"My good brother, do you know how many people have discussed today's big issue? It's even on the news!! You, the student council president, have a big problem!"

A silver-haired girl hurried over, her delicate face was full of anger.

"And entered the police station, police station!"

"Wait...Xiaogui, there are guests, calm down, calm down first..."

"Huh? Guests?"

Chapter 42 Excuse me, I will

If it is necessary to distinguish the status level in the Baiyin family, then the Baiyin Yuxing cannot be the number one anyway, because the number one is the little princess of this family, who guarantees that the two will not be starved to death, and also has mastered Bai Yingui, the economic power in the family.

Although Baiyin Yuxing also has certain cooking skills, those are all home-cooked dishes that he learned in school cooking classes in a proper manner. Compared with the taste, it is naturally impossible to compare with the connection after class, and it is also delicious. Bai Yingui, who has learned many recipes from the Internet.

Everyone knows about the big event that happened in the Xiuzhi Institute today, at least in the eyes of the students in the school, the news has really been spread all over the place.

Bai Yingui studied in the junior high school of Xiuzhiyuan and worked as an accountant in the junior high school. She originally went to the student union room to deal with official business after class, but she didn't expect to deal with it. Suddenly, someone broke in and told everyone that there was something wrong in the high school. Students prepare to jump off the building.

What is this...!Brother is that guy an idiot!

The student union of Xiuzhiyuan is even more different from the student unions of other middle schools. The student union of Xiuzhiyuan even has the right to participate in some major decisions of the school, and has the power to control the use of some schools' funds. The power is outrageous.

As the president of the high school student union, Baiyin Yuxing is also his elder brother. In the decades since Xiuzhiyuan was founded, there has never been an incident of students committing suicide by jumping off a building.

Although he was very upset, Bai Yingui and his companions came downstairs in time, and saw Yu Ishigami, who was loudly persuading the jumper, and Baiyin Miyuki, who was running around in the crowd and didn't know what to do.

Things have become a big mess, but she is very powerless, seeing everything happening in front of her, she can do nothing, can't change anything, she can only quietly watch the tragedy that is about to happen in front of her as a spectator.

As the persuasion came to an end, the suicide girl's words were close to her last words, and just when she couldn't bear to look directly at the tragic situation, she followed the instructions of her companions and saw a figure descending from upstairs at high speed. At the last moment, he handsomely knocked the suicidal man back.

What a magnificent hero to save the beauty!

Afterwards, my brother went to the police station together with the police, and he still hasn't come back at this point. How can it be possible to say that he is not worried!

He didn't get a reply when he called, Bai Yingui completely lost the mood of reviewing, and just sat on the sofa in the living room with his legs crossed in a daze.

As for their brother and sister's father...seeing her unhappy look, he dared not say a word.

After waiting for a long time, she finally heard the sound of someone coming upstairs. The person who will come at this time must be her brother. The resentment in her heart was aroused, and she came to the door angrily wearing slippers, intending to press him How on earth did my elder brother become the president, and there was such a thing as a student jumping off the building.

No, just as she uttered the question, she saw Baiyin Yuxing's expression a little embarrassed, and an explanation followed.

"Wait...Xiaogui, there are guests, calm down, calm down first..."

"Huh? Guests?"

She covered her mouth for an instant, stood on tiptoe a little to look, and sure enough, she found someone behind Baiyin Yuxing.

How long has it been since you had a visitor?

This Bai Yingui doesn't remember very clearly, but what is certain is that since he went to elementary school until now, neither his brother nor himself have ever brought guests home.

One is that the two of them don't have much intention to invite others home, and the other is that the living expenses at home are very tight. If there are guests coming, it may cause unplanned unexpected expenses. A blow that made things worse.

It seems that a tacit understanding has been formed, and everyone has tacitly understood it.

But why is today an exception? !guest?Will my brother still invite people home?

It is said that women are highly adaptable to the environment, and often inadvertently learn things that they have never learned, such as now.

The anger on Bai Yingui's face disappeared in an instant, and the eager tone of the questioning was immediately changed, becoming gentle and considerate.

Baiyin Yuxing felt relieved, and it was a very good decision to ask Chen Feng to sit down for a while, at least he could temporarily escape his sister's persecution.

It's shameful to avoid it, but sometimes it's useful.

"This is Chen Feng, a third-year student at Sobu High School in Chiba City, my friend, today is also thanks to him."

Turning sideways, Bai Yingui could clearly see Chen Feng with a straight face outside the door, that inexplicably serious expression made her a lot nervous for a while.

"Chen Chen... Hello, Senior Chen Feng! My name is Bai Yingui, and I am a third-year student in the Junior High School of Xiuzhi Academy. Please give me your advice!"

"Well, hello Miss Gui, I will teach you a lot."


"Don't care, don't care, Chen Feng is like this, come on, Xiaogui let Chen Feng in, it's not good to always let guests stand at the door."

After only contacting for a few hours, Baiyin Yuxing has already got used to Chen Feng's way of speaking, so he is not surprised at all.

Bai Yingui stood aside, she squinted her eyes, she didn't know where to put her little hand, she moved to the left for a while, then moved to the right for a while.

This red coat looks so familiar...

She was desperately trying to recall when her brother had such a friend, and if she thought it looked familiar, it meant when she must have seen it, and when exactly...

"I'm Yuxing and Gui's father, Chen...Chen Fengjun, is it okay to call you that?"

Maybe he was nervous when they met for the first time, so Baiyin's father stretched out his hand tremblingly, and shook it with Chen Feng.

"No problem, hello, I'm really bothering you today."

"Where." When Baiyin's father saw guests coming to his house, his slovenly sitting posture changed instantly. When he saw Chen Feng's youthful face, he felt that he was not much different from Baiyin Yuxing. Your appearance should be about the same age as Yuxing, right?"

"Just... 18."

"Won't the family worry about it so late?"

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