"Oh, that's fine. Don't make trouble anymore, go back after eating, whether you want to draw, sleep, or even hair bands, we'll talk about it then."


My heart is... very sad...

She touched her chest, feeling as if there was a big rock blocked inside, making her breathless.

But the only thing that has not changed is that the maids said that they need to thank the outsider seriously if they accept the kindness of the outsider, because what kind of friendship is that... not an obligation?

Don't know, but it should make sense.

She wasn't the only one who felt blocked. Saiduri Sawamura was also in the room staring at the pear pie she took out from the refrigerator in a daze.


Shizuka Hiratsuka walked into the room and stretched comfortably.

"It's finally over... eh? Sayuri, why are you still looking at your dessert? You were looking at it when I went out to pay, and you are still looking at it now. If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

"Okay, otherwise it will be broken."

Sayuri smiled far-fetchedly, and gave up a seat on the sofa.

"Then I really want to eat."

Taking out a pair of knives and forks from under the coffee table, Shizuka Hiratsuka tentatively said.

"Eat, it's good to eat."

"Tch, this smell full of resentment makes people lose their appetite at all, so don't eat."

Throwing away the tableware, Shizuka Hiratsuka seems to be in a good mood today. The reason is that many men deliberately paid attention to her when she went to the restaurant for dinner. Is grooming so important to finding a partner?

Pointing her index finger on Sayuri's smooth and white forehead, Shizuka Hiratsuka said:

"It's all written on your face. It's not like you at all. If you have any unhappy things, let me hear them. If you hold them back, you will get sick."


"Really not?"

"Really not!"

Regarding how to deal with this friend of hers, Shizuka Hiratsuka is more proficient than anyone else. She took out two bottles of liquor from the bag that had not been opened at the side, and said with a hearty smile:

"Then come and drink with me, it just so happens that today is a happy day, let's have a drink first!"

"Wait a minute, Xiao Jing, I don't drink white..."

Before she finished speaking, Hiratsuka Shizuka drank the white wine in the clean tempered cup in one gulp, put her arm around Sayuri's shoulder, and turned off the air conditioner with the other hand.

"It's boring to turn on the air conditioner in the cold weather. Drinking a few cups of the special vodka here is the kingly way to warm up the body."


Sayuri looked at the pure liquid in the glass with a complex expression, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, feeling that the air in the room was getting colder and colder, she picked up the wine glass under Shizuka Hiratsuka's gaze, and took a sip...

"Cough cough cough...it's so hard to drink..."

"Drink more and get used to it? Look at me, I'm fine, come on, let's have another sip to celebrate the successful boarding!"

"There are so many reasons."


There was a crisp sound of hitting a wall, and it was unknown how many stories could be produced in this night's drinking game.

Chapter 69 What a sad fate to mock

The holy and pure moon hangs high above the night sky, even the process of rising and falling is so graceful and moving, like an elegant dancing princess.

Just under this pure bright moon, the moonlight sprinkled towards the sea, and the multiple reflections of the moonlight finally fell on the fair face of the girl in a nightgown, with beautiful long black hair hanging down her waist, ruddy complexion and blurred eyes.

"This is really... a surprise, Xiao Jing."

The moonlight erodes the darkness and provides humans with a ray of light from the night.But under the light with a sense of technology, the moonlight can only be eclipsed.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had already collapsed on the sofa and was snoring. From time to time, there was a sound of retching from his throat, but other than that, there was no movement.

Sayuri supported her body with her hands and slowly stood up, staring at the empty bottles of vodka with her nimble eyes, and said with a wry smile:

"If you want to get others drunk, you must at least know where you are. How can you say that you drink half a glass and others drink a sip? It's so contemptuous..."

Saiduri was very clear that Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to talk to her, and to reassure her friend, she revealed a little bit about the beginning of a rift between her family and her.

"It really hasn't changed at all, my character is still so impatient."

Pulling the quilt off the bed with difficulty, she skillfully covered Hiratsuka Shizuka's body while sleeping soundly. She picked up the remote control of the air conditioner and kept the constant temperature at around 22 degrees so that it wouldn't be too cold. She slept on the sofa Hiratsuka Shizuka also does not feel too hot.

With her pink lips parted slightly, Sayuri supported her face and looked out of the window.

"Why...is everyone more anxious than me?"

His father is very strict, and often has no time to take care of his family when it comes to family interests. He has always felt like a robot without any personal emotions, but he didn't lose his temper as he imagined after knowing this.

My mother has always been very timid, but she didn't say anything to dissuade herself. She just gave me her bank card, which stored her mother's private money for most of her life.

Xiao Jing is very irritable, always very irritable...

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