After all, Hayasaka Ai pointed to the mobile phone in her hand.

"You belong to Master Huang Guang?"

"I said, you can verify."

Hayasaka Ai was expressionless, "If it's inconvenient, I can call you for confirmation."

"No need, verify your identity, what did Master Huang Guang ask you to get?"

"Important information, hurry up, I will be suspected by the eldest lady if I go back late."

However, the inch-cut man in front of her didn't say a word, he just lowered his head tremblingly. Such strangeness made Ai Hayasaka feel cold, and she turned her head suddenly.

slap - slap - slap

Chen Feng clapped his wrists and slowly walked out from behind a rockery, holding a mobile phone in one hand.

"Wonderful, I didn't expect the attendant next to Miss Huiye to be a traitor."


Just as Hayasaka Ai was about to turn around and run away, the sound of a gun being loaded suddenly came from behind her, followed by a muffled groan.


Her movements stopped as if suspended by time, and she frowned and looked at the bodyguard of the Shinomiya family who was gurgling blood on the side of her head.

"What do you want to do?"

Ai Hayasaka's voice was cold, and she looked at Chen Feng who was walking towards the bodyguard, and she clearly saw a Glock 17 in Chen Feng's hand, which was his spare pistol.

Without answering Hayasaka Ai's words, Chen Feng walked up to the short-haired man who was still twitching on the ground, and pulled the trigger several times with his fingers.

There was no fire, no sound, and Ai Hayasaka could only see bloody flowers exploding on the neck and chest of the inch-headed bodyguard.

The twitching body stopped moving, and the cropped man went limp and turned into a corpse.

"Talk about?"

"If you kill the members of the Shinomiya family, you will have problems."

"It's just a small family, and it won't cause me any problems." Chen Feng shrugged and pointed to a few bushes not far away, "If we really want to talk about people, there are quite a few people lying there."

"Come with me and talk about..."

As soon as Chen Feng's hand touched Hayasaka Ai's shoulder, Hayasaka Ai suddenly squatted down, and suddenly grabbed Chen Feng's wrist with one hand. This is a simple and convenient grabbing action, but...

It doesn't work for Chen Feng.

Hayasaka Ai just felt like she was grabbing a boulder, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't shake the opponent at all.



Chen Feng kicked Ai Hayasaka's calf sideways, twisted his body, grabbed Ai Hayasaka's arm with both hands, pulled and pushed Ai Hayasaka down, and Ai Hayasaka fell straight to the ground.

"Be obedient, I think you are still useful, don't really die." After Chen Feng said, he looked at a cherry blossom tree with a diameter estimated to be 20 centimeters beside him, and said calmly: "Don't be like this thing! .”

Boom! !

With a pile of sawdust falling to the ground, one hand was slowly pulled out from the tree trunk, and Chen Feng squinted at the stunned Hayasaka Ai.

"For Baiyin's sake, please be more obedient, understand? Put your head in your hands and stand up."

Swallowing with difficulty, Hayasaka Ai thought that she could not be the opponent of the person in front of her at all, so she obeyed Chen Feng's words and stood up with her head in her hands.

She now estimates that the last time the three young masters of the Sigong family were poisoned was most likely caused by the man in front of them.

"what do you wish to ask."

"The first question, how many factions are there in the Sigong family?"

"The Shinomiya main family, the Shijo branch family, and the Hayasaka family. There are two factions in the Shijo family. One faction hopes to usurp the throne and correct its own Shijo name, and the other group hopes to live under the fence and settle down with the status quo. The same is true for the two factions of the Hayasaka family."

"Then which faction do you belong to?"

"The third faction."

"Oh?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows, "What is the third faction?"

Hayasaka Ai replied blankly:

"I want to leave the Shinomiya family."

"Yes, it's fairly honest."

Nodding secretly, Chen Feng asked in a low voice: "Then the second question, where are Sigong Huangguang, Sigong Yunying, and Sigong Lingkong now?"

"I do not know."

Hayasaka Ai immediately shook her head and denied, "Master Huang Guang never told us where he would go, I can only contact. As for the second and third young masters, they should be with some women in an entertainment club at the moment."

"The third question, what do you think of Shinomiya Kaguya?"

Chen Feng leaned against another tree with a straight face. The dim streetlights could not even illuminate his face, making it difficult for people to see his expression clearly.

"Sister and master and servant. She is the master, I am the servant, I need to obey orders; I am the older sister, she is the younger sister, so I need to take care of her troublesome younger sister."

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