Probably... This is one of the many things she likes about this man.

"I may not be very good at talking to others, but in my eyes, a person like you who gave up life in a vague way should not have come into this world."

"No, it's because someone has done something too much, you don't understand that feeling at all!!"

As if being stimulated, the suicidal girl became agitated, and her voice became harsh because of the roar, "Can you imagine that every day someone plays a prank on your position, intentionally messing with the things you brought to school?" Bad, the feeling of being sarcastic to you every day?! You can't at all!"

"Why can't I? I've even experienced social death, so what is your kind? Oh, yes, you haven't resisted."

"Aren't I just resisting now?"

"Hehe, you are worthy of resistance? Wake up, don't insult this word." Ishigami Yu said coldly: "If you die, it's a big deal that they will transfer to another school, even if they change their names, they can continue their lives. If your husband or wife has your own son or daughter, and they will live happily with their family in the future, who would care about a dead person! Don't be too sentimental!"

Only Ishigami Yu's voice echoed repeatedly in the whole venue, and no one else spoke, whether it was a student or a teacher, they all kept their mouths tightly shut.

"Do you really think that you can change anything when you die? Nothing can be changed! In a few years, everyone will either forget you or treat you as an after-dinner conversation piece. You beat them up! Whoever bullies you, you will really Let others bully you, dare not fight back at all!" Ishigami Yu hated iron and steel, "You have been bullied, the person who bullied you is happy, you lost your life, what did the person who bully you pay? ? Move your head and think about it, not only is all this not worth it, but it is also obeying the wishes of those bad guys!"

"But I can't help it."


Ding ding dong...

The mobile phone in Baiyin Yuxing's pocket vibrated, he hurriedly took out the mobile phone to check if there was any important news, and then found that the letter was from Chen Feng, he immediately raised his head and asked:

"Sigong, wasn't Chen Feng with you just now? Where is he?"

"Looks like you've gone to the rooftop?"

"Okay, Chen Feng sent me a message, I'll take a look..." Baiyin Yuxing clicked on the message, and there was only a simple sentence on it

— Tell the students below not to talk nonsense.

Kaguya Shinomiya, who leaned her head to see the same sentence, suddenly remembered the conversation between Ai Hayasaka and her, vertical landing rescue... wait!Could he be thinking...

"President, look up!"

Shinomiya Kaguya said hurriedly, but she still remembered the contents of the text message, so she didn't point out.

Outside the protective net that was several meters high on the jumping platform, Chen Feng was holding one end of the rope with one hand and the other end of the rope loop with the other hand, and was descending non-stop.

"What is Chen Feng doing... Is he trying to save people from above?"

"President, let's go and inform the other students, don't let his actions be exposed, or if it stimulates the suicide, everything may be over."

"Yes, hurry up, Secretary Fujiwara, Iino, I will give you a task here..."

A figure suddenly appeared on the rooftop at the top, which made the students who had been looking up quickly discover Chen Feng, and the chattering voices became more numerous.

The teachers of Xiuzhiyuan all have very high educational literacy. They did not directly expose Chen Feng's actions, but quickly understood what Chen Feng meant. Although they didn't know who the person above who participated in the rescue was, but Seeing that the tools are so complete, it must be some kind of professional.

Many teachers have already started to prevent the students downstairs from pointing at Chen Feng, in case the suicide girl notices that there is a person falling rapidly above her head.

Yu Ishigami, who was still persuading the girl in his own way, spotted Chen Feng in the red jacket at the first time. He tried his best to stop himself from looking away, and the movement of his mouth did not stop at all.

Hayasaka Ai quickly came to the corner of the stairs on the fourth floor after receiving Kaguya Shinomiya's order. She has been hiding here. When the girl was about to jump down just now, she almost rushed out, but she didn't wait. She made some moves, and the girl temporarily postponed her jumping behavior because of Ishigami Yu's persuasion.

The teaching building of Xiuzhiyuan is very high, with an average height of nearly 8 meters on the first floor. The human body is extremely fragile. If the head is on the ground, the height of 4.5 meters is enough to kill, let alone the height of tens of meters The probability of surviving the fall is almost zero. Even if one is lucky enough to be saved, it will inevitably leave lifelong disabilities.

Seeing that the girl didn't jump directly, Hayasaka Ai was relieved, but she was still ready to rush out at any time.

Ai Hayasaka suddenly heard a voice in her headset, and she connected to her mobile phone, which was obviously someone calling her.


"Hayasaka, stay on the phone with me. Someone from the roof has already started to descend with a rope to prepare for rescue. You should try to cooperate with the other party when the time comes."

"The police?"

This is not the only staircase leading to the teaching building in Xiuzhiyuan. On the contrary, there are many other stairs for safe evacuation. Therefore, Hayasaka Ai judged that the people who came from the police might have gone to the rooftop through other more concealed corridors.

However, in the next second, Kaguya's words made Hayasaka Ai stunned.

"It's not the police, it's... a friend."

"My eldest lady... this is not a play, amateurs do this kind of thing and others can't save themselves from falling."

Ai Hayasaka was wary of the girl sitting by the wall, and complained in a low voice.

"But I think the movements seem quite professional?"

"Forget it, I don't care if something happens."

"It's okay, listen to my report here, and I will ask you to assist when rescue is needed."

It seemed that Kaguya took the phone down, only the voice of Shinomiya Kaguya constantly preventing the students below from pointing and discussing came from the headset.

Sighing, Ai Hayasaka felt that she was under a lot of pressure.

"What's going on all day..."

At this time, Chen Feng had already descended to the bottom of the 5th floor. He only needed to turn his head slightly to see the girl sitting on the edge downstairs. He was waiting for a perfect timing.

"I've already finished talking about the matter, so I'll express my determination."

After the girl told everything one by one, a trace of reluctance flashed in her eyes, but she was more determined.

"You still have a chance alive, and you won't even be able to see the picture of them paying the price!!"

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