"True, but that's the sort of thing he would do."

Bi Qigu's lazy attitude dissipated, and he looked at the scene with his face propped up with interest, feeling like watching a play.

The male vice president wearing glasses wiped the sweat from his forehead, as if he wanted to adjust the atmosphere.

"Chairman Chen Feng, Sagami will do well, she just isn't familiar with it..."

"It's none of my business if she's not familiar with it. She hasn't been familiar with it for a week. The executive committee members of the event are all trash, and this event is still a fart!"

Chen Feng hooked the financial statement on the ground with his toe, and he opened a page at random, pointing to the content on it and questioning like beads:

"You made this kind of thing for me in a week, and you have the nerve to call it a report if it's not as good as the outline? Okay, let me ask you, the purchase of 3000 balloons in the budget will cost 72384.324 yen. Which company is this from?" Gold balloons need so much money? And why is the activity fund of the class undecided? Why do you only have a total on it? And what about the rate? What is the proportion? Why is there a blank in the expense description? And why is the venue income and leasing? Is the calculation wrong here, and this one is also wrong? I can calculate the number by mouth. The number should be 81231.77 instead of [-]. The activity will start next week. Is it annoying to take out this thing? You I will do shit, occupy the latrine and not shit! Now reassign the task, if the person who fails to complete it by the due date, I will be held accountable, do you hear me clearly?!"


ps: The magic has been changed a bit, everyone is based on the plot of this book.

Chapter 31 Commander, what happened?

Seek out his own government in his position, and fulfill his duties.

Now that my butt is sitting in this position, I naturally need to have a certain awareness to complete what I should do, instead of spending a week in the world like now, but doing what I should do like a mess of garbage.

Chen Feng can't tolerate the situation where villains are in power. If he is not in charge of this part of the matter, he will naturally not bother to take care of these guys who put on official airs. Their skills are as worthless as ants, but their words But always let out big words without thinking about the consequences.

Checking what they had planned for a week, Chen Feng's gaze turned to look at plankton.

The planning book only has an outline, and the executors of the scene layout have not even started to purchase the necessities that need to be used. The activity copy submitted by many classes does not even have a trace of approval.

How could this make Chen Feng not angry?

"Then...Senior Chen Feng, everyone has been working hard to discuss the cultural festival activities. After all, it is impossible to be perfect, and I think it is enough to get by."

"The president is right, it's not that we didn't pay, these..."

"Did he let you talk?"

Chen Feng on the stage rolled his eyes, and a girl who was echoing Yi Caiyu suddenly felt a chill behind her back and closed her mouth decisively.

Looking around the audience, Chen Feng said frankly:

"Do what you can, and use your best ability is the most efficient way to make the whole event go from decision to execution to the end. What do you think of this place? Do you think it is a place for you to play around at will! Each of them didn't even have the most basic awareness, and they just dealt with the tasks assigned by the school so casually, what did they say? All the leaders came over, and reported all their positions to me, and replaced those who couldn't do it. "

It seemed that Chen Feng's words had stimulated some people. A boy with a crew cut suddenly stood up. Although his calves were trembling, he still refuted Chen Feng.

"This is not your speech, our duties have already been assigned, if we change people at will, it will affect the progress of the entire decision!"

"Okay, what's the man's name?"

Chen Feng was not angry, but quietly asked the vice president of glasses beside him.

"Uh...he, he's the head of the basketball club, Ida Haru, and he's in the second grade now."

"Okay, then this student Ida can leave. I believe that you, a second-year student, will transfer to another school and study again, and it will not affect your further studies in the future."

Hearing Chen Feng's extremely indifferent voice, the boy was shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

Not only this boy, but everyone else in the meeting room also opened their mouths, because they knew how convincing these words came from Chen Feng's mouth.

During the one-year transfer period, 22 people were seriously injured, 9 people were transferred to other schools, and 4 people were suspended from school. These figures have been recorded in detail by students from the news department, and I heard that many students who transferred to another school also encountered people from different schools when they did not leave school. Death threats from the underworld.

With the data in front of him, the entire conference room became deserted, and no one dared to move.

"I will forward your information to the school. If there is a reason, please write an attempt to disrupt the normal progress of the cultural festival and threaten the chief." After speaking, Chen Feng found that the other party was still motionless, so he increased his volume, "Calling you to get out , if you have ear problems, I can write a letter to your parents, do you need it?!"

"Yes Yes……"

The basketball minister with a look of despair limped out of the conference room, glanced at the students shrouded in fear below, and Chen Feng nodded in satisfaction.

"Does anyone have any opinions? It doesn't matter. If you have opinions, you can raise them. Feel free to raise them."

Everyone complained crazily in their hearts, who dares to make comments like you?I'm afraid that if I raise my opinion, I will be voluntarily transferred to another school like that unlucky kid.

The field was quiet, and Yi Caiyu was still in a state of shock at this time, and he didn't get over it.

The vice president wearing glasses offered to propose.

"Since this is the case, let's follow the chief's intention. Everyone will come up in order to report, and try to finish the work earlier and go home."

There are a total of 7 people in charge of the cultural festival. After a simple business review, Chen Feng directly replaced 6 of them. Only the vice president wearing glasses is still a little level. He is in charge of publicity planning. and execute.

Through a simple test, Chen Feng handed over the vacant positions to other students with comparative advantages. They have studied more or less or participated in similar activities, and have a lot of experience in these work things.

Just when many people thought that the event would end in the worst result, Chen Feng called some leading persons in charge, and asked them to bring paper and pens to record the tasks he had given.

Many of the students of these leaders have experience, and they were all shocked when they heard the various things and many detailed points explained by Chen Fengkou.

Publicity, finance, human resources, security, planning...

He was able to explain these apparently scattered things in detail with many professional terms, and pointed out many inadequacies that they had not found in their previous work.

Because of their experience, they can easily tell whether a person is directing blindly or well. Chen Feng's explanation is reasonable and reasonable, and he has also taken into account some legal issues that will arise during the cultural festival.

After he filled in the loopholes, these little leaders could see the hidden doorway after careful thought, and their unconvinced hearts turned into admiration.

It is hard to imagine that a person's knowledge can cover so many fields, and the affairs in these fields are also perfectly allocated.

In fact, many people have long been dissatisfied with such an inefficient meeting. Now that Chen Feng came up, he directly kicked out many people who had no status in the student union.

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