"No." Chen Feng shook his head, and retorted: "It's a person who has to stand upright under the pressure of reality. This kind of person...is rare."

After Chen Feng's interruption, the embarrassment of being misunderstood as a couple suddenly disappeared.

Xue Nai often comes here to buy things, and is naturally very familiar with the layout here. Ruijier doesn't have much desire for food, but let Xue Nai choose by herself.

Facing the crumbling sun at the entrance of the supermarket, Xue Nai and Chen Feng each carried a small bag of ingredients. They couldn't buy too much. The refrigerator at Xue Nai's house was already full of things from Yang Nai, and she didn't like wasting People who are rich will naturally not use their money to spend money indiscriminately.

As she said before, the trap of consumerism is open to everyone, and everything should be chosen according to one's own ability. When you don't need the added value of this product, you can replace it with another one that is more cost-effective and still has the same effect. commodity.

Aoyama Nanami, an ordinary female high school student, she has a dream, that is to become a voice actor.

She also had conflicts with her family because of this matter. In a fit of anger, she planned to use her own strength to prove that she could realize her dream without the help of her family.

As a girl who speaks with a Kansai accent, and has no background in voice acting, the difficulty of becoming a professional voice actor is greatly increased, and she needs to pay more for this!

It takes money to go to training classes to learn the basics, so work part-time!You need money to get into a voice actor university, so work part-time! !Daily expenses need money, so work more! ! !

Down-to-earth doing, down-to-earth learning, and down-to-earth efforts are the rules this self-disciplined girl has set for herself.

But the human body is not made of iron or steel, but a flesh and blood body composed of cells. The existence of limits makes everything difficult, and she needs to bear greater pressure to prove herself.

Save money from food, use her time to study and do homework to drive to farther places to buy cheaper ingredients; save money from life, as long as the clothes are still wearable, she will never buy anything Set of new clothes.

Before going shopping, she will plan the money she can use, and spend every penny carefully, because the money contains the sweat of her work.

If you don't make money, you won't understand how precious money is.

Qingshan Qihai is very happy to buy the ingredients that can be eaten for several days.

"Great, that senior Yukinoshita seems to be difficult to get in touch with, but unexpectedly he is a good person."

Glancing at the canned dipping material in the bag, Qihai Qingshan remembered Xue Nao's cold face and Chen Feng's poker face.

By the way, that blond child seems to be expressionless too!Are these three people really not parents and children?

Walking towards the bus stop not far away, Qihai Qingshan still had doubts in her heart, and finally she tapped her head lightly.

"You can't think like this, you can't think like this... How could two black-haired people give birth to a child with blond hair! Eh... Could it be that this is a recessive inheritance?"

Qingshan Qihai raised his head and saw Chen Feng and the three passing across the road at a glance. Looking at the backs of the three, Qingshan Qihai became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"What, it's obviously very similar. Eh..."

She touched her face, and found that her hands were wet with sweat, and she felt cold for no reason, and why were her arms, neck, and back painful?And chest tightness...

It was like this not long ago, and I thought it was because of the cold weather.

Glancing at the sun in the sky, today's temperature is actually not low, why do I sweat and feel cold like this?


Qingshan Qihai shook her head vigorously, and decided to sleep for two more hours after returning.

But just as she felt the strength in her legs regained strength, the pain in her body became more and more severe. She wanted to call for help but couldn't say a word.


It was dark before her eyes, and she fell heavily on the sidewalk, making a dull sound.

At this time, a woman pushing a stroller happened to be on the side. She saw someone beside her fall down and stopped. She squatted down and patted Aoyama Nanami on the shoulder, but Aoyama Nanami remained motionless.

"Hello? Girl, are you okay? Hello!!?"

At this time, Chen Feng vaguely felt something. He stopped and looked back in the middle of the zebra crossing, and saw vegetables scattered on the sidewalk not far away, canned sauces rolled down, and... the green mountains and seven seas that fell to the ground.

Chapter 60 Maybe... not so bad?

The vicissitudes of life faced the faint heat wave, the traffic flow beside him stopped the hasty pace, and pairs of unwavering eyes stared at the road ahead.

The busy life and the cold society have smoothed the edges and corners of countless people. Many people have already lived in a world with only themselves, as if no matter how big they are, they can't take their eyes off them.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Chen Feng stopped suddenly, Xue Nai was stunned for a moment, but she didn't receive an answer. Looking back, she only saw Chen Feng's back. As for the direction he was running...

Looking up slightly, Xue Nai saw a girl who was lying on the ground not far away, and this girl was very familiar.

[Isn't this the girl who asked for directions? 】

Apart from anything else, Xue Nai and Ruijier also ran after Chen Feng.

First of all, the heart of the young woman who found that Qingshan Qihai had fallen was pulled up. Seeing that her actions did not make the girl in front of her move at all, her whole head went blank.

What to do, what to do... What the hell is going on...

Just when she was flustered, a figure rushed towards her like a gust of wind, and her knees hit the ground heavily, causing a gust of air to blow the hair on the young woman's shoulders.


"Call the emergency number and put it in my ear."

Chen Feng pulled Qingshan Qihai's collar away, put his fingers on the pulse of her neck accurately, and lay on his chest while talking calmly and listening carefully.

"Oh, alright!"

The young woman frantically took out her mobile phone from her shoulder bag and asked in a low voice:

"What's wrong with this girl?"

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