"Ah? Chen Feng?! Is that Chen Feng who delivered food?"

Upon hearing Chen Feng's name, Baiyin Yuxing immediately stood up from his seat, his expression was excited, and his eyes seemed to be shining.

The sudden change surprised everyone present, even Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know why the other party had such a big reaction.

Chen Feng nodded.

"If you say it's a part-time job, I do deliver food part-time."


Sitting on the sofa, Chen Feng turned sideways to avoid Baiyin Yuxing who suddenly rushed forward and wanted to hold his hand, allowing Baiyin Yuxing to grab the air.

"Shocked, a gay man is by my side."

Secretary Fujiwara also started his own show operation.

"I'm not gay, hello!" Baiyin Yuxing also realized that he might be a little too excited, he pointed at Chen Feng with a vigilant face, and then said: "This is a senior! A senior from the migrant industry, Truly a role model for my generation.”

"No...how can I be your role model as a food delivery person?"

"Because Chen Feng, you are the record holder of food delivery in the country!"

"Oh, it seems that there is such a thing."

Hearing what Baiyin Yuxing said, Chen Feng remembered that his food delivery company, in addition to transferring a part of the equity to himself, seemed to have made some kind of order delivery ranking list to put himself on it. They are far more than the second place by at least 20 times.

However, Chen Feng still didn't know what this meant. He saw Baiyin Yuxing took out a small notebook from his pocket and put it in front of Chen Feng, saying excitedly:

"I have 3 jobs to work on weekends, and I have already planned my time to this extent. Later, I also went to deliver food, but because each one is far away, and I have to wait for red lights and so on... it is simply not enough. Not as many as you, Chen Feng."

Suddenly I feel that this child is so simple...

Chen Feng thought to himself, and then began to discuss the time plan for part-time work with Baiyin Yuxing in full view.

"If the light is red, you can carry your car across the zebra crossing without waiting, and why can you only deliver food for 3 people at a time?"

"Ah... because the box at the back can't fit."

"Each finger of yours can take at least 2 copies, and you can hang a few more copies with auxiliary props on your clothes, so..."

"I always feel like something is wrong..."

Chen Feng handed over his miraculous order delivery method to the president of the student union bit by bit. From the communication between the two, Chen Feng learned that Baiyin Royal Bank is a bankrupt family, and the family still owes huge foreign debts. , so he hopes to help his family reduce the pressure by working part-time. The 10 yuan he earns from part-time work is basically used to subsidize his family. At the same time, he also spends nearly [-] hours a day studying to ensure his future and future.

With both ambition and perseverance, he is able to endure hardships, and being able to work and subsidize the family's debts shows that he is very responsible.

For responsible people, Chen Feng is my favorite.

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Chapter 35 The Wicked Man

Sure enough, after chatting for half an hour, the two gradually became acquainted. They no longer referred to each other as classmates, but started calling each other by their first names.

Chen Feng, who is passionate about food delivery, and Baiyin Yuxing, a master of time management, established a strange common topic in a short period of time - part-time work.

"Baiyin, you are under a lot of pressure at school."

Chen Feng solemnly nodded his praises. He only spends [-]% of his time in sleep every day and has not died suddenly. To be honest, such a person has good physical fitness. If he is poor in physical fitness, he might die suddenly in school.

"As the president of the student council, I should assume my responsibilities to the teachers and students of the school. This honor on my chest is the thing I am most proud of so far!"

The pure gold watch chain is the identity certificate of the student council president of Xiuzhiyuan Academy. Every student council president will hand over this symbol of power from the previous president, but it is not only a symbol of power, but also a symbol of a person in each The level of aspects is beyond the general Shuzhiyuan Academy students.

Culture, sports, handicrafts, communication...

All of these, except for culture, Baiyin Yuxing is not good at all!

However, in order to catch up with the students in front of him, he will spend a lot of time and sweat to bridge the gap between himself and others. This is Baiyin Yuxing, a man who is not far behind!

Looking at the two people who were shoulder to shoulder, Yu Ishigami glanced tremblingly at Kaguya Shinomiya, whose face was constantly changing, and most of the coffee in his hand had been shaken out by trembling hands.

It feels like Senior Shinomiya's eyes have become scary again...!

"Xiao Mizi, what are you looking at?"

Because she had never worked part-time before, Chika Fujiwara was not as enthusiastic about part-time work as those two people who hooked up, so naturally she didn't want to interfere in their conversation. On the contrary, she couldn't find anything to do when she was bored.

It just so happened that out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Yako Iino who was constantly clicking on her mobile phone. This is a rare and strange thing for the student union... no, for the whole school!You must know that Mizi is strict with herself and others, she will not allow others to play with her mobile phone, and she will certainly not be able to play with her mobile phone, so now she...

A good idea came to Chika Fujiwara's mind, she smiled and moved her face closer.

"Wow~ Xiao Mizi is so cute..."

"Vine... Fuji... Fujiwara-senpai!!"

Unlike Chika Fujiwara, who is thick-skinned and familiar with herself, Yako Iino suddenly felt a face stuck to her own. The soft and warm feeling on it made her feel uncomfortable, and her face flushed red. .

"What's the matter! Is Miko looking for information? Huh?" Fujiwara Chika smiled and said that she didn't care, and then saw the person on Miko Iino's phone, and immediately recognized the identity of the person on it, " Isn't this Chen Feng? Let me see... sad report - the 49th President of Zongwu High School transferred abroad because he offended "that adult", and please read the "Songwu High School" edited by the host in recent years Sobu High Survival Manual" to avoid similar tragedies from happening again. Well, who is that lord referring to?"

"Senior Fujiwara, give back the phone... give it back to me."

Yako Iino had nothing in her hand, and then found Chika Fujiwara holding her mobile phone and constantly chanting the news from above. She wanted to jump up and grab Chika Fujiwara's hand, but she couldn't reach it because of her height.

"It's amazing, Chen Feng, come and take a look, maybe you know the person in this report, and this person has written a lot of interesting things!"

Standing on tiptoe intentionally so that Miko could not reach her hand, Chika Fujiwara waved at Chen Feng who was still chatting.

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