"Obviously I said it..."

"Shut up, idiot brother, a dejected guy who took a physics test!"

"That's because physics is completely useless."

Hikigu Hachiman who said this had no confidence in himself, and he didn't even dare to look at his sister.

Ignoring his older brother, Komachi ran over bouncingly, holding Chen Feng with one hand and Yukino with the other, and said with a smile:

"I want to eat lunch, eat lunch~ Wow, seniors and sisters, how did you do so much? Well, it's a waste if you don't finish it."

"Because I made a lot of ingredients, I'll give you two servings."

Xue Nai doesn't mind this kind of thing, the sweetest thing is sharing good things together.

"I brought a lot of rice because I cooked too much."

Chen Feng opened his lunch box and took two out, one for Hikigaya Hachiman and one for Hikigaya Komachi, "That girl Ray made too much, she thought she would go back to eat after the exam at noon."

"No need, actually I brought..."

Just as Hikigu Hachiman was about to refuse, he saw his sister looking over kindly.

"Brother, you didn't make a bento, did you?"

"Uh...sorry, thanks for lunch, thanks for everything."

He very consciously took the rice from Chen Feng and the dishes from Yukino. Sure enough, Hachiman is the lowest-ranked existence in the Hikiya family. It seems that Komachi ranks first in the Hikiya family, and the second is his parents. The third is the pets at home, and the fourth is Hachiman.

It's really bad enough.

Rachel was delayed by something for a while, and then came up slowly, holding a bottle of chili sauce in her hand, it seemed that she might have gone shopping.

"Ah Feng, the brand new hot sauce, everyone in the class said it was very spicy, but it looks delicious."

Ruijier is like a class favorite in the class. The reason is not Chen Feng, but because Ruijier is very cute, plus her academic performance is very good. She will take the trouble to ask her questions that other students don’t know. With a little bit of explanation, she finally gained her top position in the class.

Chen Feng likes to eat chili. Ruijier knows that, and after being brought by Chen Feng for a long time, she herself eats more and more tastes, and becomes a family who loves spicy food.

Hikigu Hachiman took a careful look at the chili sauce in Rachel's hand, and his whole face turned red before he ate it.

"This... this... this thing will eat the dead!"

"Huh?" Komachi looked puzzled, "Don't you have a lot of chili sauce at home? I really like it."

"How can the chili sauce at home, which is less than 5000 SHU, compare with this..."

Hikigaya Hachiman seems to have seen this kind of chili sauce before. He said: "I saw it when I went to the supermarket to buy paper last night. After I got home, I checked it and said that the chili sauce has a spiciness of 70000 SHU, which is too outrageous... I figured I'd get gastroenteritis if I ate it."

While he was explaining, Chen Feng picked out a pinch with chopsticks and put it in his mouth with relish:

"It can taste spicy, yes."

"Are you a monster?!"

Seeing Hikigu Hachiman's expression of disbelief, Ruijier explained: "Feng will eat bird's eye chili directly, and I have eaten it too, and the taste is not bad."


Apart from the knowledge taught in school, Hikigu Hachiman, who knew all kinds of messy things, immediately apologized. He felt that he was an existence whose three views were constantly being refreshed here.

Presumably because he doesn't eat chili much?

That's not right either!The bird's eye pepper has a spiciness of 100000-225000 SHU. Generally speaking, if it exceeds [-] SHU, won't it be sent to the hospital if you eat it directly?

The Superman brothers and sisters are by my side?

Originally, Yukino was eager to try it, but when she saw that the unbelieving Hikigu Hachiman dipped a little bit of her chopsticks and ate it, she was so hot that she couldn't bear it, so she resolutely gave up this idea.

After looking at the light dishes, it is better to eat light dishes.


At the Shuimei High School twenty or thirty kilometers away, Qingshan Nanami's complexion was much better compared to the previous few days. She was frightened when other people in the same dormitory found out about her sudden fainting on the street. One rushed to the hospital to visit her.

Mild prolonged QT syndrome, high blood pressure, endocrine disorders, organ dysfunction...

Unknowingly, her body has become unbearable due to overwork, and various problems have appeared. Since it is still early and discovered very early, effective treatment can be carried out, but the cost of treatment is a lot. A fee that she couldn't even imagine!

She has worked hard to make money for so long, and even the total cost of planning the university is only about 110 million yen. The cost of the voice actor major is very high, and the general university major does not cost that much money.

But... But the cost of treatment alone is enough for her to go to college almost 10 times!

After learning the cost of the treatment from the doctor, she fell into silence. Is this the end of her life?With illnesses and no money for treatment, college dreams seemed out of reach.

She was so sad that she was depressed.

My friends were raising medical money for themselves, and everyone was in a hurry, until my attending physician came and told me and others that her treatment expenses had already been paid in advance. In addition to the treatment expenses, the other party seemed to have given me 50 yen as living expenses. Moreover, the other party was unwilling to disclose his identity information, and the doctor also chose to keep it secret.

Her body was simply recuperated for a few days before she was temporarily discharged from the hospital. The next treatment will continue during the spring break. Each pill is her salary for several weeks without eating or drinking. heart is even heavier.

[Why would someone help me? 】

She didn't understand, so she kept asking the doctor about the details at that time, probably because she felt that the girl was very serious and had a lot of self-esteem, and the doctor didn't disclose all the information, but only told her some things.

A man called the ambulance at the first moment of the incident, and has been providing emergency treatment for her, a person in cardiac arrest, from the beginning to the end. It took 14 rounds of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and AED heart rhythm shocks for her to escape. Danger.

Judging from the doctor's tone, without the help of this passer-by, she should be lying in the morgue now, waiting for the next cremation procedure.

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