

But while the two were talking, a hand reached out from behind the observing hand and snatched the police walkie-talkie hanging on his chest.

"Borrow it."


The observer was taken aback by the sudden attack, and instantly pulled out the pistol at his waist and pointed it behind him, but the moment he raised his hand, he was disarmed.

Chen Feng twisted his body sideways, his free right hand tightly grasped his wrist, elbowed the observing hand's chest lightly, and at the same time kicked hard on the observing hand's leg. He fell to the ground because of his unbalanced body. As for his gun... his gun was also handed over by Chen Feng.

In addition to assisting the sniper in reconnaissance and reporting the enemy's position coordinates, the observer also has another role to ensure the safety of the sniper and prevent sneak attacks.

Unfortunately, they met Chen Feng.

"Calm down, I'm the sniper on the building not far from you, not your enemy."

Throwing the gun on the ground, Chen Feng scolded with a straight face.

It was because of Chen Feng's scolding that the sniper who had drawn his gun halfway saw that Chen Feng was carrying a carefully modified Lagonov sniper rifle on his back.

Withdrawing the pistol, the sniper returned to his position again. He knew very well that if Chen Feng shot at the two of them just now, none of them would survive, but Chen Feng just disarmed the responding observer and There is no other excessive action.

"who are you?"

The Observer staggered to his feet, his wrists and ankles tingling.

"Snake cave, you can understand that I am here to support your personnel."

Chen Feng pointed to the coat of arms on his chest, and said calmly: "Now you continue your mission and provide me with front-line support."

He had inquired about the mercenary organizations in this world, and there was no 'snake cave' that he had joined. That's why he thought of using an identity that didn't exist in this world to cover up his true identity.

"What? You want to use this thing to go up?"

The observer was stunned, you are a sniper, not an assaulter!Could it be that this person can't even figure out his own position?

Also, is 'snake cave' the codename of some secret army?Why hadn't he heard of it at all.

"I have other weapons." Chen Feng frowned, "Please carry out your original order, soldier!"

In an instant, Chen Feng's aura changed drastically, and the observer suddenly subconsciously stood at attention.


"What about you?"

"I think I need to report to my superiors..."

Gritting his teeth, the sniper said firmly.

"You can ask the Kato Police Department, and he will tell you what to do now."

After saying this, Chen Feng pulled the observing hand over and asked:

"Your communication frequency, tell me."

The observer obediently told Chen Feng the communication channel, and Chen Feng turned around and left directly. At the same time, he took out the fully automatic AR15 from the general's arsenal, and he was going to fight on the front line himself.

It wasn't until Chen Feng left completely that the observer regained his composure and rubbed his eyes.

"Hey, did you see just now that the officer suddenly has a rifle in his hand."

"I don't know..." The sniper turned on the walkie-talkie and began to report the situation to Kato's father.

"What? A sniper from another unit? Okay, I get it, I'll check, and you carry on with your mission."

After listening to the report on the walkie-talkie, Kato's father frowned. Didn't the people above say that the support troops hadn't arrived yet?Why are there supporters from a mysterious force?

At this moment, a dull voice came from the police channel of the walkie-talkie.

"Here is the 'snake cave' support personnel. Everyone maintains a firefight and immediately reports your formation, number and location. We have received information that your mission information is wrong. The number of drug dealers should be 103, and they are carrying heavy fire weapons. And more than 900 grenades of unknown models."

"Which unit does 'snake cave' belong to?"

Kato's father asked in a deep voice, he must eliminate hidden dangers to prevent this person from being eavesdropped by drug dealers.

"Police Department Kato, you don't have the authority to know. If you have any questions, you can ask the Chief of Hishikawa Police. If you want to continue to complete the 'Bird Hunting Operation', please execute the order quickly!"

When it comes to fighting information and acting, Chen Feng is very proficient. He used the information query of the system to find out that the highest person in charge of this mission is a police chief named Lingchuan, and their operation code name this time is It was also detected by the system.

Following the noise in Kato's father's headset, the voice of Hishikawa Police Chief came from inside.

"Colossus, cooperate with 'snake cave'."

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