"It's okay to report to the teacher or something, don't use force without authorization... That's already the last resort... No! It's wrong to hit someone, it's intentional injury!"

"It's too much in theory, but I also support it morally!"

"I..." Fujiwara Chika found that everyone around her expressed their opinions, and she was the only one left silent, but what should be said seemed to have been said almost.Immediately afterwards, she seemed to think of something, and hurried to the cabinet next to the student union office to rummage for a while, and finally took out a copper pot the size of a head and a pair of supports, and put on a silly smile, "To celebrate, we Let's eat hot pot together!"

"Alright, the weather is just right." Ishigami Yu glanced out the window and expressed his approval, but then he thought about it and asked, "What do you want to eat?"

"Hey, watch it, this is my hot pot route of Fujiwara, Prophet, King of Hot Pot, Qianhua!"

Muttering a bunch of strange words, Secretary Fujiwara opened the refrigerator in the innermost part of the student union, "Dangdangdang~! I have prepared a lot of food."

Everyone stared dumbfounded at the refrigerator filled with all kinds of quick-frozen food and drinks. Miyuki Baiyin opened his mouth wide and pointed at the copper pot, bracket and the pile of ingredients that hadn't been completely defrosted in Chika Fujiwara's hand, stammering. asked:

"Secretary Fujiwara, I don't remember having these things in the refrigerator in the student union."

"Hey hey, I actually planned to make my own food during class." Fujiwara Chika said shyly, "The feeling of cooking and eating under the watchful eyes of the teacher is inexplicably comfortable."

Ishigami Yu said in disbelief:

"Pervert? No, there is no need to use interrogative sentences, this is pervert!"

"Hey, don't eat hot pot in school!"

Poor Xiao Mizi's scolding was automatically ignored by everyone.

"I'm not a pervert!" Fujiwara Chika patted the thing in her hand on the table, "Eat or not?"

"Of course." Yu Ishigami said the words of compromise in the toughest tone, but after observing it, he found that something seemed to be missing, "Secretary Fujiwara, don't you think there is something missing in this combination?"

"Of course I know, there is less fuel!"

"Where's the fuel?"

"It ran out yesterday and I haven't bought it today."

"Then you eat all these quick-frozen foods for me!!"

After hanging his appetite for a long time, he finally found that there was no fuel, so Yu Ishigami wanted to stuff frozen dumplings into Chika Fujiwara's mouth in a fit of anger.

Chen Feng at the side sighed, held Yu Ishigami, and said:

"I have it here, let me see... well, solid alcohol is enough for this kind of thing."

Afterwards, under the shocked gaze of everyone, Chen Feng opened his coat, and took out the small surgical kit, medical kit, folding field axe... all kinds of messy things fixed inside the coat, and finally he took it out from the inside. He took out a small camouflage bag and took out two pieces of solid alcohol from several closed packages.

Today may be the most shocking day for Baiyin Yuxing. For the first time, he met the senior migrant workers who could only hear rumors on the Internet, and for the first time saw that so many things can be hidden in a coat...

"No, Chen Feng, what are you doing with this kind of ax with you?"

"Preventing the need to go deep into the jungle to survive in the wild one day, with this thing, you can hunt without making crude tools. I even have two copies of flint and steel."

As he spoke, Chen Feng squatted down, opened the pocket at the leg of his overalls, and took out two black cylindrical flints and steels from inside.

Yako Iino felt that she was going blind. Why did things that shattered her three views happened every day after she came to this student union? Then came Accountant Ishigami, who wanted to die at every turn, and now there was Chen Feng who hid all kinds of messy things in his coat!

Today, Yako Iino gave up thinking and even sat down to eat hot pot with everyone.


Why do I have to sit with this guy! ! ! !

Yako Iino glared fiercely at Chen Feng who was wearing a coat beside him, obviously packed so many things, but it didn't look like something was hidden inside.

The reason why she used to search for information about Chen Feng on the Internet was because a former classmate of hers is now studying in Zongwu High School, but she saw the complaints posted by that classmate on the feed about a few months ago. It seems that Chen Feng's name was mentioned.

At that time, she read the comments below and felt like she was reading a story, "A student who didn't listen to the teacher was threatened by Chen Feng" "Because he jumped in the queue and was directly broken by Chen Feng" "I was originally omnipotent in school The little bastard students are labeled as vegetative people' so, in a sense, it seems to be the light of the righteous way, but this is obviously a crime!

Therefore, when she heard the name of the person in front of her, the name was matched with the name in her memory, so she went to look it up.It doesn't matter if you don't check it, but if you check it, she will be shocked. The Internet is full of various news about Chen Feng, some are positive, some are negative, and it is even more difficult to judge whether it is true or false.

In her mind was a photo taken secretly from a distance, which was also posted by a poster in the forum, saying that she had taken several days off due to illness and did not feed the stray cats in the old school building, worrying that the stray cats would will be hungry.

So on the first day back to school, I went there with food at noon, but I didn’t expect that someone was already feeding it. The photo taken by the student in the picture is very blurry, and it seems to be taken from a far away place, but the general outline can still be seen. Matched with Chen Feng.

There are quite a few similar posts, saying that when I was shopping, I met Chen Feng to deliver food and even helped some elderly people who had difficulty crossing the road. It's Chen Feng's kind words...

But these and the other negative news are extremely conflicting. The kind of things that interrupt people's hands and feet at every turn, vomit blood, coma, and seriously injured are not at all like what the same person would do. On the contrary, it is more like two people. Extremely different people's approach.

and many more!Could it be...he has schizophrenia?

The name of such a disease appeared in Yako Iino's brain, so she looked at Chen Feng with pity.

End-of-term review, more at night

There is an exam tomorrow, I will review it at noon, write the manuscript in the afternoon, and send it out in the evening, I don’t want to fail the make-up exam, it’s too embarrassing (laughs).


Chapter 37 This is a toy gun

Sometimes human beings always act like they can’t understand even their own kind. Whether it’s the intractable actions or the incomprehensible thinking, it seems that there will always be an invisible gap between people, and two people who are identical in appearance species separated from the middle.

Chen Feng provided enough fuel for the hot pot project of the student union this time, but Secretary Fujiwara's small pot was originally used by one person, so the size is not suitable for so many people to eat together, and the efficiency is naturally not high enough .

There is a Chika Fujiwara in the whole atmosphere. The active atmosphere here is naturally not low. On the contrary, this guy will say things that don't match her appearance from time to time. This is something that Chen Feng had attended the banquet with Yang Nai. I've seen it before, so I wasn't too shocked, after all, he had this girl together at the time.

It's just that Chen Feng's expression is quite embarrassing now...

After a while, Chen Feng couldn't bear it any longer. He turned his head and leaned into Yako Iino's ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear:

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