After saying this, Ai Hayasaka quietly left the crowd, approached from the edge and entered the teaching building.

At this time, Chen Feng was squatting upstairs, looking for a fixed point that could bear his weight.

A heavy iron door behind him was lying tragically on the ground, and there was a big footprint on the door. It took him a lot of energy to kick the door open, who knew that the school would be so idle, a rooftop He even installed an anti-theft security door about 25mm thick, and now his feet still hurt a little.

In his hand, he was carrying a static rope and a full set of safety belts from the system. These things cost him some credit points he had hoarded from delivering food, and anyway, he didn't need them normally, so it wasn't distressing at all.

This class A static rope is about 60 meters long, and it didn't break after a simple pull, which means that the safety is very high. The most important thing now is to find something that can be used as a fixed point, otherwise Chen Feng would not even want to pull it off. go down.

After searching for a while, apart from the unreliable protective net, Chen Feng only saw the E-shaped positioning pin driven into the wall 7 or 8 meters away.

"Hopefully this thing is as good as that door."

In desperation, Chen Feng seemed to have no choice but to choose this thing as a fixed point. He quickly tied a figure-eight ring on it. Because it was not a standard fixed point, Chen Feng also slightly changed the knotting method so that it could be tied. more reliable.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to save people with the method I learned to kill people suddenly. It's really ridiculous."

After complaining briefly, Chen Feng measured the length of the rope. According to his visual estimation, he should be able to descend from here to the third floor.

Everything is ready, Chen Feng's eyes are serious, and he plans to start action.

Downstairs, the teacher, Kaguya Shinomiya and the others were about to lose their necks, and they didn't see any movement from the girl upstairs. This kind of reaction made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why haven't the police arrived yet!"

Miko looked anxious.

"It's been less than 10 minutes since the alarm passed, so it looks like nothing will happen."

Ishigami Yu comforted from the side, "After all, it will take a lot of time to prepare rescue tools, so let's stabilize her first."

"But human life is at stake, how can you not be in a hurry."

Miko retorted, and then his face softened a little, "It would be better if we could come here sooner."

Fujiwara Chika also inquired about some news at this time, before she caught up, she quietly said to Miko and the others:

"I heard that the student's surname is Uchida. Some of her classmates told me that she was often bullied because of her introverted personality. She said that today someone put thumbtacks on her chair and glued her indoor shoes..."

"Isn't it too much?!"

Miko's eyes widened in disbelief, "How could someone do such a thing?"

Hearing the news from Chika Fujiwara, Yu Ishigami looked gloomy, and he remembered some bad things.

"Those guys are just damn..."

After reporting the incident to the principal, Baiyin Yuxing also came quickly, seeing that the worst situation did not happen, he was relieved.

"I am Baiyin Yuxing, the president of the student union, classmate, you have to think more about your family members, if something happens to you, they will definitely be very sad, can you step back a little bit?!"

As if hearing Baiyin Yuxing's shout, the girl upstairs glanced at Baiyin Yuxing and spoke for the first time.

"President Baiyin, if my death can save others from such treatment, then my wish will be fulfilled."

After all, she moved her body, and the already little focus became even less.

"Please wait!!!"

Chapter 40 It's Thanks to You

Although he was short-sighted, Baiyin Yuxing managed to see the girl on the stage propping her body out with her hands. Now that she couldn't do nothing, Baiyin Yuxing made a decisive decision and shouted:

"We still don't know what happened!! Isn't there nothing we can do?"

Seemingly hearing the shout of Baiyin Yuxing below, the girl's movements froze, and she pursed her lips.

"I believe President Baiyin and you can investigate it."

What to do, what to do... Because the situation was urgent, I yelled casually, and the words I said didn't even go through my brain.

Just when Baiyin Yuxing was at a loss, Ishigami Yu stepped forward decisively and said to the girl upstairs:

"No, you don't believe us at all, or you should go to the student union and have a good talk with us, instead of sitting in such a place, you may fall down at any time."

"on a stone……"

"President, let me continue."

Yu Ishigami interrupted Shirogane Miyuki with a mocking smile.

"Isn't it because you don't trust our ability to handle affairs that you acted like a coward? As the accountant of the student union, I admit that my ability is insufficient. If you die like this, everything will disappear, and we You can't find anything through the investigation, so your death is a vain death! Or... your wish is to die in vain?"

The girl who had already made up her mind to commit suicide paused, her face turned pale, and she shook her head frantically.

"No, my death cannot be without meaning."

"But you jumped down without saying anything now, isn't it meaningless? You can't find out the cause of your death, you can't find out why you committed suicide, and even your ashes will only be buried hastily. Isn’t it too cheap? No one cares about you when you’re alive, and no one cares about you after death. You can’t even leave your own mark on the world. You have to block the opportunity of others to help you get justice, such a person deserves to die!!"

Shinomiya Kaguya stood silently behind Ishigami Yu, she grabbed Shirogane Yuyuki who wanted to stop Ishigami Yuyu from speaking, dragged Shirogane Miyuki to the back, and silently pointed to Ishigami Yuyu's trembling fist.

"President, let Accountant Ishigami tell you. He may have a better connection with such a person. Besides, the situation is very dangerous now, isn't it?"

"This feeling of powerlessness and weakness can really make people collapse..." Baiyin Yuxing smiled bitterly, and his shoulders drooped weakly, "I can sit or not in this position, but if I want to watch A classmate from the same school jumped off the building, this kind of thing is impossible."

"So just trust Accountant Ishigami. He should be able to delay it for a while. As long as the police take safety measures, this crisis may be resolved."

Looking at Baiyin Yuxing's extremely distressed appearance, he couldn't bear to see his classmate in such an extreme situation. Even though he might not know this student, he would still work hard to save this life.

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