Yu Ishigami also noticed the sign that the girl was about to act, but at this moment, the girl had already supported the wall with her hands, and her whole body was about to fall.

Gritting his teeth, Ishigami Yu couldn't care about anything else and shouted:


"Hurry up, Hayasaka...!"

In fact, without Ishigami Yu shouting, Chen Feng had already noticed that the girl was about to jump. His legs were bent like a giant bow, and he kicked on the wall suddenly. A girl about to jump off a building.

At the same time, Hayasaka Ai, who received the notification, rushed forward with a blank expression.


The girl who had lost her focus was puzzled when she heard Yu Ishigami's shout, but soon she saw a figure suddenly appearing directly opposite her. He was holding the rope with one hand, and stretched out the other in a straight line. Before she could react, she jumped directly on her body, knocking her back from the wall she had just left with the impact force.

Because she knew in advance that someone would be roped down to rescue, Hayasaka Ai who rushed over suddenly turned sideways, grabbed the two people from the side and flew in directly, preventing them from hitting the wall directly and causing damage.

However, the impact brought by such a rescue was not something Hayasaka Ai could resist, and the three of them were directly knocked into the air, and Chen Feng had expected this situation a long time ago, so he rolled several times to the other side the moment he landed , took off all the strength on his body, and didn't bump into some hard objects in embarrassment.

"Why did you save me, why! I've already reached this point, and there is no way out!!"


Because the suicide girl's emotions became very agitated, Chen Feng punched her unconscious without saying a word.

The girl's suicide was completely an impulsive suicide. People who really despaired of the world would not let people know about their suicide in advance.

"what are you doing?!"

Ai Hayasaka touched the back of her aching head, and as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Chen Feng knocking the suicide girl unconscious with a fist without saying a word.

"Just let her calm down for a while. Hmm...?"

Chen Feng suddenly found that this face seemed familiar, and Ai Hayasaka was also stunned for a moment after seeing Chen Feng's face clearly.

"Why are you?!" X2

Immediately afterwards, there were a lot of hurried footsteps downstairs, and it seemed that many people had already started running up the building. Ai Hayasaka seemed to have something to hide, and she didn't want others to see that she was in this place, so she hurriedly got up.

"Fix the matter yourself, I will give you the hush money, don't tell me what I'm here!"

It was rare to see a trace of panic appearing on Hayasaka Ai's face, she quickly hid in a nearby classroom, leaving only Chen Feng standing there, patting the dust off his body.



A few minutes later, some leaders and teachers of the school came up to check the situation first. After seeing Chen Feng, it seemed that the person in charge of school safety held Chen Feng's hand with tears in his eyes.

"Mr. Police, thank you very much. If a student really has a safety accident, we really have no way to explain it to the student's parents."

"I'm not a policeman, I'm an off-campus student, and I'm just here to play."

"What?! Then why would you do this kind of thing?! Do you know what dangers you will bring if you fail? Can you take responsibility!"

As soon as they heard that Chen Feng was not a policeman, the teachers present looked at each other in blank dismay, their previous attitudes suddenly changed.

"Teacher, he is my friend, and I entrust him with the matter."

Just when there were constant questioning and Chen Feng wanted to beat the man in front of him into a fool, a voice suddenly came out from the crowd, saving a poor life.

Kaguya Shinomiya?

The person in charge who was still questioning Chen Feng stopped speaking abruptly, and the fierceness on his face suddenly turned into a kind smile.

"It turned out to be a friend of Vice President Sigong. I was the one who got excited just now. I apologize to you. This time it is really thanks to you balabala..."

Mizi, who was following up, witnessed all this, her little mouth couldn't close in surprise, and she was hit hard again.

Chapter 41 even into the game

In the evening when the cold rain had just finished, the sunset had already fallen on the coast while people were not paying attention, and the street lights were automatically turned on one by one. The city was given new life, and the whole city seemed to be alive.

At the gate of the police station, Chen Feng reluctantly accepted the repeated thanks from the two middle-aged men in front of him, and declined the other party's proposal to invite him to sit at home, but the other party left his own contact information for him, saying yes Feel free to ask them if you need help.

"Try to communicate with your children as much as possible. Otherwise, even if your child is bullied like this, you will think it's just a small fight. Your guardianship is not good enough."

"Thanks for the reminder, we will!"

These are the parents of the girl who committed suicide. Her mother is a top chemist in Neon, and her father is a cabinet politician. Judging from the overall family background, this family can be regarded as very superior.

After sending them off, Chen Feng sat on a chair and lit a cigarette.

Yako Iino came out of the police station. She came here as a party to make a statement. When she came out, she saw Chen Feng sitting in front of the police station smoking a cigarette. , fanning the misty smoke in front of him, said:

"If you are under the age, it is better not to smoke. It is against the rules for students to smoke."

"In a sense, I have already arrived, and there are no rules to control me, only whether I am willing or not, you don't need to worry about this."

"What is a certain meaning... It doesn't look like much."

Mizi muttered in a low voice, closed his eyes and turned his head, as if he was dissatisfied with Chen Feng's nonsense behavior.

But there were some words in her heart that were suffocating and uncomfortable, and she wanted to say it but couldn't say it.

Ever since, the two remained silent until Chen Feng finished smoking.

"Sometimes I don't quite understand why someone is so honest."

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