Yi Caiyu looked at the back of Chen Feng and Xue Nai leaving with a dazed expression, she scratched her head in disbelief, and it took a while to realize that Chen Feng just called her a lot of nonsense.

He stomped his feet twice, and walked away angrily.

Xue Nai looked back at Yi Caiyu who was not far behind the two, then looked at Chen Feng, and asked:

"Then what are you going to do later?"

"The vase has no deterrent effect, just use it to look at it. She doesn't know how to deal with anything. It is estimated that other people will do the most things after taking office."

"So you plan to do it alone?" Xue Nai raised her eyebrows.

"I'm in charge of the overall planning. After all, I don't want to waste my time here, or Ray will be angry again if it's too late." Chen Feng said lightly: "I'll let you be my deputy later, I don't care about the others. Familiar, too lazy to pick one by one."

"Okay, you have the final say."

The student union of Zongwu High School has an independent meeting room, which is at the top of the floor, and the next door is the daily office of the student union.

The door of the conference room looked very grand in this school, but when Chen Feng hadn't entered yet, but was just standing at the door, he heard the commotion inside, which made him frown.

"Is it like this in normal meetings?"

"If you're talking about a weekly meeting, it's pretty much the same."

Xue Nai said coldly: "I never expected plankton to climb trees."

At this moment, Chen Feng beside Xue Nai raised his foot and kicked the door of the student union conference room. The two doors were kicked open with a loud bang, and the scene in the conference room was also in Chen Feng's eyes.

In the middle of the spacious room is a large square table, above the main seat is a high platform with a desk and various projection equipment, and there are also carefully arranged green plant pots around the room.


Chen Feng's cold eyes swept around. Some students sitting on the conference table cutting their nails, some students playing games with game consoles, and some students chasing and fighting inside turned their eyes over instantly.

Time seemed to be frozen at this moment. The students who were chasing and fighting were stiff and did not dare to move. The students sitting on the conference table silently sat back in their seats and bowed their heads without saying a word. The students who were still playing game consoles cautiously Start hiding game consoles...

The noisy conference room seemed to be an illusion, and when Chen Feng opened the door, the illusion disappeared quietly.

Xue Nai walked to her seat without saying a word and sat down. The others did not dare to take a breath, because they all knew the identity of the person kicking the door. adults'.

Moody, ruthless, ruthless...

Chen Feng took out his letter of appointment and walked to the rostrum step by step. When he walked up to the rostrum, the two people in the vice-chairman's position also stood up straight with tense bodies, but their eyes were always looking at the ceiling.

"I received a letter of appointment, and the school council appointed me to participate in the planning and resolution of this school festival."

Looking around, Chen Feng saw a secretary wearing glasses, and he threw the appointment letter over.

"Read it to them."

"Yes Yes!"

This secretary was none other than the one who came out to rescue Chen Feng when he was called up by the previous president at the opening ceremony last time.

When the secretary was reading the letter of appointment, Chen Feng found that many people in the audience were quietly discussing something, but with sharp ears, he heard a red-haired short-haired female student talking to people around the audience.

"Why did he come here... This is simply adding to the chaos. What else is there to do? It's obviously here to make the work more difficult, right?"

Quietly waiting for the vice president to finish reading the letter of appointment, Chen Feng kicked away the chair of the student union chairman, sat up with his legs crossed, and fixed his eyes on the person who seemed to talk a lot.

He picked up the roster in front of him, and matched the identities of the people sitting on the seats in his impression one by one.

Minami Sagami, Executive Committee...?

"Which of you is the executive committee member?"

"Yes... it's me!"

Sure enough, the red-haired girl stood up.

"Your positions have been confirmed a week ago, right? And the result of the discussion must be almost the same. Please, the executive committee, please show me your financial statements and detailed personnel registration forms."

"Ah this..."

"Didn't hear what I said? Hand in the form!"

Seeing that the other party didn't move at all, Chen Feng's voice became louder.

Seeing Chen Feng's dissatisfied face, the vice-chairman sitting next to him hastily urged:

"Sagami, show the watch to the chief."

Seeing the scene, Xue Nai who was sitting in the crowd shook her head.

The meeting started a week ago, but every day was muddled, not to mention the property report, and even the detailed personnel list, she felt that the person did not do it.

The entire conference room was shrouded in a tense atmosphere. Ever since Chen Feng took his seat, without saying anything else, there was an aura that could not be doubted by others. As for the current operation, it should be in the Give these people who do things a disarm.

Five minutes later, Chen Feng threw the 3-page financial statement and personnel allocation form on the ground aside.

"What kind of rubbish are you doing? Put some rice on the paper and the chicken pecks are more valuable than this. You, change."

At this time, Isshi, who had just brought some materials from the file, walked into the meeting room, and heard Chen Feng pointing to a person's nose and expressing his decision.

Isshiki opened his mouth wide in surprise, I seem to be the chairman, right?

In the crowd, Hikigu looked at the stiff atmosphere at the scene, edited a message and sent it to Xue Nai.

"Very useful."

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