"Besides... if you get close to the senior, I feel that the senior has a very comfortable smell and looks handsome..."

"Ah? What did you say?"

Turning his attention away from the phone, Baiyin Yuxing looked puzzled, he didn't hear clearly what his sister was muttering just now.

"It's annoying, go to hell!"


The door was closed.

Chapter 44 You see I can't touch you

When it comes to how to make a person arouse extreme fear, this Chen Feng is still an expert. Apart from the most basic fighting skills, among the things he is good at, there are countless ways to break through a person's psychological defense.

Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, the Sigong family is really a behemoth covering most of the country. It only needs to raise its arms slightly to cover the sky and block out the sun, causing a family that originally belonged to a master to fall apart instantly.

This is a kind of Matthew effect formed by the interaction of money and power, and finally exerts the greatest efficiency through the maintenance of family ties.

From an individual point of view, the Shinomiya family may be involved in many industries, but there are only a few industries that can really reach the top. However, when every family member in charge of the industry gathers together, the quantitative change will be Successful accumulation has reached the conditions for qualitative change.

The Sigong family seemed to intend to do something to the Yukinoshita family last time, but because Chen Feng gave them a little warning, the speed of doing it seemed to have slowed down a lot, but it still caused a lot of trouble to the Yukinoshita family. less trouble.

Yang Nai can be regarded as his own, and he needs to ask Yang Nai to help him get many things that he has no channels to obtain. The relationship between people is reciprocal, and Chen Feng still has a clear grievance. Naturally, he will not let the Sigong family be so easily Annexed Yukinoshita's house.

I don't know who proposed this plan, but I can investigate a little bit.

Sitting in the car, Chen Feng touched his chin, and the chilly light flickered in the corner of his eyes.

Sometimes it is natural to do things in one step, and it has never been his style to leave a tail, so...

Simply start with the few small tails at the back.

Since he came to Tokyo not long ago, there have been several vehicles following him alternately. Chen Feng is naturally very sensitive to anti-tracking. If possible, even on the battlefield, he hopes that even his closest None of his comrades knew where he was.

If it was just an ordinary person, the people sent by the Shinomiya family to monitor him might not have been discovered, because unless they had an occupational disease, no one would deliberately remember the small details of the car in front of him and behind him.

From time to time, I got off the car in coordination with the overtake, and then changed the deck to continue tracking...

At first glance, it looks quite professional, but it's a pity that this kind of trick is not even up to the table for Chen Feng.

The bodyguards of the Sigong family, who always thought they hadn't been discovered by Chen Feng, followed Chen Feng with a face of peace of mind, unaware that the facial features of themselves and others had been deeply memorized by Chen Feng.


Shinomiya Kaguya's mansion, this is a private land of the Shinomiya family, located on the edge of Shinjuku District.

This is a small manor. Inside the closed steel gate is a garden designed by a top Italian designer. The fountains and sculptures with medieval characteristics form a harmonious scene.

In the middle of the manor is a villa, which is also where Shinomiya Kaguya usually lives.

Among the direct descendants of the Shinomiya family, Kaguya Shinomiya has the lowest status. She is still in school and has not experienced the ferocity of power struggles within the family. Any one of the three elder brothers, the whole family will have no place for her.

This is exactly what Hayasaka Ai is most worried about.

"Miss, the towels and clothes are already at the door."

"okay, I get it."

Committed to walking out of the bathroom door, Ai Hayasaka came to the door of the villa expressionlessly, and dialed a number on her mobile phone.

"Master Huang Guang, the eldest lady is still the same as usual recently, there is nothing unusual."

"That's good... Hahaha, come on, I'll press another [-] million!" Sigong Huangguang's side was very noisy, and some women could be heard screaming shyly from time to time, "Hayasaka, do you have anything else to report? ?”

"Yes, Chen Feng came to Xiuzhiyuan."

"Chen Feng... who is this person? Why does it sound familiar."

"The man who followed Miss Yukinoshita last time."

"It turned out to be him. He just came here, and it didn't have much impact. I remember that my family has already noticed him, and personnel have been sent to follow him. Hehe, in the whole Neon, no one can escape the surveillance of the Sigong family. In short, as long as he has a crooked mind, don't bother, it's just a clown, if it wasn't for the accident last time, it wouldn't be his turn to jump around."


"Continue to monitor Kaguya, and report to me if there is anything unusual."


Hanging up the phone, Ai Hayasaka lowered her hand holding the phone weakly. She felt powerless, and the only thing she could do was to try to hide the affairs of the eldest lady and the president, otherwise it would be very easy to attract the death of President Baiyin disaster.

The Hayasaka family is just a vassal family of the Shinomiya family. When thinking of the embarrassment that the Hayasaka family, which her mother told herself to be able to fight against the Shinomiya family, now needs a vassal to survive, Hayasaka Ai feels very unwilling.

One is that he feels unwilling for the family, and the other is that he feels unwilling to stay by the eldest lady's side and monitor against his will.

Since she met Kaguya Shinomiya, she has been given the duty of 'monitoring Kaguya's movements'. The Hayasaka family's bet is the Huangguang Shinomiya of the eldest son of Shinomiya, and she has been Huangguang Shinomiya from the beginning people.

But as two people who grew up together, it can be said that they are like sisters. Such getting along has made Ai Hayasaka bear tremendous pressure in her heart, a pressure called conscience.

As the Hayasaka family with excellent pedigree, if she hadn't failed after competing with the Shinomiya family, she would naturally not be reduced to this level.

Obeying the orders of the heirs of the Shinomiya family and the head of the family is like a marionette without any privacy and self-emotion.

Fights between families are not civilized at all. On the contrary, compared with this relatively civilized world, this kind of fight has long since degenerated into a primitive fight between the weak and the strong, and gradually evolved into a symbol of barbarism.

Leaning against the door with her hands behind her back, Ai Hayasaka stared at the moon breaking through the black clouds, and sighed helplessly.

"Hayasaka, come over quickly Hayasaka, how do you send a message to the president?"

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