The sky is blue, there are no clusters of white clouds, only speckles scattered around, such weather is naturally difficult to cool down, but gradually becomes hotter.

As the bell for the last exam rang, the students sat upright in their seats, some smiling, some frowning, but all of them were waiting for the teacher to come to collect the exam papers.

This is related to whether the students of this school will be able to be free this spring break in the future, it is extremely critical!

After the test papers were collected, Xue Nai got up silently, picked up the bag on the stage, and walked out of the classroom.

She didn't go downstairs, nor did she go to the canteen to buy things, nor did she look for a place to enjoy her lunch, but went all the way straight to the roof of the building.

Because she knew very well that that man would definitely be on top.

Walking through the wide stairs, there is a gap in the door of the roof, and the light from the sky pours in through the gap without hesitation, giving a little warmth to this inaccessible place.


With a slight sigh, Xue Nai thought of Chen Feng who got up to hand in the paper 15 minutes after the exam started. The standard exam time is one and a half hours. Not thinking enough.

But no matter what, the 15 minutes to hand in the paper still gave her a very shocking feeling. You must know that when Chen Feng handed in the paper, she hadn't even finished the multiple choice questions!

But it's also true... Thinking about how Chen Feng usually knows the answer at a glance when he is doing the questions, the physics test papers of this level may be too simple for him.

There was a creaking sound, and the seldom-used iron door let out a painful groan, as if a middle-aged and elderly person suffering from rheumatic joints was in pain.


As soon as Xue Nai came up, he saw Chen Feng standing at the corner of the roof with a cigarette in his mouth and looking into the distance. Wisps of green smoke rose slowly, and he seemed to have noticed Xue Nai's arrival, so he just glanced back.

"Is it okay to take the exam so quickly?"

"If I make a mistake in a question, I will lose. If I can make mistakes in this kind of question, I will die a long time ago."

"You still speak strangely as always."

The words on her mouth were so sharp, but Xue Nai raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and she stepped forward to stand on the same level as Chen Feng.

She doesn't like the smell of smoke, her delicate nose smelled the strong smell of smoke on Chen Feng's body, her handsome brows frowned slightly, and reminded:

"If the lady comes over, she should pinch her cigarette."

"I didn't ask you to come here." He gave Xue Nai a white look.

"Forget it..." Knowing that her persuasion was useless, and also knowing that what Chen Feng really wanted to do was not something she could persuade, Xue Nai asked softly: "What happened last time, did you get your bank card back? "

"I got it back, but I didn't expect that child to have cardiovascular disease. The prolongation of the QT interval may be a bit serious, but it can still be treated."

After being silent for a while, although Xue Nai couldn't understand some of the proper nouns in Chen Feng's mouth, she was still a little worried.

"Is there enough money? I have saved a lot of money. I can lend you some if necessary."

There is still a Ruijier in his family who needs to be taken care of. Although Chen Feng didn't say anything, Xue Nai knew that this man must have paid for all the medical expenses. If it affected her normal life, she would be willing to bear part of the responsibility.

It was said to be borrowing money, but in fact this was just a statement from Xue Nai's mouth. She actually planned to give it instead of borrowing it.

"It's only 1100 million. It's not a lot of money. If you get tired, you can earn it back. It's not a big deal if you can save your life."

Xue Nai: "..."

She almost forgot that this man's ability to earn money seemed to be unmatched by ordinary people. The house in his hand alone cost almost 10 billion yen, as if her worries had become superfluous.

The roots of her ears started to feel hot, and she subconsciously stroked her hair.

"That's good, but the girl should not be able to pay back, right?"

"I didn't plan to ask her to pay it back. Now she probably doesn't even know who paid her the bill."

"Why did you do this, you didn't know each other before, did you?"

"You can probably understand it as the whim of the big villain?"

"That's not bad."

Xue Nai smiled, took out a stack of insulation boxes from her bag, and said: "I have cooked a lot of dishes, and the ingredients in the refrigerator need to be disposed of as soon as possible, otherwise they will not taste good after a long time, I can allow you to eat a little. "

The afternoon is an afternoon of free rest. In order to ensure that the results can be released as soon as possible, the teachers will give up lunch and rest time and work overtime to drive out the results of all students. Even teachers who are not teachers of this subject will participate in multiple-choice questions and fill in the blanks. For the scoring of the questions, the professional teachers will specially review and correct the big questions.

In order to see their grades as soon as possible, the vast majority of students will not go home, but chat and exercise in school...waiting for the announcement of scores and rankings.

The five Nakano sisters had already greeted Chen Feng in advance. They seemed to be going to celebrate the holiday, and asked Chen Feng if he wanted to go together. In the end, even Nakano Maruo, the father of the Nakano family, came to invite Chen Feng. I am very happy that my daughters' grades can improve like this, but Chen Feng finally rejected the invitation.

Shizuka Hiratsuka seems to want to have a good chat with him about the spring break, but the matter of eating can be put aside for the time being.

He also took out his bag, and Chen Feng also took out a stack of insulation boxes from the bag expressionlessly.

"Ray made a lot this morning. If you beg me, I can give you some as a reward."

As soon as she choked on her words, Xue Nai felt as if her thoughts overlapped with someone's, and it was a big problem.

However, asking her to ask for help was more difficult than going to the sky and sea. When she said goodbye to her pretty face, her smooth and moist long hair rose with the wind.

"I can eat my own!"

Just when she turned around, she suddenly saw several figures at the entrance of the rooftop, the leader was none other than Komachi with a surprised face.

Komachi exclaimed in surprise:

"Sure enough, I guessed correctly, seniors and sisters, you are really on top!!"

Hikiya Hachiman, who was following Komachi, turned dark and complained:

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