
Mizi was going crazy. He felt that the man in front of him was her nemesis. From the moment we met until now, nothing good happened. Moreover, this man had a bad personality, and he even threatened him with his illegal behavior to run errands to buy goods. drinks.

"Hey! Senior, Iino, you guys are here, what are you talking about?"

Not far away, Yu Ishigami greeted with a relaxed face.

Chen Feng, who had his back to Ishigami Yu, grinned, and Miko knew that nothing good was going to happen when he saw his smile.

Sure enough, the next scene shocked Yu Ishigami for a whole year.

"Oni-chan, let me call you Oni-chan from now on, okay?" (Miko's voice)



"People in Liyue, Weiming Sword Master"

Chapter 50 The Cricket is a Pervert

At ten o'clock in the morning, the last person hurried to Ginza, as if he had calculated the time accurately, he didn't want to waste a second, and he wouldn't be late for a second. As for who this person is...

"Yahoo! Ah, it's Xiaogui! Tie Tie~"

With long pink hair and a hairpin with a bow in front of her bangs, she happily jumped out of a taxi and trotted to the front of the crowd.

Besides Fujiwara Chika, who else would open his arms and make such a strange gesture to greet everyone in full view?

They seemed to be quite familiar, and got to some strange point that everyone didn't know, Baiyin Kei also responded to Chika Fujiwara with the same gesture.

"Miss Qianhua!"

The two hugged each other, and the girl's laughter made the commercial street more alive in the morning.

After the two greeted each other, Chika Fujiwara swept a circle of people, then tilted her head.

"Hey—where's Kaguya?"

Among the people present, the only one she didn't notice was Shinomiya Kaguya. Of course, seeing Shirogane Miyuki's expression of "I'm defeated", Chika Fujiwara's face changed.

"Could it be that Hui Ye was abducted by bad guys? It's too scary, we must call the police!"

"Sister Qianhua, calm down, sister Kaguya has something to deal with at home, so I can't come today." Quickly stopping Fujiwara Chika from taking out her mobile phone to call the police, Bai Yingui heaved a sigh of relief and explained.

Baiyin Kei glanced at Baiyin Yuyuki, who was still in a lost state from the beginning to the end, and then took out her mobile phone. It was a message from Shinomiya Kaguya on it. She held it in front of Fujiwara Chika, "This is today's big news. Sister Zaohui Ye sent me a message, it seems that something is serious."

Mizi, who was standing obediently at the back acting like a wooden figure, suddenly remembered something, and suddenly said: "Ah...! It was very noisy outside when I was sleeping last night, and the siren woke me up several times."

Miko's home is near a main road, and the sound insulation effect of the apartment in such a place should be very good, but last night, the dense police cars came and went, and she was more or less affected.

Yu Ishigami, who was still chatting with Chen Feng about the game, nodded solemnly and said:

"It's really noisy. Last night I went to bed at 12 o'clock, because it was too noisy outside, so I got up and played games until 3 o'clock."

"You obviously just want to play games..."

Yazi complained incredulously, most of the people here still know what kind of urine Yu Ishigami usually is.

The end of the semester is approaching and she doesn't review, and she fails countless subjects every time. She heard the chairman talk about similar things, that is, last semester, if Ishigami who failed the course had not been given hellish tutoring after the end of the semester, he might not even be able to advance to the second grade.

Mingming also said that he would go home and read a book, but he clearly meant to go home and play games!

"Ahem...the new game is so good, there's nothing I can do about it."

Having been exposed to the true thoughts in his heart, Yu Ishigami turned his head in embarrassment and whistled.

In the end, in order to change the subject, he asked Shirogane Yuxing worriedly:

"President, are you really alright?"

"I'm fine... I'm really fine... I don't care about that at all, and I wasn't too excited to sleep last night..."

You said it all! Hey!What's more, you don't look like a normal person with your weak and bloodshot eyes at all!

Yu Ishigami was speechless. The president and vice president Kaguya Shinomiya didn't mention the student union, even in the school, everyone knew it. Whenever the two of them were together, there would always be a comparison in the end. As a result of the disastrous result, the relationship between the two will never be able to pierce that layer of window paper, and other people see it in their eyes and feel anxious in their hearts.

"I don't know what Senior Sigong is busy with. This kind of thing that will break the appointment is not at all like her character."

"Someone is dead at home."

Chen Feng said lightly: "It's normal for a few family members to die in the spring."

Ishigami Yu: "???"

Is there anything to say about the dead in spring?

Mizi next to him glared at Chen Feng.

"It's impolite, maybe it's just that the family has something to do, and it's the kind of sudden notification, so I can't come."

"The whole family died?"

"This kind of thing is impossible!"

Mizi said speechlessly: "Student Chen Feng, you have a bad mouth."

"I'm an insider, so I'm just telling the truth."

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