"Is it someone from the senior school?"

Ishigami Yu opened the menu of the game console to pause the game, and asked curiously.

"That's right, and there's also the "Souwu High Survival Manual". You should be able to find it...I found it, eh? Yazi downloaded it."

"It's a survival manual, it's not a concentration camp, how could you need a survival manual?" Shinomiya Kaguya snorted coldly, seemingly not interested.

"Oh, Kaguya, come over and have a look, and the president!"

Chika Fujiwara, with a bright smile, handed Yu Ishigami the mobile phone, holding Kaguya Shinomiya with one hand, and Miyuki Baiyin with the other, only Chen Feng sat in his original position, the corner of his mouth twitched inadvertently.

After Ishigami Yu took the phone, he only saw the prompt on the phone that someone uploaded a text file on this post, and the time was 5 minutes ago, so he opened it curiously.

"Give me back... give me my phone!"

Yako Iino was still struggling in the crowd, but everyone was eating melons to watch the excitement, how could they return the phone to her, she was sweating anxiously, it was pitiful.

"Okay, Mizi, everyone just take a look, it's not a big deal."

Chika Fujiwara was still on fire, her eyes were full of 'fight, let's fight', but she didn't care that if she really wanted to fight, it would be herself.

Baiyin Yuxing also nodded, wondering how to give this new friend a chance to show off, no, the opportunity has come.

"Just to know how Chen Feng's school is. Every school has its own campus legends. Maybe you can find something interesting."

"Well... well, since the president said he wants to see it, let's force it."

"But the phone is mine!!"

Yako Iino wanted to cry, but she looked at Chen Feng with strange eyes. Chen Feng also looked at him helplessly, because he felt more and more that Yako Iino looked at him as if he was looking at a heinous big man. scoundrel.

"Let me see..."

Baiyin Yuyuki took the mobile phone from Yu Ishigami, he cleared his throat, and began to read aloud: "The dangerous existence of Sobu High is divided into 3 categories. This manual uses the vicious teacher who changed his career from Yakuza as a teacher as a unit. 1 , Ordinary teacher. Handling method: call parents, conduct education, coping method: normal class; danger level: 0.1. 2, teacher surnamed Hiratsuka. Handling method: give you a fist so that you can't relieve the pain for a long time... Dangerous Grade 1."

Hearing this, Shinomiya Kaguya looked puzzled.

"Is there really a teacher who would beat a student like this?"

"I think it's just that the teachers in this school are afraid to hit the students here."

Ishigami Yu silently expressed his views.

"Don't worry, there is one more point below, why is there only such a little word in the manual?" Baiyin Yuxing was puzzled, and continued: How to deal with it: Don't use your age to laugh at the other party for not having a partner, and don't be discovered by this teacher There are students in love.The following is the highest level of dangerous people, one of the reasons for writing this manual, readers must read and recite it! 3. Chen Feng (the record holder of the first school in the academic performance grade, and the record holder of various sports schools).Treatment method: start with a serious injury, the highest vegetative state; coping method: don’t provoke this person at will, stay more than five meters away from this person, actively bend over at 90° to say hello when meeting, order things must be completed as quickly as possible, and bring more money.Dangerous level: starting at 1000, no upper limit. "

At the end, everyone's eyes turned to Chen Feng. He smiled frankly and explained:

"It's basically just rumors."

"Huh... Let me just say, Chen Feng, you don't look like the one in this manual at all."

Baiyin Yuxing patted his chest, he was relieved after getting Chen Feng's affirmative answer, and he was even a little upset about the rumor spread by the landlord.

But in the next second, Chen Feng's words hit Baiyin Yuxing's face like a big slap.

"Only the means of dealing with others is true, and the first point of the means of dealing with it is the truth, the rest are false."

"So you really seriously injured people or put them in a vegetable state?!"

"A group of immature children thought I was very interesting when I transferred to another school, and they just liked to throw trash into the box under my desk, so I let them understand a little bit of the truth of life." Chen Feng waved his hands indifferently, and looked around Gong Huiye said flatly: "Chairman Sigong should be quite familiar with this aspect."

He asked the system before, and the answer the system gave him was as expected. The first mission he came to this world, that is, the guy in the dead toilet who couldn't remember his name was sent away by Shinomiya Kaguya After the family moved out of Tokyo, their property was quickly taken over by the Shinomiya family.

As soon as she heard Chen Feng mentioning her, Shinomiya Kaguya was startled, and her eyes moved to Chen Feng, as if she wanted to see if Chen Feng had caught her.


She didn't see anything.



"Why are you reborn too? "

Chen Wenjin was accidentally killed by the Herrscher of the Last Yan, who smashed the world in extreme anger.

After smashing, she suddenly found herself reborn, back to 2015, when Chen Wenjin, who made her smash the world, was about to join Destiny.

Chen Wenjin was led by Rita, the strongest maid of Destiny, to join Destiny.

The timeline is just like what she experienced, repeating the same mistakes step by step.

But there seems to be a little difference.

For example, the San Freya trio's attitude towards Chen Wenjin seemed a little too good.

That little man seemed to always call Chen Wenjin into his office.

Destiny's Strongest Valkyrie also used missions as an excuse to go to St. Freya from time to time.

The Herrscher couldn't sit still, she found that she wasn't the only one returning to 2015.

Chapter 36 Chika Fujiwara, King of Hot Pot

"Ahem... Chen Feng was joking. I haven't encountered this kind of thing before, but I've heard from friends around me that that kind of campus violence really shouldn't happen in a sacred place like the campus, so I Support this approach!"

"I also support Senior Si Gong and Senior Chen Feng. It is best to beat the scum of campus violence to death!"

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