
Feeling as uncomfortable as being crawled around by ants, Yako Iino had just walked to the front of the stairs when she suddenly heard a gloomy voice coming from the corridor.

"Sure enough, that person should be killed."

Yako Iino was taken aback when she heard these words.

Kill... kill?

A pair of eyes seemed extremely flustered, and they turned left and right nervously, and the foot that was about to take a step forward suddenly froze in mid-air.

"It's okay, that person is dead."

This is... the voice of Accountant Ishigami? ?

Yako Iino covered her mouth in disbelief, her mind recalled Ishigami Yu's lazy and indifferent face, she couldn't believe that such a dead otaku would discuss murder with others.

Yako Iino held her breath. This kind of thing is beyond her ability. She is still self-aware about this. Now she just wants to see who Accountant Ishigami is discussing killing with.

"To be honest, I don't feel like I'm guilty of death... Tsk, but it just feels so good, as if I made it myself."

what? !

Yako Iino's heart trembled, could it be that she wanted to hire a murderer? !If that's the case, isn't the person who spoke just now... the future murderer?

"Why?" The voice still couldn't hear much emotional change.

"Senior, you should know about this incident, after all, it happened in your school." Yu Ishigami lowered his voice a lot, "Last year, this incident was quite a big one, and it was said that he was killed by someone injecting a highly toxic drug in the toilet Here, the police investigated for almost a week before catching the murderer, tsk, it’s not that I don’t know, they didn’t catch anyone at all, but it’s still very satisfying!”

"Oh, so you're talking about that scumbag, he deserves to die."

Nonsense, the police must have not caught anyone, otherwise it would be me who is standing here talking to you now?

However, when the two were talking, a smaller figure came out from the stairs. She blushed anxiously and pointed at Chen Feng, who was talking about Yu Ishigami and her eyes had already moved over.

"You... how can you talk about this kind of thing in such a public place!"


Although she screamed fiercely, Yako Iino was still relieved. It turned out that these two people were not talking about killing others, but about the people who died last year.

"And who are you? I don't remember reporting outsiders!"

"Senior is my friend, he came to visit me from Chiba, and it was raining too much outside, so I invited senior to sit in the student union."

"Is this...is that so?"

Yako Iino glanced at the pouring rain outside. If it was a friend, it would not be unacceptable to take shelter from the rain, "But remember to report it!"

"I know, I know, are the president and the others here?"

Yu Ishigami waved his hands perfunctorily, it could be seen that he didn't listen to Yako Iino's words at all, but changed the topic instead.

"I don't know, but the president's words should come soon."

Yako Iino walked in front of Chen Feng, and seeing that Chen Feng was half a body taller than her, she couldn't help feeling a little stressed.

Before she could speak, Chen Feng spoke.

"Ishigami, is this a student from the middle school of your school? It doesn't look like a ray."

"I am the financial supervisor of the student union of the high school department, and I am currently studying in class B, the first grade of the high school department, not a junior high school!!!"

As if Chen Feng had grabbed the cat's tail, Iino Yako's forehead was full of veins, and he almost jumped up and kicked Chen Feng's knee, "Listen to me, my name is Iino Yako, I don't care if you are I am not a friend of Accountant Ishigami, but as long as you enter Shuzhiin Academy, you must abide by the rules here."

"Ha ha."

"What's your attitude?! Listen carefully when I'm talking to you."



As Chen Feng uttered a word silently, the atmosphere at the scene froze instantly, until a pink-haired girl in the student union office opened the door...

"It's so noisy outside, you... eh?! Chen Feng??"

As soon as Fujiwara Chika opened the door, she saw a familiar face, she froze instantly, and this person even raised her hand to greet herself.

"Good afternoon, I like wearing leather clothes and dripping wax for myself..."

"Don't listen, don't listen! Don't mention that!!"

A wailing echoed throughout the building.

Ten minutes later, there were 6 people in the student union office of Xiuzhiyuan Academy, and the atmosphere was filled with a strange smell.

Baiyin Yuxing, the president of the 67th and 68th student unions of Shuzhiin Academy, the stable holder of the first grade in the grade, handsome appearance, has a very high popularity in Xiuzhiin Academy.

However, it was such a person who felt inexplicably helpless when facing Chen Feng brought by Ishigami Yu.

Ever since a few people walked in from the outside, no one has said a word until now.

"Ahaha, I welcome you to the student union of Shuzhiin Academy. My name is Baiyin Yuyuki, and I am the president of the high school student union."

In the end, as the owner of the place, Baiyin Yuxing broke the silence under tremendous pressure.

"Hello, Chen Feng, a third-year student at Sobu High School in Chiba City."

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