"Okay, I'm here, miss, can you pay attention to your image, it's very rude to shout."

"It's not just you, come and help me refer."

Shinomiya Kaguya's indifferent voice came from the second floor, Hayasaka Ai patted the dust off her body, and was about to go upstairs.

At this moment, Ai Hayasaka's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

She has always been a very vigilant person. She divides the people she knows into four categories. Gongyanan, of course, and Shinomiya Kaguya; the second type of people are friends of Shinomiya Kaguya; the third type of people are the students I know in school; the fourth type of people are the tools I know through some means people.

She has assigned different ringtones to each type of person in detail. At this moment, the vibration frequency of her mobile phone is obviously the first type of person. She turned on the phone and found that the caller was Sigong Huangguang, so she hurriedly found a hidden corner and connected the call. , lower your voice.

"Master Huang Guang."

"Hayasaka, where are you now?"

Sigong Huangguang's side became very quiet, as if he had walked out of a certain place, with a satisfied look.

"I'm at Miss Kaguya's residence."

"Okay, you can prevaricate her later by saying that my family has something to ask you. You go to the location I sent you to get some things. Just now, my subordinates asked me to send someone to receive the things. The things are more important. I will wait a while There's still work to do, and there's no one around, so you might as well go."

"I understand."

The phone was hung up immediately, and Hayasaka Ai's phone also received two screenshots, one was a message from Line, and the other was the location information of the phone map, followed by a sentence

——Let me know when you get the item.

After sorting out her mood, Hayasaka fell in love with the upstairs, and at this time Shinomiya Kaguya was rolling around on the bed, not looking like a young lady should be.

"Hayasaka, think of a way...!"

"Maybe I don't have much time now, miss, my family asked me to go there, saying that I have something to inform."

"Ah...but I can go out with the president tomorrow, so it should be the best choice to use this excuse to chat now."

"Then please just say 'President, I want to chat with you'."

"Stupid...Stupid, stupid! How can such a thing be done, the president will definitely misunderstand it."

"Hey..." Ai Hayasaka sighed, "I think Chairman Shirogane will be very happy."

After tidying up her things casually, Ai Hayasaka got up and said, "Miss, I'm leaving first, I'll be back early."

"It can't be a bad thing, can it?"

Shinomiya Kaguya said worriedly.

"It shouldn't be. It's probably about the Hayasaka family. Anyway, it's not my turn to intervene."

"Be careful on the road."


Sitting in the driver's seat, Ai Hayasaka took a closer look at the location on the screenshot, which was a park in Shinjuku District near Bunkyo District.

The roar of the engine sounded, and the smoke and dust disappeared into the night along with the friction of the tires.

There are not many people in the beautiful park at night. The perfect design of various landscape trees and lawns outlines many hidden places for young couples to applaud at night. It can be said that it is thoughtful for young people who like excitement.

However, in these hidden corners, the blood soaked the soil, covering the original green bushes with a strange bright red layer.

These bushes are full of young and middle-aged men in casual clothes, some have a big red hole in their heads, and blood flows out, and some have their necks twisted into a strange arc, and their eyes are wide open, as if they saw something horrible before they died. Things are normal, and some necks are deflated by most of them as if they were hit hard by something, but there is no doubt that these people have lost signs of life.

Not far from these bushes, a short-haired man leaned against the corner of the wall in despair, holding his head tightly with both hands, not even daring to lift his head.

A few seconds later, the cell phone in the hand of the person standing in front of the inch-cropped man vibrated, and then he threw the cell phone to the inch-cropped man crouching in defense.

"Reply, just say that you have controlled people and obtained a lot of useful information."

The inch-cut man tremblingly picked up the phone, glanced at the corpse with most of its head missing from the corner of his eye, swallowed hard, and then nodded.


Chen Feng tore off a piece of clothes from the corpse beside him, wiped his bloody fists, and his expressionless expression deepened the inner fear of the inch-headed man.

He is a professional bodyguard of the Shinomiya family, a retired special forces member, not only him, but even his companions who came with him have this identity.

Having participated in countless acting and rescue operations, he never thought that one day he would be so afraid of a person.

It's not like he hasn't seen a corpse before, but it's the first time he's seen a corpse whose head was pierced by someone punching him. What's more, the young man was holding something in the air, and the head of his teammate next to him exploded in the next second. A blood flower is like being hit by a bullet, and the person who is hit will fall to the ground and die immediately.

That's not human power at all, not at all!

In less than half a minute, he was the only one left among the 8 people who came to follow and monitor, and he was still nearly 200 meters away from the other party, and he didn't even have time to turn his head and run away for a few meters, when he heard a burst of There was a whistling wind, and then his mobile phone was snatched by the other party. Even the pistol at his waist was dismantled into a pile of parts and scattered on the ground.

Everything happened so suddenly and so bizarre, it completely challenged his perception of the world.

He still has a wife and children, and he didn't want to die here, so he chose to raise his hands


After cooperating with the opponent to hide the body in the nearby bushes, the man with the short hair was forced to this position by Chen Feng.

He didn't have any will to resist at all, he just prayed in his heart that Chen Feng would not kill himself, that was enough.

Everything was done according to Chen Feng's words, and the inch-cut man also knew that he and others had been discovered long ago. Originally, when he followed him, he could smell something wrong. Thinking that in just a few tens of seconds, everyone would die, leaving only myself alone.

"Send... it's finished, the young master said that someone he trusts will come to receive the news." The cropped man said nervously, "Can... can you not kill me?"

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