"Well...Actually, Tokyo is pretty good, let's go out and play together tomorrow, and I have to go back here quickly."

Baiyin Yuxing glanced at the phone, although there were only 3 missed calls on it, he was still in a cold sweat.

I should be scolded when I go back...

"Did senior find a place to stay? If not, I still have a lot of vacant rooms at home."

Yu Ishigami recalled it. He remembered that the guest rooms at home were rarely occupied by people, but the servants at home kept cleaning them, so they were very clean.

But the purpose of Chen Feng's visit to Tokyo this time was to go to Shinomiya's house to grab some information. It would be inconvenient to act if he lived with others, so he shook his head silently.

"No, I'll just go and look for it myself later, and I'll contact you tomorrow."

"Is that so..."

Ishigami felt a little regretful. Originally, he wanted to introduce his collection cabinet to Chen Feng. Since Chen Feng refused, he would not force others to make things difficult. Anyway, senior is so capable and has a strong sense of autonomy, which makes it clear.

While speaking, Chika Fujiwara's family had already come to pick her up. After a brief greeting, the guy who happily came out of the police station got into the car.

Yu Ishigami took a taxi and rushed back. Only Chen Feng, Shinomiya Kaguya, Shirogane Miyuki, and Iino Yako were left at the scene.

Chen Feng took out the key and unlocked the car parked in the parking lot in front of the police station, and asked:

"I'll take you back, it will be faster."

"Ahaha... I don't need it, I just called the driver at home." Shinomiya Kaguya was stunned, and then declined: "The president's house is quite far from here..."

"Baiyin, you seem to be in a hurry?"

Chen Feng found that Baiyin Yuxing's expression on his phone was getting uglier, so he asked casually.

"Uh...the family is a little anxious, maybe they are worried, it should be fine."

"Let's go then, I'll see you off."

"Ah?" Shinomiya Kaguya yelled, and three pairs of eyes looked over in an instant. The young lady's expression management can be said to be extremely skillful, and she returned to normal in an instant, with a smile on her face and clenched fists. violation.

"Miss Hui Ye, is there anything else?"

"No...it's nothing, then you go first, I'll wait here."

Saying that, Shinomiya Kaguya cursed madly in her heart, and complained why Hayasaka came so slowly.

As everyone knows, someone has actually arrived long ago, but after seeing Chen Feng at the scene, he felt that there might be problems if he drove there without authorization, so he kept hiding in a certain place.

"Iino, your house is quite far away, isn't it?"

Baiyin Yuxing suddenly turned around and asked, but before Mizi answered, Chen Feng said in an orderly tone:

"Then get in the car and I'll take you two back."

Yako Iino's family doesn't usually go home. Chen Feng knew this from the previous chats. Originally, he wanted to take Yuu Ishigami for a while, but he stopped a taxi and left.

After briefly planning the route for the two of them, Chen Feng decided to send Mizi back first, so that it would not be too detoured to go to Baiyin Yuxingjia.

Seeing Chen Feng and the others leave, Shinomiya Kaguya turned gray. Half a minute later, a Bentley drove up to Shinomiya Kaguya, and the driver's window was rolled down.

"Miss, come on..."


She was taken aback by the sudden yelling, but Ai Hayasaka still had a calm expression on her face, probably by now she was used to it.

"Why didn't you come earlier."

"Ah?" Hayasaka Ai replied: "Because if you pass by rashly, you will be recognized. I didn't bring makeup props."


Hayasaka Ai has long been used to the bewildering behavior of her eldest lady, and she waited until Shinomiya Kaguya had vented before she said lightly:

"Miss, don't be ashamed. There are many people watching. Anyway, you didn't invite the president to take the car. Oh, yes, Miss didn't say anything, right?"

"Hayasaka, you are very noisy today!"


After sending Yako Iino back home, Chen Feng took Baiyin Yuxing to a residential area. Following Baiyin Yuxing's command, Chen Feng came to the downstairs of a relatively dilapidated apartment.

"It's here, Chen Feng, come up and sit for a while before leaving. Anyway, it's still early, and you can drink something."

After thinking about it, it was indeed a little early to go to Sigong's house at this time, so Chen Feng simply agreed.

"Okay, let's bother."

"No, no, it might as well be a big help!"

Baiyin Yuxing looked surprised and took Chen Feng upstairs.

In fact, the main thing is Baiyin Yuxing's invitation, it's an invitation, it's better to say it's a plea, he seems to be afraid of something...

Taking out the key to open the door on the second floor, Baiyin Yuxing walked in cautiously and said:

"I am back……"

"You still know how to come back?!"

A cold and pleasant voice came from the room.

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