In an instant, most of them had the feeling that this person above was a savior, a wise gentleman who appointed people on merit.

When it comes to using speech skills to motivate these inexperienced people, Chen Feng still doesn't feel any pressure.Ever since, after his encouragement and a short "heart-to-heart" chat, the group of people were all in high spirits, and even two of them were so moved that they were about to cry.

They are determined not to disappoint their immediate boss, and try their best to get things done.

"President Isshiki, right?"

Chen Feng walked in front of Yi Caiyu, seeing the girl's frightened look was a bit funny, but he still kept a straight face and said seriously:

"The planning of activities for the [-] students in the school is the responsibility of nearly [-] people. I don't know if President Yishi has any suggestions for my presumptuous behavior?"

"Uh... no."

Yi Caiyu couldn't understand the field knowledge that Chen Feng and the little leaders he appointed said, so she couldn't find any faults, and Chen Feng's radical methods made her feel like she was useless in doing anything, so she quickly He replied bluntly.

"Since this is the case, I won't bother you to make the decision and implementation of the event project. My time is very tight here, or everyone's time is very tight. After all, staying here and working is very tiring. President Isshiki is in charge of everyone's logistics. , I believe that everyone should also need support staff to take care of it? There is no problem in leaving the rest to me.” Chen Feng said as if he suddenly thought of something: “Of course, if President Isshi is here If you are good at certain fields, please also show your brilliance, after all, there is still a lot of work accumulated in more than a week."

The two sentences directly blocked Yi Caiyu's retreat, and Yi Caiyu stammered, "Then I... will be in charge of ordering drinks and dinner?"

"No, no, if you have any questions about work, you can help everyone. Your role is to address everyone present. This is a very important job. Would you like to?"


Although he still felt that something was wrong, Yishiyu suddenly regained his self-confidence, and he is not a person who achieves nothing!

After finishing Yi Caiyu's transfer of power, Chen Feng sat on the stage and watched his newly appointed small leaders discuss work with his team members. He cleared his throat.

"Every school-level activity is very important. I hope everyone can work hard. If you are not competent, you can report to your person in charge. If you are competent, I hope you will work hard. If there is any error in the activity, I will Individual accountability, you should understand."


In just ten minutes, Chen Feng successfully transferred all the power here to himself. He raised his hand to Xue Nai to signal, then turned his head and shouted to Bi Qigu:

"Bikigu, Xue Nai, you two come up to be my deputy."

Hikigu Hachiman, who was sitting in the seat, was stunned, and walked up with a confused face. As for Yukino, Chen Feng had already greeted her, so she was not surprised by such a situation.

Chen Feng motioned for the two to sit where the two vice presidents were originally seated, and divided a large pile of documents in front of them into a small part.

"Help me review the applications for these class activities. There are too many funds or the activities are not suitable. Finally, take the sticky note there, write the question and paste it on the corresponding document, and finally just bring it to me."

"You made it a little big."

Bi Qigu sat down on the seat with a listless face, and said: "But somehow it feels reasonable. Anyway, you are more efficient than those few people when you come up, so you don't waste time."

Xue Nai looked at the document that was only the thickness of a finger in front of her, and then looked at the document that was half a meter thicker in front of Chen Feng, and asked:

"Bring more, you have too many."

"It's the same with me here, finish it early and go back early." Yawning, Hikigu suddenly froze for a moment, and looked at Chen Feng, "It seems that Komachi gave me a ticket, asking me to go to see Nakano's show tonight Movie."

"Don't worry, it starts at eight o'clock, and it's only four o'clock now, there's no problem."

Chen Feng quickly scanned the submitted class documents one by one with his eyes, mentally calculated the expenditure of funds, and quickly reviewed and said.

"Mr. Biqigu, don't be distracted when you are working."

Yukino also started working, her handwriting scribbling on the sticky note.

"Hi, hi."

An hour later, Bi Qigu flicked his somewhat sore wrist. The more than [-] documents in front of him had been sorted and reviewed, and some suggestions for approval or non-approval were also written on it according to Chen Feng's requirements.

In fact, he has always wanted to complain that Chen Feng's operation is very similar to the rules set by the emperor of a certain dynasty, but this way can also ensure efficiency.

"I'm done, let's take..."

Before he finished speaking, Bi Qigu froze when he looked at the large number of documents that had also been classified and reviewed on Chen Feng's desktop beside him.

He took a few sheets and checked the contents above, and found that Chen Feng had really calculated all kinds of data above, obviously the computer next to him was not turned on!

Is it true that people cannot be compared with each other...

Just after Hikigu Hachiman and Yukino finished reviewing, nearly a thousand documents in front of Chen Feng were also reviewed. He took the documents that the two had typed and commented on, and after a brief check, he should stamp the one that should be stamped. The stamped ones were thrown aside.

"Where are you from Eniac?"

Bi Qigu had black hair, and he suddenly felt that he shouldn't agree to the job, which was simply too shocking.

The main reason is that Chen Feng would quickly write down the reasons for the disapproval on the unqualified applications, and circle the problematic areas, which is even more shocking.

Xue Nao was drinking the drink handed out by Yi Caiyu, and watched Chen Feng's lightning-like stamping action with a calm face.

His appearance when he was doing business was completely different from usual...

The serious and calm expression has never been loose, and his eyes are fixed on every document in his hand, as if he is afraid that he will approve it by mistake.

After reviewing all the documents, Chen Feng picked up the general budget and pondered for about ten seconds.

"Okay, if the unqualified classes follow my requirements on the activity funds and activity planning, they will be able to use up the entire budget for this activity, and it won't be a penny."

Chen Feng said the most terrifying sentence very calmly, Hikigu seemed to have been hit too much, and his heart had already begun to feel a little numb.

I saw him asking in disbelief:

"So our job is done?"

"Well, all the work for the week has been completed, and we only need to approve the follow-up applications submitted in tomorrow and the day after tomorrow." Chen Feng shouted to the vice president wearing glasses who was working below: "Saito, come up."

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