Sayuri's face was bitter.

Just after knowing the reason why he wanted to separate from the man who didn't have much affection, he almost rushed to England to carry out a terrorist attack.

The only one who wasn't in a rush and kept a neutral attitude...and that was him.

His eyes moved back to the dessert box not far away again.

Just once, for the last time...give him something...

The trembling arms are slender and weak, and I see that the pityful gesture is full of hesitation and reluctance.

Gritting her silver teeth tightly, Sayuri stood up abruptly, but she forgot that she had actually drank a lot, and her state was no different than that of Shizuka Hiratsuka.

The body staggered, and the center of gravity was slightly out of balance.



The metacarpal bone under the little finger of her right hand knocked against the corner of the coffee table, but at the same time, she pushed hard with her left hand on the empty single sofa, and rolled around on the ground with the reaction force, strands of crystals appeared from the corners of her eyes.

"Hey... it hurts..."

Fortunately, Sayuri has practiced some things, otherwise, who knows what will happen to her.

After resting for a while with her hands folded, Sayuri felt her head getting heavier and heavier, and the alcohol had gradually surged up, starting to paralyze her brain nerves.

I'm sure I can't eat it by myself, if I don't send it now, tomorrow... no, I'm afraid this thing will just rot on the bed.

With her right hand tucked into the sleeve of her nightgown, Sayuri struggled to pick up the dessert box and walked out. Finally, she did not forget to leave a gap for the room. After all, the nightgown has no pockets and cannot hold the room card. Far, go for a while and come back.

The passenger ship is still sailing, and the deck is shaking a little. At night, the latitude is 60... It may be 70 degrees now, and the feeling of the cold wind hitting the body is particularly painful.

Patting her stiff cheeks, Sayuri walked along the corridor while leaning on the handrail.

finally reached……

dong dong dong.

Chen Feng was still holding on to his own design drawings, and Rui Jier stood by and watched Chen Feng draw the design drawings. She felt that she would never get tired of this kind of painting that did not require tools.

There was a knock on the door behind him, Chen Feng froze, and he and Ruijier turned their heads to look.

"I'll go, Afeng."

"It's okay, I'll go see who it is."

Pushing away the chair, Chen Feng stretched his waist and asked while walking:

"who is it?"

"Feng's me."

His voice was trembling, Chen Feng hurriedly opened the door of the room, accompanied by a biting sea breeze and a strong smell of alcohol.

Before she could put down the left hand holding the box, she heard Chen Feng's question.



Sayuri's small face was pale, and she still smiled when she saw Chen Feng open the door, raised her left hand, and said:

"This is the dessert I bought this morning, I hope Lord Feng doesn't mind."

left hand...

Out of professional habits, Chen Feng subconsciously glanced at Sayuri's other hand from the corner of his eyes, and saw that Sayuri's right hand was slightly bent, and most of it was retracted into the sleeve.

Xiao Bai is not left-handed, and judging from the action just now, she knocked on the door with her left hand, but if the left hand is holding something, most people would use the other hand to knock on the door.

Touching his chin, Chen Feng took the dessert box that Sayuri handed over, but at the same time, Chen Feng pulled Sayuri's right hand that was tucked into his sleeve.


Suddenly being touched by the wound, Sayuri groaned subconsciously, and hurriedly struggled to get her right hand out of Chen Feng's grasp.

"Injured, what happened."

"'s okay, actually..."

"I've brought something, come in, I'll show you."

Chen Feng casually put the dessert box on the cabinet by the front door, and took out a small red bag from the coat he threw casually on the bed.

But Sayuri was still standing at the door, he took a look and urged:

"Isn't it cold outside? I'll let you in."


"Feng, what's wrong?"

Rui Jier, who was still looking at Chen Feng's design drawings, also noticed Chen Feng's movements, so she asked.

"A friend's hand was injured, I'll show her." Chen Lifeng continued without looking up: "There is a dessert on the cabinet at the door, go and get it."

"it is good."

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