There was no imaginary beating from his fingers, nor was there any heart beating in his ears. Chen Feng took out a penlight from his trouser pocket, and pulled out Qingshan Qihai's eyes to shine it in.

"There is still help, don't panic."

"Chen Feng, what's wrong?"

At this time, Xue Nai and the two also rushed over and found that Chen Feng had just put away the pen light.

"Sudden death, heart stopped beating, you go find me an AED, I remember there was one at the door of the supermarket just after I came out."

Seemingly worried that Xue Nao would not be able to open the device with the AED, Chen Feng added in order to save time: "Use the broken window hammer on the side to break it open and bring it here, the sooner the better."

"no problem!"

Chen Feng got up and dragged Qingshan Qihai's body, and laid it flat on the flat sidewalk. Due to the fall just now, most of Qingshan Qihai's body fell on the edge of the sidewalk.

"Feng, what do I need to do?"

"Ray, go and disperse the crowd of onlookers, so that they don't look at it."

Chen Feng took out a first-aid kit from his coat, and there was a pair of round scissors in the first-aid kit. He pulled off Qingshan Qihai's coat, and cut the white inner lining that Qingshan Qihai wore inside.

Originally, it was because of Qingshan Qihai's abnormal complexion that Chen Feng kindly signaled the other party to pay attention to rest. What he was worried about was this kind of situation.

Insufficient rest time, excessive work and unreasonable diet can easily lead to sudden sudden death in a person.

And the young woman who was ordered by Chen Feng to call the emergency number also put the phone in Chen Feng's ear. Before the operator on the phone asked, Chen Feng said directly:

"I am a passerby, and my contact information is this phone number. On the sidewalk 405 meters west of the entrance of Zhongchuan Shopping Supermarket, No. 200 Road, Chuo District, Chiba City, a girl about 17 years old died suddenly. She has suffered a cardiac arrest. Stop, the situation is urgent, the cause of the sudden death is preliminarily judged to be malnutrition plus high-intensity work and lack of rest time. I am using CPR and AED first aid for the patient. Please send medical personnel to bring relevant equipment and epinephrine and norepinephrine injections by car. !"

"Understood, please continue to implement first aid and wait for the arrival of medical staff, thank you very much!"

The operator who received the message approved Chen Feng's approach, and quickly sent the message to a nearby hospital. She thought that the caller should be a doctor passing by after get off work, because many people would waste a long time calling for emergency services. , thereby reducing the patient's chances of survival.

When an emergency call is needed, the report generally takes the identity information, contact information, encounter situation, number of injured and injuries, medical equipment needed, on-site location, terrain features, on-site situation, and NBC in sequence.

Don't worry about speaking too fast, the operator can't hear you clearly, because the emergency call is recorded and can be played repeatedly.

The entire call took less than 20 seconds. At this time, Chen Feng also cut Qingshan Qihai's clothes, and accurately found the location where CPR could be performed.

The body structure of women is different from that of men, so it is not suitable to use the method of finding men's first aid points, but this is not difficult for Chen Feng. He has done more first aid than ordinary people eat, and it can be almost perfect at a glance. to find the location.

If the position is wrong, it will cause severe fracture if it is too high, that is, the so-called person is directly pressed to death. If it is too low, it is not easy to cause the heart to contract, and the emergency effect cannot be achieved, so finding the position is the key.

"First... Mister... But she is a woman!"

"Fate or face?"

Chen Feng pressed Qingshan Qihai's chest in a rhythmic way. Hearing what the young woman beside him said, he simply retorted and said, "Take my coat to the side of the road so that the emergency personnel can find it faster."

His clothes are bright red. This color can be more conspicuous in a wide field of vision, and it is perfect to be used as a marker.

Do not press randomly when performing CPR first aid. You need to press at a frequency of 100 to 110 times per minute, and the left hand should be placed on the right hand. Use the heel of the palm to make point-to-point contact with the pressing part. The depth of each pressing is 5 ——6cm.

Chen Feng has already pressed 30 times at this time, Chen Feng moved his body to Qingshan Qihai's head, raised his lower jaw slightly with his right hand, and opened the airway.

Because the airway will be blocked in such a situation, artificial respiration cannot be performed without opening the airway.

After finishing all this, Chen Feng began to perform artificial respiration. He didn't have any mentality that men and women were different. On the battlefield, he was as old as 40 or 50 years old and as young as 11 or 12 years old. People of both genders did it. After artificial respiration, who would care about this.

However, the artificial respiration should not be blown too hard, otherwise the bubbles will be damaged. Chen Feng took a breath, directly wrapped Qingshan Qihai's mouth with his mouth and blew twice, then started to press again, and repeated previous action.

CPR is also called cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and at least 5 sets of this kind of first aid should be done, which means that Chen Feng needs to keep doing it like this.

Fortunately, when Chen Feng was doing the sixth group, Xue Nai hurried over with a small orange box. She panted slightly and asked:

"Is it this one?"

"That's right, put it next to me."

Turning on this AED device, Chen Feng inserted the interface of the electrode patch into the interface slot in the AED box, and stuck it on Qingshan Qihai's upper right upper chest and left lower chest.

He looked at the test data displayed on the AED, and after the AED announced that a shock was required, he left the patient and pressed the shock button.

The human body is conductive, and AED is a kind of electric shock first aid. If the emergency personnel still touch the patient during the AED electric shock, they will also be shocked by the electric current conducted by the AED electrode patch. This is also a very serious matter. dangerous thing.

Chen Feng is fine and doesn't want to be shocked. Although there is no big problem in terms of his physical fitness, it will hurt!

'Please continue to perform CPR first aid for 5 sets. If the patient has not recovered his vital signs, the analysis will continue. '

After a while, a cold machine sound came from the AED, and Chen Feng continued his first aid without saying a word.

With extraordinary physical strength, this level of physical exertion is not the key point, the key point is when will the medical staff come?

The design of the AED is very user-friendly. It even records the number of compressions and artificial respirations when Chen Feng is doing CPR, without Chen Feng needing to count them himself.

After the 5 groups were completed, the AED continued to test.

'During analysis...the normal heart rhythm has not been restored, electric shock is recommended! '

'Please continue to perform CPR first aid for 5 sets. If the patient has not recovered his vital signs, the analysis will continue. '


The first aid continued, but there was a bad news from Xue Nai, that is, there was a traffic jam nearby!

The ambulance would come very slowly when encountering a traffic jam, but Chen Feng still remained unmoved, he was still doing CPR first aid calmly, and kept cycling through the process of CPR-analysis-shock-CPR.

Cardiac arrest lasts for 4-6 minutes. If the rescue is delayed, the success rate of the patient's resuscitation will plummet. Even if the rescue is successful in the end, there will be a high probability of sequelae and complications. Chen Feng used to be an accompanying sniper And field doctors, naturally know this knowledge very well.

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