Shrugging his shoulders, Chen Feng didn't bother to explain anything, he just thought that Mizi's teasing was very interesting.

It’s not a solution to be lost all the time. In fact, Baiyin Yuxing has been relieved long ago, but he is still quite lost in his heart. He has been looking forward to it all night, but he still can’t go shopping together the next day. He obviously stayed up all night to make one. Having planned in detail!

"Okay, Mizi, don't quarrel with Chen Feng anymore, everyone should get along well."

Putting on a serious face, Baiyin Yuxing reluctantly acted as a peacemaker, "Chen Feng, what did you do with Miko before? Why did Ishigami have an incredible expression when he first came?"

He and Bai Yingui were only a minute behind Ishigami Yu. After they arrived, they first saw Ishigami's shocked expression, and then Miko stomped her feet anxiously with a blushing face, while Chen Feng stood aside and smoked.

It's a pity that he didn't ask what happened just now, but he guessed that it must have something to do with Chen Feng.

No, as soon as Chen Feng was mentioned, a blush appeared on Mi Zi's fair face again, his eyeballs turned to the side in panic, and he replied intermittently:

"No... nothing..."

"Okay, president, don't ask." Ishigami Yu stopped Baiyin Yuyuki from asking, and cast a look of "I understand" at Miko.

But this look did not dispel the complicated feelings in Miko's heart, on the contrary, it became more anxious.

"Hey! What?! What happened? I want to hear it!"

As expected of the most difficult woman in the student union, Chika Fujiwara immediately abandoned Bai Yingui and came over as soon as she heard the commotion, looking like a gossip.

Yazi definitely couldn't ask anything, so Chika Fujiwara approached Chen Feng very consciously.

After snuffing out the cigarette butt, Chen Feng raised his head expressionlessly and asked:

"You really want to know?"

"Yeah! Detective Qianhua is the best at solving problems!"

Then she took out a hat from somewhere and put it on. She also had a magnifying glass in her hand and a model pipe in her mouth. "Holmes Qianhua refers to me."

"You look very gossip, crawl."

Without any surprise, Chen Feng held Fujiwara Chika's head and pushed her out.

"This is called an emotional counselor, and it is a very important profession!" Putting up a finger, Chika Fujiwara pouted, "Where there are people, there will be emotions tied like a rope, and Holmes Fujiwara... Love expert Qianhua was born for this!"

She was obviously just talking nonsense, but this woman was able to say such strange words with dignity.

"So the parties must explain the process clearly with professionals!"

Probably because he thought that Chika Fujiwara wanted to do something, and it wouldn't be a problem if he continued to entangle like this, Chen Feng deduced the process in his mind, and grinned at Chika Fujiwara.

Chika Fujiwara grinned suddenly while looking fierce at first, and Chika Fujiwara's heart beat several times, but curiosity always prevailed in her body, so she bit the bullet and said:


"Okay, come here a little bit, and I'll tell you what happened."

Shameful things can't be spread, not to mention that this man even tied his own hair. A girl's hair can't be touched by others casually, let alone Miko is a very traditional girl. If the matter gets out, how will Mizi meet people!

She could already imagine the scene of social death, the majesty of the disciplinary committee members would be demolished, and the students would even laugh at her about it.

This way campus life is over!

What's more, the big villain in the back even deliberately said some shameful words in his own voice, and these words were heard by others. If he said it, no one would believe him at all.

As a result, Mizi rushed into the middle of the two as soon as his head was hot, stared at Chen Feng with what he thought was a fierce look, and said angrily:

"Don't say it! (;OдO)"

"Oh? Because of shyness?"

"No...that's not the case, I... nothing happened to us, it's just that classmate Chen Feng...he told a joke, that's it!"

The explanation is too forced and outrageous, no one here believes Mizi's explanation.

Chen Feng rubbed her head and smiled gently, but this smile became darker and darker.

"I have to say it, I even want to say it in detail, analyze it bit by bit, use psychological methods to analyze it, and finally summarize the reasons."

"Don't touch my hair, don't touch..."

Gritting his teeth, Mizi tugged at the corner of Chen Feng's clothes, and whispered: "I'll give you money, why don't you say it..."

"Hahaha, good idea, good idea, of course... not good."

Chen Feng took his hand off Yako's head, and motioned for Chika Fujiwara to go with him.


Mizi squatted on the ground helplessly, her eyes were lifeless, as helpless as a little pet abandoned by its owner.

"Obviously I didn't say it, obviously he did it first..."

Under the gaze of everyone, the two walked to the wall of the building not far away, Chika Fujiwara urged:

"Student Chen Feng~~ Tell me quickly."

"Okay, come here, let me tell you..." Chen Feng whispered in Fujiwara Chika's ear, "Do you know about obsessive-compulsive disorder, Fujiwara?"

"Yeah, I know, it's the kind of people who think about whether the lights in their house are turned off, whether the door is locked, whether the shoes in the shoe room are neatly arranged, right?"

"Yes, but for some people, OCD can make them feel shy. It's not the same as your understanding of yourself. They don't tell people out loud that they are a jitter. They prefer to hide their OCD. disease."

"Who...who is Shaking M!" Fujiwara Chika retorted.

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