Without any hesitation, Hayasaka Ai responded simply.

"Sister... okay, then I'll ask the fourth question." After listening, Chen Feng was silent for a while, looked at the corpse on the ground, and finally looked at Hayasaka Ai who was still calm, opened his mouth and said:

"Miss Kaguya, are you ready to take over the Shinomiya family?"


"If you don't prepare well, you need to rush the ducks to the shelves. After all, so many heirs in line have died, so you have to find someone with the surname Sigong to take the top?"

【ding dong】

[Issuing user ID: system (takeaway type)

Order content: Support Shinomiya Kaguya to obtain the succession qualification of the Shinomiya family, and clear all obstacles

Address: No. 152, Chiyoda District, Tokyo

Time: two days

Remarks: This is a trigger order, issued according to the real-time situation of the rider, and cannot be rejected.During this period, the system will open most of the permissions for the rider to complete the order, please pay attention to the rider.

Completion reward for order delivery: network expansion (Sigong family), 15 micrograms of californium will be obtained 0.1 days after completing the order.

Overtime penalty: The repair task of the demon knife 'Jingwu' failed. 】

The system's order release sound suddenly appeared in his head, which made Chen Feng, who originally just wanted to be a puppet spokesperson, startled for a while.

Trigger order... You are here to play big cousin broke into a house to search for something, but somehow triggered a commissioned task?

"Your current master is about to die. If you stand in line well, I won't do anything to you. Give me your contact information."

"It's not wise to fight against the Shinomiya family alone."

Ai Hayasaka threw her mobile phone to Chen Feng, and reminded him rationally, "You can't fight against the Shinomiya's own personal armed forces alone."

"Who said I'm going to confront them? I just want to borrow something. I feel that it's not easy to talk to people I don't know, so I just change it to someone I know."

Chen Feng gave Hayasaka Ai a blank look, and after adding the other party's contact information to his phone, he returned the phone to the other party.

"Besides, there are always a small number of dogs who are loyal enough to die with their masters, and the rest of the dogs are just looking for profit. If you give them money, they will naturally work hard."

【ding dong】

[Sigong yellow light has been positioned successfully, and the image is being generated...]

[Sigong Yunying's positioning is successful, and the image is being generated...]

[Sigong's volley positioning is successful, and the image is being generated...]


Using the permission temporarily opened by the system, I found the location of the person I wanted to find, and the location display was always updated in real time.

The defensive forces around the target, the terrain conditions around the target, the belongings on the target...

Everything was engraved into Chen Feng's brain in the form of images and words. Information about the internal struggles of the Sigong family and who thought about the Sigong family were all deeply remembered by Chen Feng.

Ai Hayasaka, who was silent at the side, suddenly found that Chen Feng's smile had become horrified, and her eyes had gradually become indifferent, and her heart was pulled hard.

This person...why did he suddenly become a villain?He was quite decent when he obviously saved people.

Smart people know when to speak and when to do it. Coincidentally, Ai Hayasaka is such a smart person. After she knew that she and Chen Feng's personal strengths were completely unequal, she always showed an appearance of compromise.

But what is the real thought in her heart, only she knows.

"You go back to Miss Huiye now, you don't need to talk too much, and you don't need to contact too many people, after all..."

"After all, this is the best solution. No matter what the result is, my crimes are the least serious."

Ai Hayasaka quickly replied that Chen Feng's suggestion was exactly what she thought in her heart. Before the result came, all actions were bets.

She didn't completely think that Chen Feng had no chance of winning. On the contrary, she felt that the person in front of her was a little scary, and the empirical logic didn't seem to apply to him.

"You just understand."

Let's talk, Chen Feng intends to leave here to prepare a big gift for Sigong Yanan who is still at home.

"why me."

Hayasaka Ai's voice came from behind him, "I thought I would end up in the same fate as him."

Ai Hayasaka pointed at the dead body whose joints had begun to stiffen on the ground, and there seemed to be a ray of doubt on her face.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with that feeling. In the previous conversation, she had already felt Chen Feng's killing intent towards her, and the chill like falling into an ice cave was uncomfortable.

But just after he finished asking those four questions, Ai Hayasaka was surprised to find that Chen Feng didn't seem to want to kill her anymore.

Otherwise... this corpse might not be the only one lying on the ground.

"You don't need to know, you just need to do what you should do." Chen Feng turned his head, his eyes were like blades, "I'll deal with things here later, aren't you my sister? You want to protect your troublesome sister , you should work harder."

The night was long, and under the cover of the night, an invisible sickle was quietly resting on the neck of the Sigong family.

Originally, he just wanted to make a simple intimidation, and then leave when he got the news, but all the orders from the system came, so of course Chen Feng had to change his plan.

Isn't it normal for the Sigong family to kill dozens of people in one night?

The system only said that he would support Kaguya Shinomiya to obtain the succession right of the Shinomiya family, but did not say how many living members of the Shinomiya family who inherited the past remained.

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